325 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Lkpd) Berbasis Sets (Science, Environment, Technology And Society) Tema Kebakaran Lahan dan Hutan (Karlahut) pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas X SMA

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    The issue of land and forest fires require an effort comprehensively, byinstilling the values of knowledge. The value of the integrated knowledge on subjects inthe school of biology in particular. The purpose of this study is to increaseunderstanding and knowledge learners regarding land and forest fires and peat swampecosystem so expect future learners can perform preventive measures against theproblem of land and forest fires. This research was carried out in the laboratory ofBiology Education Department PMIPA FKIP University of Riau and SMAN 1 Tambangin January – March 2016. This type of research is development research using modelADDIE conducted up to the stage of development. There are five Student Worksheets(LKPD) developed. Data collection instruments in the research is the assessmentsheetsof validation, and student response. After LKPD developed, validated by 4 peoplevalidator then conducted tests I on 19 students semester 2 Biology education, and URfree trial II on 19 person learners Class X in SMAN 1 Tambang. The results of thevalidation shows the average score aspects of eligibility of the contents of 5 LKPDdeveloped is 3.48 category is valid, the average score of design aspects is a validcategory, and 3.44 average score aspects of pedagogy is 3.67 valid categories. Theaverage score of the overall aspect of the five LKPD is 3.50 category is valid. Theresults of the first tests showed a mean score of 4.3 with category very well. The resultsof the second tests showed the mean score II 4.3 with category very well. The results ofstudents answer showed that mean score 78 with category valid. LKPD Based SETS thetheme of land and forest fires can provide understanding and knowledge about the landand forest fires and peat swamp ecosystem as well as indirectly can improve the attitudeof caring environment learners

    Implementation of a Pharmacy-Based Adult Vaccine Benefit: Recommendations for a Commercial Health Plan Benefit

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    BACKGROUND: Although vaccination rates in children exceed 90% in the United States, adults are vaccinated at far lower rates. In order to address this issue, additional community immunizers are needed, and pharmacists are in an ideal position to fill this void. OBJECTIVES: To explore issues and barriers related to implementation of a pharmacy-based adult vaccine benefit and develop recommendations supporting a pathway for benefit expansion. METHODS: A literature review on the current environment surrounding pharmacy-based adult vaccinations and structured interviews were conducted to inform an expert panel meeting using a modified Delphi process (pre/post survey). The goal was to develop recommendations on how to improve access to adult vaccines. RESULTS: Findings suggest employers play a key role in requesting changes in benefit design to include pharmacy-based vaccinations. However, the lack of consistent communication between pharmacists and primary care providers remains a significant barrier. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacy-based access to vaccinations improves patient access and benefits individuals and employers. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, pharmacists must be viewed within the broader context of preventative care, including pharmacy-based vaccinations

    Epistemic Dependence and Collective Scientific Knowledge

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    I argue that scientific knowledge is collective knowledge, in a sense to be specified and defended. I first consider some existing proposals for construing collective knowledge and argue that they are unsatisfactory, at least for scientific knowledge as we encounter it in actual scientific practice. Then I introduce an alternative conception of collective knowledge, on which knowledge is collective if there is a strong form of mutual epistemic dependence among scientists, which makes it so that satisfaction of the justification condition on knowledge ineliminably requires a collective. Next, I show how features of contemporary science support the conclusion that scientific knowledge is collective knowledge in this sense. Finally, I consider implications of my proposal and defend it against objections. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Summary Report on Phase I Results from the 3D Printing in Zero G Technology Demonstration Mission, Volume I

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    Human space exploration to date has been confined to low-Earth orbit and the Moon. The International Space Station (ISS) provides a unique opportunity for researchers to prove out the technologies that will enable humans to safely live and work in space for longer periods of time and venture beyond the Earth/Moon system. The ability to manufacture parts in-space rather than launch them from Earth represents a fundamental shift in the current risk and logistics paradigm for human spaceflight. In September 2014, NASA, in partnership with Made In Space, Inc., launched the 3D Printing in Zero-G technology demonstration mission to explore the potential of additive manufacturing for in-space applications and demonstrate the capability to manufacture parts and tools on orbit using fused deposition modeling. This Technical Publication summarizes the results of testing to date of the ground control and flight prints from the first phase of this ISS payload

