18 research outputs found

    Electronic resonance states in metallic nanowires during the breaking process simulated with the ultimate jellium model

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    We investigate the elongation and breaking process of metallic nanowires using the ultimate jellium model in self-consistent density-functional calculations of the electron structure. In this model the positive background charge deforms to follow the electron density and the energy minimization determines the shape of the system. However, we restrict the shape of the wires by assuming rotational invariance about the wire axis. First we study the stability of infinite wires and show that the quantum mechanical shell-structure stabilizes the uniform cylindrical geometry at given magic radii. Next, we focus on finite nanowires supported by leads modeled by freezing the shape of a uniform wire outside the constriction volume. We calculate the conductance during the elongation process using the adiabatic approximation and the WKB transmission formula. We also observe the correlated oscillations of the elongation force. In different stages of the elongation process two kinds of electronic structures appear: one with extended states throughout the wire and one with an atom-cluster like unit in the constriction and with well localized states. We discuss the origin of these structures.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Metastable States in Spin Glasses and Disordered Ferromagnets

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    We study analytically M-spin-flip stable states in disordered short-ranged Ising models (spin glasses and ferromagnets) in all dimensions and for all M. Our approach is primarily dynamical and is based on the convergence of a zero-temperature dynamical process with flips of lattice animals up to size M and starting from a deep quench, to a metastable limit. The results (rigorous and nonrigorous, in infinite and finite volumes) concern many aspects of metastable states: their numbers, basins of attraction, energy densities, overlaps, remanent magnetizations and relations to thermodynamic states. For example, we show that their overlap distribution is a delta-function at zero. We also define a dynamics for M=infinity, which provides a potential tool for investigating ground state structure.Comment: 34 pages (LaTeX); to appear in Physical Review