181 research outputs found

    Efeitos de diferentes tipos de poda nos teores de nutrientes em flores e frutos de goiabeira.

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    Resumo: Um melhor conhecimento das diferenças entre os teores de nutrientes, em função do tipo de poda empregada na cultura da goiaba, pode permitir compreensão mais adequada dos processos fisiológicos nessa frutífera. A análise de flores é uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para auxiliar na avaliação do estado nutricional das culturas, especialmente as perenes. Assim, avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes tipos de poda nos teores de nutrientes em flores e frutos (em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento e, em diferentes partes das goiabas). O estudo foi realizado em Vista Alegre do Alto, em pomares de goiabeiras ?Paluma?. Foram coletados flores e frutos em pomares distintos, sendo um deles conduzido sob poda drástica e outro sob poda contínua. Os frutos foram coletados em dois estádios (chumbinho e maduro) e divididos em parte proximal e distal, sendo a parte proximal voltada para o pedúnculo. As flores também foram coletadas nos mesmos pomares da coleta de frutos, amostrando-se a parte proximal e basal das flores. Foi realizado o teste F e, quando necessário, aplicado o teste de Scott-Knott a 5%. Verificou-se que, de maneira geral, há diferenças nutricionais para flores e frutos em relação ao tipo de poda empregada, sendo que a poda drástica proporciona maiores teores de nutrientes, em comparação com a poda contínua. Em relação à parte amostrada observou-se, principalmente para os frutos, que há diferenças entre a parte proximal e distal, bem como para os diferentes estádios de coleta dos frutos. [Differences among nutrients in flowers and fruits of guava trees under different types of pruning]. Abstract: A better understanding of the differences between the levels of nutrients, depending on the type of pruning used in the cultivation of the guava tree, may allow a more adequate understanding of the physiological processes of this fruit. The analysis of flowers is a tool that can be used to assist in assessing the nutritional status of crops, especially perennials. We evaluated the effects of different types of pruning on nutrient concentrations in flowers and fruit, at different developmental stages and in different parts of the fruit. The study was carried out in Vista Alegre do Alto, in orchards of guava variety Paluma. Flowers and fruit were collected in orchards, one under heavy pruning and the other with continuous pruning. The fruit were collected in two stages (two millimeters length and mature) and divided into basal part and apex, with the top toward the stalk. Flowers were collected in the same orchards as the fruits, sampling the basal part and apex of the flowers. F tests were performed and, when necessary, the Scott-Knott test at a = 5%. Overall, there were nutritional differences among flowers and fruits in relation to the type of pruning employed; drastic pruning provided higher levels of nutrients compared with continuous pruning. In relation to the portion of the samples, especially for fruit, there were differences between the apex and base, as well as between different stages of fruit collection

    Amostragem para diagnose do estado nutricional e avaliação da fertilidade do solo em caramboleiras.

