45 research outputs found

    Do Productive Uses of ICT Connect to Income Benefits: A Case Study on Teleuse@BOP4 Survey in Indonesia

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    The question whether the telecommunication sector has been really supporting poverty alleviation and increasing welfare at the household level, in terms of an additional income in Indonesia is still undisclosed. This paper aims at investigating whether the mobile phone access and the uses on productive features/content/services have brought many benefits to the households in terms of an additional income based on the BOP survey conducted by LIRNEAsia and the Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Indonesia (LPEM FEUI) in 2011. The paper found that the respondents with the productive use to their device have a higher likelihood for contributing to their household income

    On the ICT Economy in the European Countries: Investigating the Contribution of the ICT Sectors Using the Input-Output Model

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    Investigating the Contribution of the ICT Sectors Using the Input-Output Model Previous studies have been devoted to investigating the future of economic growth and examining the importance of technology and the ICT sectors in accelerating the growth of the economy. These studies are from a macro perspective that emphasizes the role of infrastructure investment, as well as from the firm level analysis, which is mainly related to cost efficiency. In addition, recent studies of the European countries indicate that the region is now facing a weakening effect regarding the contribution of the knowledge economy, which slows economic growth. This study aims at investigating the contribution of the ICT sectors in driving economic performance in the European economies with a sectoral approach using the Input-Output (IO) methodology. The method measures the contribution of ICT sectors based on the OECD's definition (2009) and decomposing it into several variables. In addition, the study focuses on investigating one decomposition factor related to technological change effects. The results indicate that the growth of ICT sectors' output declined considerably during 2000-2005 compared to 1995-2000. The decomposition analysis found that the ICT sectors have lost the advantage of export and technological change effects. It has also been ascertained that the smaller impact of technological change effects is due to the lack of connection between the ICT sectors and other sectors on the production side. At country level, this analysis consistently explains this phenomenon, especially in Germany and Spain but fails to detect it in France, where the technological change effect remains stable given the lack of connection between ICT sectors and the rest of the economy. --structural change,economic growth,ICT sectors,input-output,multiplier

    Towards the alternative measurement: Discovering the relationships between technology adoption and quality of life in Indonesia

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    The vast majority of the studies investigating telecommunication development (diffusion of mobile phone, Internet, the broadband, etc.) that have been carried out in the literatures aim at assessing the impact on economic indicators, mainly the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), whereas little attention has actually been paid to investigate the other measurement which reflects a more direct linkage to the individual welfare, for instance the quality of life (QOL) indicators. Following the current counterargument for using the GDP as the goal of economic development, this paper investigates a survey data in Indonesia, observing the relationships between the experience to technology (the length of mobile phone ownership) and technology adoption (internet access) in affecting quality of life (QOL) at individual level. The QOL index is proxied by two indicators which are equally weighted; the objective measurement represented by income level and subjective perceived QOL following the study by Costanza et al., (2007). To operationalize these aims, the model is investigated in two sequential ways; first by determining binomial probit on the Internet access demand equation and then putting the predicted probability of the first equation into second equation of the ordered probit model. The model is further analyzed through the return to education-type equation (Card, 2001) to see the impact of experience to technology and internet access on the QOL index. The results indicate that whereas the access to the Internet is not statistically significant affecting QOL, experience to technology plays an important role. Additionally, the experience of technology (measured at its mean value of 3.5 years) affects the likelihood to have a lower QOL index around 49% and to achieve a higher QOL index in Indonesia around 12%. A year additional of ownership reduces the likelihood on a lower QOL by 3.6% and increases the likelihood to obtain a higher QOL by 2%. --technology,quality of life,ordered-probit,Internet

    Public ICT R&D funding in the European Union

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    The report provides a detailed analysis of the state of public expenditure on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Research and Development (R&D) in the European Union (EU). We also provide an interim assessment of the extent to which the Digital Agenda target about doubling public ICT R&D expenditures has been achieved. Furthermore, besides focusing on the EU, we compare these expenditures with public expenditures on ICT R&D in the EU’s main counterpart, the United States of America (US). Our analysis, covering the period 2006-2011, shows that EU ICT R&D public funding has been steadily growing. In 2011, it reached €6.1 billion which represented 6.6% of the whole public R&D funding. Regarding the comparison with the US, we conclude that the US government devotes more ICT R&D funds than all the EU Member States governments together but this gap has been shrinking and during the period 2006-2011 it decreased by 50%.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Does broadband speed really matter as a driver of economic growth? Investigating OECD countries

