25 research outputs found

    Some Notes on the Ethics of the Clinical Process

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    The effects of rhythmic structure on tapping accuracy

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    Prior investigations of simple rhythms in familiar time signatures have shown the importance of several mechanisms; notably, those related to metricization and grouping. But there has been limited study of complex rhythms, including those in unfamiliar time signatures, such as are found outside mainstream Western music. Here, we investigate how the structures of 91 rhythms with nonisochronous onsets (mostly complex, several in unfamiliar time signatures) influence the accuracy, velocity, and timing of taps made by participants attempting to synchronize with these onsets. The onsets were piano-tone cues sounded at a well-formed subset of isochronous cymbal pulses; the latter occurring every 234 ms. We modelled tapping at both the rhythm level and the pulse level; the latter provides insight into how rhythmic structure makes some cues easier to tap and why incorrect (uncued) taps may occur. In our models, we use a wide variety of quantifications of rhythmic features, several of which are novel and many of which are indicative of underlying mechanisms, strategies, or heuristics. The results show that, for these tricky rhythms, taps are disrupted by unfamiliar period lengths and are guided by crude encodings of each rhythm: the density of rhythmic cues, their circular mean and variance, and recognizing common small patterns and the approximate positions of groups of cues. These lossy encodings are often counterproductive for discriminating between cued and uncued pulses and are quite different to mechanisms—such as metricization and emphasizing group boundaries—thought to guide tapping behaviours in learned and familiar rhythms

    Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care

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    Mechanism of injury and special considerations as predictive of serious injury: A systematic review.

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    Objectives: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\u27s field triage guidelines (FTG) are routinely used by emergency medical services personnel for triaging injured patients. The most recent (2011) FTG contains physiologic, anatomic, mechanism, and special consideration steps. Our objective was to systematically review the criteria in the mechanism and special consideration steps that might be predictive of serious injury or need for a trauma center. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the predictive utility of mechanism and special consideration criteria for predicting serious injury. A research librarian searched in Ovid Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane databases for studies published between January 2011 and February 2021. Eligible studies were identified using a priori inclusion and exclusion criteria. Studies were excluded if they lacked an outcome for serious injury, such as measures of resource use, injury severity scores, mortality, or composite measures using a combination of outcomes. Given the heterogeneity in populations, measures, and outcomes, results were synthesized qualitatively focusing on positive likelihood ratios (LR+) whenever these could be calculated from presented data or adjusted odds ratios (aOR

    El juramento Hipocrático Moderno.

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    Traducción del Académico Efraím Otero Ruiz. (Especialista en Medicina Nuclear y Endocrinología en las universidades de Columbia (NYC), California y el Instituto de Oak Ridge, TN, Estados Unidos.)
 Por lo más elevado de mis creencias prometo a mis pacientes idoneidad, franqueza, compromiso con todo lo que mejor pueda servirles, compasión, discreción absoluta y confidencialidad dentro del margen de la ley.
 Trataré a mis pacientes como quisiera que a mí me trataran; obtendré interconsultas o segundas opiniones cuando así lo deseen; los educaré para que participen, si así quieren, en toda decisión importante que a ellos incumba. Y procuraré minimizar su sufrimiento si su enfermedad se volviera intratable, en la convicción de que alcanzar una muerte digna debe ser una meta importante en la vida de cada cual.
 Trataré de establecer una relación amistosa con mis pacientes y los aceptaré como tales sin pretender juzgar sus actuaciones, comprendiendo que cualquier sistema de valores es sólido y encomiable y concediendo a cada individuo la totalidad de su dignidad humana.
 Cobraré tan sólo los honorarios justos por mis servicios profesionales sin tratar de lucrarme, ni financieramente ni en ninguna otra forma, por aquellos consejos y cuidados que dispense a mis pacientes.
 Aconsejaré e infundiré ánimo a mis pacientes en todos sus esfuerzos por mejorar su propia salud. Dentro de mi profesión, pondré todos los medios a mi alcance para mejorar la calidad de la atención médica y para fortalecer la salud pública.En mi calidad de ciudadano trabajaré por la equidad en la salud para todos, sin dejar que otras consideraciones de carácter profesional o general interfieran con mi compromiso de proveer la mejor y más adecuada atención a cada uno de los seres bajo mi cuidado.
 En cuanto pueda vivir en concordancia con los anteriores preceptos, seré un médico realmente valioso

    Health Policy In Two Nations: What A British Analyst Might Say

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