249 research outputs found

    A New Species of Mabuyá (Squamata: Scincidae) from the semiarid caatingas of Northeastern Brazil

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    Herpetofauna of the Quaternary sand dunes of the Middle Rio São Francisco, Bahia, Brazil. VIII. Amphisbaena arda sp. nov., a fulliginosa-like checkered patterned Amphisbaena (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae).

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    Amphisbaena arda sp. nov. is described based on a specimen obtained at Mocambo do Vento, on the left bank of the São Francisco river, Bahia state, Brazil. A. arda is a medium size amphisbaenian with a checkered black and white color pattern similar to the one present in the fuliginosa group but differing from that by having a lighter pigmentation, an uniformly white ventral surface, and by several other important morphological characters. A. arda is similar to Amphisbaena vermicularis in meristic characters currently used to assist amphisbaenian identification but can be separated from it by its color pattern, its flatter cephalic shields, and by the more ventral position of the nostril

    A new anole of the Punctatus group from Central Amazônia (Sauria, Iguanidae)

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    Taxonomic revision of Rhinella granulosa species group (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae), with a description of a new species

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    An extensive review of Rhinella granulosa species group was conducted based on external morphological and morphometrical characteristics. Data set included 8700 specimens deposited in 35 collections, representing 865 localities, from South and Central America. Twelve species were recognized for the group, one described as new; they are: Rhinella granulosa (Northeastern Brazil), R. pygmaea (Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil), R. bergi (Paraguay, Northwestern Argentina, and Mato Grosso State, Brazil), R. major (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and North and Western Brazil), R. mirandaribeiroi (Central Brazil and Bolivia), R. azarai (Provincia de Misiones, Argentina, Paraguay, and Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil), R. nattereri (Venezuela, Guiana, Roraima State, Brazil), R. fernandezae (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil), R. dorbignyi (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Uruguay, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil), R. merianae (Venezuela, Surinam, Guiana, and Brazilian States of Amazonas and Roraima), R. humboldti (Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, Guiana, Trinidad), R. centralis sp. n. (Panama). External morphological characters, such as head and snout shape, type of cephalic crests, size of tympanum, size and shape of parotoid gland, and skin granulation, are some of the traits used to identify the species. For each species, comparative diagnosis, description, and summaries of distribution are provided. An artificial key to species is also presented. The geographic distributions of species of Rhinella are largely associated with the open habitats of South America and Panama.Uma extensa revisão taxonômica das espécies do grupo Rhinella granulosa foi realizada com base em caracteres morfológicos externos e caracteres morfométricos. Foram analisados 8700 exemplares depositados em 35 coleções nacionais e estrangeiras, representando 865 localidades. Doze espécies foram reconhecidas para o grupo, uma delas descrita como nova; são elas: Rhinella granulosa (Nordeste do Brasil), R. pygmaea (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), R. bergi (Paraguai, Noroeste da Argentina, e Mato Grosso, Brasil), R. major (Argentina, Bolívia, Paraguai, e Norte e Oeste do Brasil), R. mirandaribeiroi (Brasil Central e Bolívia), R. azarai (Província de Misiones, Argentina, Paraguai, e Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil), R. nattereri (Venezuela, Guiana e Roraima, Brasil), R. fernandezae (Argentina, Uruguai, Paraguai, e Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), R. dorbignyi (Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Uruguai, e Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), R. merianae (Venezuela, Suriname, Guiana, e Amazonas e Roraima, Brasil), R. humboldti (Colômbia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guiana e Trinidad), R. centralis sp. n. (Panamá). Caracteres morfológicos externos, como formato da cabeça e do focinho, tipo de cristas cefálicas, tamanho do tímpano, tamanho e formato das glândulas parotóides e granulação cutânea, são alguns dos atributos utilizados na identificação das espécies. Diagnose comparativa, descrição e sumário de distribuição são fornecidos para cada espécie, assim como uma chave artificial para identificação das espécies do grupo. A distribuição geográfica das espécies de Rhinella está amplamente associada às formações abertas da América do Sul e Panamá

    Visual communication, reproductive behavior, and home range of Hylodes dactylocinus (Anura, Leptodactylidae)

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    We studied the signaling, reproductive and courtship behaviors of the diurnal stream-dwelling frog Hylodes dactylocinus. The repertoire of visual signals of H. dactylocinus includes foot-flagging, leg-stretching, body movements, and toe-wiggling. The visual signals are performed only by males and are used to defend territories against intruders and to attract females. Home range size varied from 0.12 to 13.12 m² for males (N = 44), and from 0.45 to 7.98 m² for females (N = 24); residency time varied from one to 12 months for males, and from two to 10 months for females. During the courtship of H. dactylocinus the male gives an encounter call towards an approaching female, touches her snout, and guides her to a previously dug nest. After oviposition, the female leaves the nest and returns to her own home range; the male remains calling after concealing the nest entrance

    Nova espécie de Hyla Laurenti, 1768 de grande porte do sul da Bahia, Brasil (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae)

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    A new large treefrog species of the genus Hyla is described from São José da Vitória and Wenceslau Guimarães, in southern State of Bahia, Brazil. Hyla exastis sp.nov., morphologically belonging to the H. boans (Linnaeus, 1758) species group and related to H. pardalis Spix, 1827 and H. lundii Burmeister, 1856, is characterized by: large size (snout-vent length, 81.1-99.0mm in males, 86.5mm in female); dorsum granulose; a developed crenulate fringe along external border of forearm, finger IV, foot, and toe V; calcar appendix conspicuous; anal plate distinct, inferiorly delimited by a transversal row of white tubercles; dorsum grayish yellow (in life) or brown (in preservative), with dark brown to black marks without forming a definite pattern, resembling tree bark with lichens; in life, palm of hand bluish yellow, fingers and disks deep blue, and webbing yellowish gray; sole of foot gray, toes and disks deep blue, and webbing black; palmar formula, I2-2+ II1-2- III11⁄2-1IV;plantarformula,I1-1II1-11⁄2III1-11⁄2IV11⁄2-1V.Uma nova espécie de Hyla de grande porte é descrita de São José da Vitória e Wenceslau Guimarães, no sul do Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Hyla exastis sp.nov., morfologicamente pertencente ao grupo de H. boans (Linnaeus, 1758) e relacionada a H. pardalis Spix, 1827 e H. lundii Burmeister, 1856, é caracterizada por: tamanho grande (comprimento rostro-cloacal, 81,1-99,0mm em machos, 86,5mm na fêmea); dorso granuloso; uma fímbria crenulada desenvolvida ao longo da borda externa do antebraço, dedo IV, pé e artelho V; apêndice calcâneo desenvolvido; placa anal desenvolvida, delimitada inferiormente por uma fileira transversal de tubérculos brancos; dorso amarelo acinzentado (em vida) ou castanho (em preservativo), com manchas castanho escuro a preto sem formar desenho definido e lembrando a casca de árvore com líquens; em vida, palma da mão amarelo azulado, dedos e discos azul escuro e membranas interdigitais cinza amarelado; sola do pé cinza, artelhos e discos azul escuro e membranas interdigitais pretas; fórmula palmar, I 2 - 2+ II 1 - 2- III 11⁄2 - 1 IV; fórmula plantar, I 1 - 1 II 1 - 11⁄2 III 1 - 11⁄2 IV 11⁄2 - 1 V

    Nothobachia Ablephara: correção da localidade tipo e nota sobre exemplares adicionais (Sauria, Teiidae)

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