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    This paper aims to measure the impact of broadband speed on economic growth in the OECD countries. All the variables used in this study were collected from OECD databases, except the speed data, which were gathered from Ookla, a company that provides broadband testing and web-based network diagnostic applications data on a daily basis. Quarterly balanced panel data for 33 OECD countries during the period 2008-2010 were examined. The study found that the estimated coefficient of broadband speed is statistically significant. The hypothetical result of this study shows that doubling the broadband speed will contribute 0.3% growth compared with the growth rate for the base year. The results convey that the impact of increasing broadband speed on GDP growth will largely depend on two aspects: 1) the size of the coefficient of the broadband speed (Ăź); 2) the existing economic growth in each country. Finally, the paper provides suggestions for future research in this vein and further calibration of future models


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang ada saat ini telah memberikan manfaat di berbagai sektor kehidupan, tak terkecuali sektor ekonomi dan keuangan. Dengan adanya berbagai implementasi teknologi di bidang finansial (financial technology), masyarakat menjadi semakin mudah untuk mengakses berbagai layanan keuangan yang ada, termasuk di bidang pasar modal. Perkembangan jumlah investor serta nilai aktiva bersih di instrumen reksa dana juga mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan di beberapa tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya generasi milenial, dalam berinvestasi di produk reksa dana syariah mengacu kepada Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) dengan tambahan modifikasi variabel level of knowledge. Sebanyak 145 responden yang dianalisa menggunakan metode regresi Probit dan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Stata dan IBM SPSS Statistic. Hasil Analisa menggunakan metode Probit menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara umur responden, status pernikahan, tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, daerah tempat tinggal, dan tingkat financial literacy terhadap intensi untuk berinvestasi reksa dana syariah. Sementara itu hasil analisa menggunakan SEM menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara variabel attitude, subjective norms, dan perceived behavioral control terhadap minat berinvestasi, dan hubungan yang tidak signifikan dan negatif antara variabel level of knowledge terhadap minat berinvestasi

    PREDICT 2016 Country Factsheets: EU Member States – Purchasing Power Standard

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    The PREDICT 2016 EU Member States factsheets (Purchasing Power Standard) present essential statistical data regarding the performance of the EU ICT sector in each EU Member State, and their comparison to the EU average.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    PREDICT 2016 Country factsheets: EU Member States – Benchmarking with Non-EU Countries

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    The PREDICT 2016 EU benchmarking factsheets present essential statistical data regarding the performance of the EU ICT sector in EU and 12 non-EU countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Korea, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. The data is presented in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to allow comparability.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang ada saat ini telah memberikan manfaat di berbagai sektor kehidupan, tak terkecuali sektor ekonomi dan keuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan seseorang pengguna media sosial dalam membayar Zakat Infak Sedekah (ZIS) digital (non tunai) melalui lembaga zakat. Keputusan pengguna media sosial ini akan didasari kepada Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Hasil analisa menggunakan SEM menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara variabel Sikap, Persepsi Kemudahan Penggunaan, dan Persepsi Kegunaan terhadap keputusan pengguna media sosial membayar ZIS dengan cara non tunai dan melalui lembaga zakat

    Estimating weights for the active ageing index (AAI) from stated preferences: Proposal for a discrete choice experiment (DCE)

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    This chapter outlines how Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs) could be used to estimate alternative weights for the Active Ageing Index (AAI) based on stated preferences. The approach is based on Random Utility Theory and could provide valuable information on marginal substitution rates between AAI indicators and domains. Complementing the current AAI methodology with preference-based weights may also allow assessing preference variation across different social, cultural or geographic contexts. This would help define more targeted active and healthy ageing policies and interventions, incorporate stakeholders’ views in the valuation of policy outcomes and enhance the acceptance of the Index as a tool for policy analysis