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    Para a realização de uma análise confiável, a etapa mais sensível e que merece extremo cuidado é a amostragem do tecido vegetal e do solo. A amostra mais adequada é aquela que representa o melhor possível a área de estudo, exigindo um mínimo de plantas amostradas para atender a esse objetivo e com o menor número possível de amostras simples coletadas. Assim, o presente trabalho procurou dimensionar o número de plantas a serem amostradas para a diagnose do estado nutricional, bem como o número de amostras simples necessárias para formar a amostra composta, para fins de avaliação da fertilidade do solo cultivado com caramboleiras. O estudo foi realizado em um pomar comercial de caramboleiras, no município de Vista Alegre do Alto (SP), empregando-se amostragem aleatória, coletando-se a sexta folha a partir do ápice do ramo da caramboleira, na altura mediana da frutífera, no florescimento da cultura, em 40 plantas. Foram coletadas, também, 30 amostras simples de solo, em zigue-zague, nas linhas da cultura, com o auxílio de um trado tipo holandês, nas camadas de 0 a 0,2 m e 0,2 a 0,4 m. Considerando-se aceitável um erro amostral de 10%, 21 plantas de carambola seriam suficientes para as determinações químicas foliares de macronutrientes. Já para os micronutrientes, seriam necessárias, no mínimo, 52 plantas amostradas. O aumento do número de amostras simples reduziu o erro porcentual na estimativa da média desejada, permitindo a recomendação de 14 e 17 amostras simples nas camadas de 0 a 0,2 m e 0,2 a 0,4 m (erro = 20%), respectivamente. Sampling for diagnosis of nutritional status and assessment of fertility in starfruit orchards. Abstract: For a reliable nutritional analysis, the most sensitive stage is the plant and soil samplings. The most proper sampling is the one that best represents the area under study, requiring a minimum of sampled plants and the least possible number of simple samples collected. This work aimed to assess the number of plants to be sampled for the diagnosis of nutritional status, as well as the number of simple samples for making up of the compost sample for evaluating the soil fertility in starfruit orchard. This study was performed in a commercial starfruit orchard, in Vista Alegre do Alto, State of São Paulo. Random sampling was taken, collecting the sixth leaf from the apex of the branch of 40 starfruit trees, at the medium canopy height during blooming season. In the same way, 30 simple soil samples were collected, in a zigzag pattern following the planting lines, using a Dutch-type auger, at depths of 0 to 0.2 m and 0.2 to 0.4 m. Assuming a sample error of 10%, 21 starfruit trees would be sufficient for determining the chemical leaf macronutrients. For micronutrients, a minimum of 52 sampled plants would be necessary. Increasing the number of soil samples resulted in reduced percentage of error within the desired average estimate, thus allowing for a recommendation of 14 to 17 simple samples at depths of 0 to 0.2 m and 0.2 to 0.4 m (error = 20%), respectivel

    Epidemic dynamics in finite size scale-free networks

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    Many real networks present a bounded scale-free behavior with a connectivity cut-off due to physical constraints or a finite network size. We study epidemic dynamics in bounded scale-free networks with soft and hard connectivity cut-offs. The finite size effects introduced by the cut-off induce an epidemic threshold that approaches zero at increasing sizes. The induced epidemic threshold is very small even at a relatively small cut-off, showing that the neglection of connectivity fluctuations in bounded scale-free networks leads to a strong over-estimation of the epidemic threshold. We provide the expression for the infection prevalence and discuss its finite size corrections. The present work shows that the highly heterogeneous nature of scale-free networks does not allow the use of homogeneous approximations even for systems of a relatively small number of nodes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Produção de mudas de caramboleiras 'B-10' e 'Golden Star': II. Marcha de absorção e acúmulo de nutrientes.