    Ampicillin-Improved Glucose Tolerance in Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6NTac Mice Is Age Dependent

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    Ampicillin has been shown to improve glucose tolerance in mice. We hypothesized that this effect is present only if treatment is initiated prior to weaning and that it disappears when treatment is terminated. High-fat fed C57BL/6NTac mice were divided into groups that received Ampicillin at different ages or not at all. We found that both diet and Ampicillin significantly changed the gut microbiota composition in the animals. Furthermore, there was a significant improvement in glucose tolerance in Ampicillin-treated, five-week-old mice compared to nontreated mice in the control group. At study termination, expressions of mRNA coding for tumor necrosis factor, serum amyloid A, and lactase were upregulated, while the expression of tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 15 was downregulated in the ileum of Ampicillin-treated mice. Higher dendritic cell percentages were found systemically in high-fat diet mice, and a lower tolerogenic dendritic cell percentage was found both in relation to high-fat diet and late Ampicillin treatment. The results support our hypothesis that a “window” exists early in life in which an alteration of the gut microbiota affects glucose tolerance as well as development of gut immunity and that this window may disappear after weaning

    Priprava, in vitro i in vivo evaluacija bioadhezivnih mikrosfera s algino-pektinom: ispitivanje utjecaja polimera pomoću multiple poredbene analize

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    Ionotropic gelation was used to entrap aceclofenac into algino-pectinate bioadhesive microspheres as a potential drug carrier for the oral delivery of this anti-inflammatory drug. Microspheres were investigated in vitro for possible sustained drug release and their use in vivo as a gastroprotective system for aceclofenac. Polymer concentration and polymer/drug ratio were analyzed for their influence on microsphere properties. The microspheres exhibited good bioadhesive property and showed high drug entrapment efficiency. Drug release profiles exhibited faster release of aceclofenac from alginate microspheres whereas algino-pectinate microspheres showed prolonged release. Dunett\u27s multiple comparison analyis suggested a significant difference in percent inhibition of paw edema when the optimized formulation was compared to pure drug. It was concluded that the algino-pectinate bioadhesive formulations exhibit promising properties of a sustained release form for aceclofenac and that they provide distinct tissue protection in the stomach.U radu je opisana priprava algino-pektinskih bioadhezivnih mikrosfera protuupalnog lijeka aceklofenaka metodom ionotropnog geliranja. In vitro je ispitivana mogućnost postupnog oslobađanja ljekovite tvari iz mikrosfera te mogućnost upotrebe mikrosfera kao gastroprotektivnog sustava za isporuku aceklofenaka in vivo. Ispitivan je utjecaj koncentracije polimera i omjera polimera i lijeka na svojstva mikrosfera. Mikrosfere su bile bioahezivne i sadržavale su veliki udio lijeka. Oslobađanje aceklofenaka iz alginatnih mikrosfera bilo je brže, a iz mikrosfera s algino-pektinom usporeno. Dunnetova multipla analiza ukazuje na značajnu razliku u postotku inhibicije edema šape kada se usporede optimizirana formulacija i čista ljekovita tvar. Može se zaključiti da su bioadhezivne mikrosfere s algino-pektinom povoljne za usporeno oslobađanje aceklofenaka te da pružaju umjerenu zaštitu sluznice želuca

    H-NMR metabolic profiling of wines from three cultivars, three soil types and two contrasting vintages

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    Differences in wine flavour proceed primarily from grape quality. Environmental factors (climate, soil), cultivars and training systems modify many grape and wine quality traits. Metabolic profiling based on proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectra has been proved to be useful to study multifactorial effects of the vine environment on intricate grape quality traits. The capacity of this method to discriminate the environmental effects on wine has to be demonstrate