131 research outputs found

    Epsilon factors as algebraic characters on the smooth dual of GLn\mathrm{GL}_n

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    Let KK be a non-archimedean local field and let G=GLn(K)G = \mathrm{GL}_n(K). We have shown in previous work that the smooth dual Irr(G)\mathbf{Irr}(G) admits a complex structure: in this article we show how the epsilon factors interface with this complex structure. The epsilon factors, up to a constant term, factor as invariant characters through the corresponding complex tori. For the arithmetically unramified smooth dual of GLn\mathrm{GL}_n, we provide explicit formulas for the invariant characters.Comment: 12 pages. Minor improvements, new titl

    Base change and K-theory for GL(n,R)

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    We investigate base change C/RC/R at the level of KK-theory for the general linear group GL(n,R)GL(n,R). In the course of this study, we compute in detail the C∗C*-algebra KK-theory of this disconnected group. We investigate the interaction of base change with the Baum-Connes correspondence for GL(n,R)GL(n,R) and GL(n,C)GL(n,C). This article is the archimedean companion of our previous article in the Journal of Noncommutative Geometry.Comment: 17 pages, introduction and section 5 completely rewritte

    Base change and K-theory for GL(n)

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    Let F be a nonarchimedean local field and let G = GL(n) = GL(n,F). Let E/F be a finite Galois extension. We investigate base change E/F at two levels: at the level of algebraic varieties, and at the level of K-theory. We put special emphasis on the representations with Iwahori fixed vectors, and the tempered spectrum of GL(1) and GL(2). In this context, the prominent arithmetic invariant is the residue degree f(E/F).Comment: 20 pages. Completely rewritten, much more concis

    L-packets and depth for SL_2(K) with K a local function field of characteristic 2

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    Let G = SL_2(K) with K a local function field of characteristic 2. We review Artin-Schreier theory for the field K, and show that this leads to a parametrization of certain L-packets in the smooth dual of G. We relate this to a recent geometric conjecture. The L-packets in the principal series are parametrized by quadratic extensions, and the supercuspidal L-packets of cardinality 4 are parametrized by biquadratic extensions. Each supercuspidal packet of cardinality 4 is accompanied by a singleton packet for SL_1(D). We compute the depths of the irreducible constituents of all these L-packets for SL_2(K) and its inner form SL_1(D).Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.603

    K-theory and the connection index

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    Let G denote a split simply connected almost simple p-adic group. The classical example is the special linear group SL(n). We study the K-theory of the unramified unitary principal series of G and prove that the rank of K_0 is the connection index f(G). We relate this result to a recent refinement of the Baum-Connes conjecture, and show explicitly how generators of K_0 contribute to the K-theory of the Iwahori C*-algebra I(G).Comment: 11 page

    A new bound for the smallest xx with π(x)>li(x)\pi(x) > li(x)

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    We reduce the leading term in Lehman's theorem. This improved estimate allows us to refine the main theorem of Bays and Hudson. Entering 2,000,0002,000,000 Riemann zeros, we prove that there exists xx in the interval [exp(727.951858),exp(727.952178)][exp(727.951858), exp(727.952178)] for which \pi(x)-\li(x) > 3.2 \times 10^{151}. There are at least 1015410^{154} successive integers xx in this interval for which \pi(x)>\li(x). This interval is strictly a sub-interval of the interval in Bays and Hudson, and is narrower by a factor of about 12.Comment: Final version, to be published in the International Journal of Number Theory [copyright World Scientific Publishing Company][www.worldscinet.com/ijnt
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