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    A participação do Brasil no mercado externo de frutas tem aumentado consideravelmente e com potencial para crescer ainda mais. A constante ascensão dos dados de exportação brasileira é resultado da combinação de avanços tecnológicos do setor produtivo e de acesso a novos mercados consumidores. A caramboleira apresenta-se como uma excelente opção de cultivo de frutas exóticas, com grande potencial para atender ao mercado interno e às exportações. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a marcha de absorção e de acúmulo de nutrientes em mudas de caramboleiras cultivadas em solução nutritiva. O experimento foi realizado em parcelas subdivididas, sendo utilizadas como parcela as duas cultivares de caramboleira (?B-10? e ?Golden Star?) e, como subparcelas, cinco épocas de coleta de plantas, realizadas aos 208; 233; 258; 283 e 308 dias após o transplantio para a solução nutritiva. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. As mudas foram cultivadas em vasos (8L) com solução nutritiva (pH=5,5 ± 0,5), com aeração. O experimento iniciou-se em 24-08-2005. Nos diferentes órgãos das mudas (folhas, caule e raízes), determinaram-se a marcha de absorção, o acúmulo de nutrientes e os índices nutricionais. Não houve diferenças no acúmulo de nutrientes entre as mudas de caramboleira de ambas as cultivares, sendo a ordem decrescente dos nutrientes em cada muda de ?B-10?, no final do período experimental: N > K > Ca > Mg > S > P > Fe > Mn > B > Cu > Zn. Para a ?Golden Star?, a ordem foi: N > K > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > Mn > B > Cu > Zn. Para as duas cultivares, o acúmulo médio foi maior nas folhas > caule > raízes. O período de maior exigência para ?B-10? foi entre 208 ? 233 e, para ?Golden Star?, entre 233 ? 283 dias após o transplantio. As diferentes taxas de acumulação líquida dos nutrientes, nos diferentes órgãos da caramboleira, nem sempre acompanharam a taxa de acumulação de nutrientes do respectivo órgão. Production of star fruit ?B-10? and ?Golden Star? seedlings: II ? Absorption rate and acumulation of nutrients. Abstract ? Brazil?s participation in the external market of fruits has increased considerably with the potential to grow further. The constant rise of the Brazilian exportation data is the result of a combination of technological advances in the productive sector and access to new markets. The star fruit is presented as an excellent option for cultivation of exotic fruits, with great potential to attend the domestic market and exportation. Thus, the objective was to assess absorption rate and accumulation of nutrients in star fruit seedlings, grown in nutrient solution. The experiment was conducted in split plots being used as part of the two cultivars of star fruit (?B-10? and ?Golden Star?) and as subplots, five plant collecting periods, realized at 208, 233, 258, 283 and 308 days after transplanting to the nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications. The seedlings were grown in pots (8L) with nutrient solution (pH = 5.5 ± 0.5) with aeration. The experiment started on 08.24.2005. In different plant organs (leaves, stems and roots), absorption rate, accumulation of nutrients and nutritional indices were determined. It did not have differences in the accumulation of nutrients in the star fruit seedlings for both cultivars, the decreasing order of the nutrients in each ?B-10?seedlings, in the end of the experimental period, was: N > K > Ca > Mg > S > P > Fe > Mn > B > Cu > Zn. For ?Golden Star? the decreasing order was: N > K > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > Mn > B > Cu > Zn. For the two cultivars, the average accumulation was bigger in leaves > stem > roots. The period of bigger requirement for ?B-10? was between 208 - 233 and, for ?Golden Star?, between 233 - 283 days after the transplantation. The different rates of nutrient liquid accumulation, in the different organs of star fruit trees, not always followed the nutrient accumulation rate of the respective organ

    Produção de mudas de caramboleiras 'B-10' e 'Golden Star': I. Parâmetros biológicos.

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    O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de carambola do mundo, entretanto há poucas informações científicas, especialmente estudos de nutrição mineral com mudas dessa frutífera. Objetivando contribuir com o conhecimento desse importante aspecto, desenvolveu-se estudo que permitisse avaliar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em mudas de caramboleiras, cultivadas em solução nutritiva. O experimento foi realizado em parcelas subdivididas, sendo utilizadas como parcela as duas cultivares de caramboleira ('B-10' e 'Golden Star') e, como subparcelas, as cinco épocas de coleta de plantas, realizadas aos 208; 233; 258; 283 e 308 dias após o transplantio para a solução nutritiva. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. As mudas foram cultivadas em vasos (8L) com solução nutritiva (pH=5,5 ± 0,5), com aeração. O experimento iniciou-se em 24-08-2005. Nos diferentes órgãos das mudas (folhas, caule e raízes), avaliaram-se o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes, e os índices nutricionais. Não houve diferenças no crescimento e, em geral, no acúmulo da massa da matéria seca entre as duas cultivares. Houve acúmulo linear da massa da matéria seca das mudas de caramboleira com o tempo de cultivo, sendo maior nas folhas > caule > raízes. O período de maior acúmulo da massa de matéria seca e da taxa de crescimento relativo na planta inteira esteve compreendido entre 208 ? 233 e 233 258 dias após o transplantio para a 'B-10' e a 'Golden Star', respectivamente. Production of seedlings of star fruit 'B-10' and 'Golden Star': I biological parameters. Abstract ? Brazil is one of the greatest producer of star fruit in the world, however, there are few scientific information, especially studies of mineral nutrition with seedlings of this fruitful. In order to contribute with the knowledge of this important aspect, it was developed a study that allowed evaluating the growth and the accumulation of nutrients in seedlings of star fruits trees, cultivated in nutritional solution. The experiment was realize in split plot, with two cultivars ('B-10' and 'Golden Star') and as subplots, five collecting periods of plants, realized in 208, 233, 258, 283 and 308 days after the transplantation to nutritional solution, with 3 repetitions. The seedlings had been cultivated in pots (8L) with nutritional solution (pH=5.5 ± 0.5), with aeration. The experiment started on 08-24-2005. In the different parts of the seedlings (leaves, stem and roots), it was evaluated the growth and the accumulation of nutrients and nutritional ratios. It did not have differences in the growth and, in general, in the accumulation of the dry matter between the two cultivars. There was linear accumulation of the dry matter of the seedlings of star fruit trees with the cultivation period, it was bigger in leaves > stem > roots. The period of greater accumulation of dry matter and the tax of relative growth in the entire plant was between 208 - 233 and 233 - 258 days after the transplantation for 'B-10' and 'Golden Star' respectively

