11,574 research outputs found

    A systematic comparison of supervised classifiers

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    Pattern recognition techniques have been employed in a myriad of industrial, medical, commercial and academic applications. To tackle such a diversity of data, many techniques have been devised. However, despite the long tradition of pattern recognition research, there is no technique that yields the best classification in all scenarios. Therefore, the consideration of as many as possible techniques presents itself as an fundamental practice in applications aiming at high accuracy. Typical works comparing methods either emphasize the performance of a given algorithm in validation tests or systematically compare various algorithms, assuming that the practical use of these methods is done by experts. In many occasions, however, researchers have to deal with their practical classification tasks without an in-depth knowledge about the underlying mechanisms behind parameters. Actually, the adequate choice of classifiers and parameters alike in such practical circumstances constitutes a long-standing problem and is the subject of the current paper. We carried out a study on the performance of nine well-known classifiers implemented by the Weka framework and compared the dependence of the accuracy with their configuration parameter configurations. The analysis of performance with default parameters revealed that the k-nearest neighbors method exceeds by a large margin the other methods when high dimensional datasets are considered. When other configuration of parameters were allowed, we found that it is possible to improve the quality of SVM in more than 20% even if parameters are set randomly. Taken together, the investigation conducted in this paper suggests that, apart from the SVM implementation, Weka's default configuration of parameters provides an performance close the one achieved with the optimal configuration

    Armazenamento de sementes de taperebá em diferentes ambientes.

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    O taperebá (SpondiasmombinL.) é espécie frutífera originária da América tropical, comum na região Amazônica, onde ocorre no estado silvestre. Sementes de taperebá foram armazenadas durante 180 dias em temperaturas ambiente, de geladeira e freezer, e submetidas a avaliações periódicas para determinação do teor de água, da germinação e do vigor. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em esquema fatorial 3x4 (ambientes de armazenamento x tempo de armazenamento), com quatro repetições. As médias foram comparadas utilizando-se o teste de Tukey a 5%. Observou-se maior desempenho germinativo das sementes de S. mombin antes do armazenamento e nas sementes armazenadas em temperatura ambiente

    Interaction effects on galaxy pairs with Gemini/GMOS- II: Oxygen abundance gradients

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    In this paper we derived oxygen abundance gradients from HII regions located in eleven galaxies in eight systems of close pairs. Long-slit spectra in the range 4400-7300A were obtained with the Gemini Multi-Object Spec- trograph at Gemini South (GMOS). Spatial profiles of oxygen abundance in the gaseous phase along galaxy disks were obtained using calibrations based on strong emission-lines (N2 and O3N2). We found oxygen gradients signifi- cantly flatter for all the studied galaxies than those in typical isolated spiral galaxies. Four objects in our sample, AM1219A, AM1256B, AM 2030A and AM2030B, show a clear break in the oxygen abundance at galactocentric radius R/R25 between 0.2 and 0.5. For AM1219A and AM1256B we found negative slopes for the inner gradients, and for AM2030B we found a positive one. In all these three cases they show a flatter behaviour to the outskirts of the galaxies. For AM2030A, we found a positive-slope outer gradient while the inner one is almost compatible with a flat behaviour. A decrease of star forma- tion efficiency in the zone that corresponds to the oxygen abundance gradient break for AM1219A and AM2030B was found. For the former, a minimum in the estimated metallicities was found very close to the break zone that could be associated with a corotation radius. On the other hand, AM1256B and AM2030A, present a SFR maximum but not an extreme oxygen abundance value. All the four interacting systems that show oxygen gradient breakes the extreme SFR values are located very close to break zones. Hii regions lo- cated in close pairs of galaxies follow the same relation between the ionization parameter and the oxygen abundance as those regions in isolated galaxies.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, accepted MNRAS, (Figs. 1 and 2 are in low resolution

    Comparative evaluation of three methods for analysis of dietary fiber.

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    This study comparatively evaluated the enzymatic-gravimetric method and the most commonly used methods in fish nutrition ? the crude fiber and neutral detergent fiber methods

    Inibidores de síntese de giberelinas e crescimento de mudas de mangueira ‘Tommy Atkins’.

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    A mangicultura no semiárido brasileiro destacase pelos altos rendimentos, pela qualidade do fruto produzido e pela possibilidade de produção durante todo o ano, devido a condições climáticas e tecnologias para o manejo do crescimento vegetativo e da floração, com uso da irrigação, podas e retardantes vegetais. O paclobutrazol aplicado ao solo é utilizado no manejo da produção da mangueira na maioria dos pomares. Entretanto, há a necessidade de identificar retardantes vegetais que possam ser aplicados via foliar, de forma a minimizar os resíduos no solo e evitar o uso de quantidades inadequadas ao longo dos anos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar retardantes vegetais aplicados via foliar na inibição do crescimento vegetativo de mudas de mangueira ‘Tommy Atkins’. Prohexadione-Ca, etiltrinexapac e cloreto de chlormequat, aplicados via foliar, na dose de 1g i.a. planta-1, regulam o crescimento de ramos vegetativos, mas apresentam tempo diferenciado de atividade nas mudas, sendo 20 dias para prohexadione-Ca, 30 dias para cloreto de chlormequat e 45 dias para etil-trinexapac, nas condições em que o experimento foi conduzido

    Efeito da temperatura e do fotoperíodo na duração e na taxa de crescimento de grãos de soja.

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    Efeito do fotoperíodo e da temperatura do ar no desenvolvimento da área foliar em soja (Glycine max (L.) Merril).

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    Dynamical instabilities of a resonator driven by a superconducting single-electron transistor

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    We investigate the dynamical instabilities of a resonator coupled to a superconducting single-electron transistor (SSET) tuned to the Josephson quasiparticle (JQP) resonance. Starting from the quantum master equation of the system, we use a standard semiclassical approximation to derive a closed set of mean field equations which describe the average dynamics of the resonator and SSET charge. Using amplitude and phase coordinates for the resonator and assuming that the amplitude changes much more slowly than the phase, we explore the instabilities which arise in the resonator dynamics as a function of coupling to the SSET, detuning from the JQP resonance and the resonator frequency. We find that the locations (in parameter space) and sizes of the limit cycle states predicted by the mean field equations agree well with numerical solutions of the full master equation for sufficiently weak SSET-resonator coupling. The mean field equations also give a good qualitative description of the set of dynamical transitions in the resonator state that occur as the coupling is progressively increased.Comment: 23 pages, 6 Figures, Accepted for NJ