    Environmental impact monitoring of a minero-chemical complex in Catalão urban area of PTS, PM10 and PM2.5 by EDX characterization

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    Depending on its nature, particulate matter has very different size, composition and morphology. By the combination of these criteria it is possible to distinguish the emitting sources (primary or secondary). The shape and the dimension of the particles have also a direct interaction with the risk assessment for human health. The minero-chemical complex consists of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing, rock phosphate and niobium mining open pits and it is located northeast of the urban area of the city. Environmental issues associated with it include the following: fugitive emissions which are primarily associated with operational leaks from tubing, valves, connections, flanges, packings, open ended lines, floating roof storage tank and pump seals, gas conveyance systems, compressor seals, pressure relief valves, tanks or open its/containments, and loading and unloading operations of products. Furthermore the area of study is characterized by a predominantly northeast winds direction. The monitoring was performed weekly particulates samples were collected in two seasonal episodes at one representative places in the urban area of Catalao (a Brazilian city located in Goias state) in the period from August to November of 2014. Suspended particles were sampled on pure fiberglass filters by using a High Volume air sampler and were analyzed via an energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis system (EDX). The airborne particulate matter was characterized from a physico-chemical point of view to supply information on the particle composition and the compounds carried on their surfaces. The microanalysis enables identification of several groups of particles such as: soot, Si-rich, metal-rich and biological particules. These results may help in controlling and preventing fugitive emissions in atmospheric air.Depending on its nature, particulate matter has very different size, composition and morphology. By the combination of these criteria it is possible to distinguish the emitting sources (primary or secondary). The shape and the dimension of the particles h4319091914CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPEG - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE GOIÁSsem informaçãosem informaçãoFinancial support and scholarships from the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq, FAPEG and Environment Office City of Catalão, City Council Environmental Protection of Catalão and Public Ministry of Goiás State are gratefully acknowledged

    Field theory of absorbing phase transitions with a non-diffusive conserved field

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    We investigate the critical behavior of a reaction-diffusion system exhibiting a continuous absorbing-state phase transition. The reaction-diffusion system strictly conserves the total density of particles, represented as a non-diffusive conserved field, and allows an infinite number of absorbing configurations. Numerical results show that it belongs to a wide universality class that also includes stochastic sandpile models. We derive microscopically the field theory representing this universality class.Comment: 13 pages, 1 eps figure, RevTex styl

    The effects of anthocyanin-rich Myrtaceae fruits peel powder on fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesisin mice.

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    Fruits from Myrtaceae family, as jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell) O. Berg), jamelão (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) and jambo (Syzygium malaccense), raise interest due to their high levels of anthocyanins, antioxidant compounds, and, thus, potential for chronic disease risk reduction¹. Therefore, the study evaluated whether the ingestion of jabuticaba, jamelão or jambo peel powder attenuates fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. Neonatal female C3H/Hej mice were submitted to a diethylnitrosamine (DEN)/carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis model. Mice also received basal diet or basal diet containing 2% of jabuticaba, jamelão or jambo dehydrated peels for 10 weeks. HPLC analysis of dehydrated fruit peels revealed high levels of anthocyanins in jabuticaba (802.89±22.88 mg/100g), jamelão (575.95±9.42 mg/100g) and jambo (156.05±10.39 mg/100g). These fruits displayed different types of anthocyanins (Figures 1-3). Interestingly, only the ingestion of basal diet containing jamelão peel powder attenuated liver fibrosis compared to DEN/CCl4 (Figure 4). Mechanisms will be evaluated, as well as the effects of these fruits on the development of preneoplasic/neoplastic liver lesions.WTPC. 21 a 26 de abril