20,990 research outputs found

    Competição de variedades de macaxeira (Manihot esculenta, L.) para agricultura familiar, no Município de Salvaterra, Marajó - Pa.

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    Edição dos Anais do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mandioca; VII Workshop sobre Tecnologia em Agroindústrias de Tuberosas Tropicais, Botucatu, 2009. Disponível também on-line

    Resposta da mandioca (Manihot esculenta, L.), variedade Poti, à doses de N, P, K no Município de Salvaterra, Marajó - Pará.

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    Edição dos Anais do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mandioca; VII Workshop sobre Tecnologia em Agroindústrias de Tuberosas Tropicais, Botucatu, 2009. Disponível também on-line

    Competição de variedades de mandioca (Manihot esculenta, L.) para agricultura familiar, no Município de Salvaterra, Marajó - Pará.

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    Edição dos Anais do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mandioca; VII Workshop sobre Tecnologia em Agroindústrias de Tuberosas Tropicais, Botucatu, 2009

    Relação benefício/custo da produção de variedades de macaxeira para agricultura familiar, em Salvaterra, Marajó, Pará.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a relação benefício/custo da produção de cinco variedades (Paraíba, Mineirinha, Amarelinha, Manteiguinha e Parmada) de macaxeira ou mandioca de mesa, cultivadas pela agricultura familiar da região, em latossolo amarelo distrófico, textura arenosa

    Avaliação sócio-econômica do cultivo do feijão-caupi [Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp)], cv. Manteiguinha pela agricultura familiar no município de Salvaterra, Marajó, Pará.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo definir a dose mais econômica da fórmula comercial (18:18:18) como fonte de N, P, K, para a cultura do feijão-caupi, cv. manteiguinha, no município de Salvaterra

    Galaxy disks do not need to survive in the L-CDM paradigm: the galaxy merger rate out to z~1.5 from morpho-kinematic data

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    About two-thirds of present-day, large galaxies are spirals such as the Milky Way or Andromeda, but the way their thin rotating disks formed remains uncertain. Observations have revealed that half of their progenitors, six billion years ago, had peculiar morphologies and/or kinematics, which exclude them from the Hubble sequence. Major mergers, i.e., fusions between galaxies of similar mass, are found to be the likeliest driver for such strong peculiarities. However, thin disks are fragile and easily destroyed by such violent collisions, which creates a critical tension between the observed fraction of thin disks and their survival within the L-CDM paradigm. Here we show that the observed high occurrence of mergers amongst their progenitors is only apparent and is resolved when using morpho-kinematic observations which are sensitive to all the phases of the merging process. This provides an original way of narrowing down observational estimates of the galaxy merger rate and leads to a perfect match with predictions by state-of-the-art L-CDM semi-empirical models with no particular fine-tuning needed. These results imply that half of local thin disks do not survive but are actually rebuilt after a gas-rich major merger occurring in the past nine billion years, i.e., two-thirds of the lifetime of the Universe. This emphasizes the need to study how thin disks can form in halos with a more active merger history than previously considered, and to investigate what is the origin of the gas reservoir from which local disks would reform.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted in ApJ. V2 to match proof corrections and added reference

    Aspectos econômicos da adubação N, P, K para o feijão-caupi [Vigna unguiculata, L. (Walp)], cv. pretinho, cultivado pela agricultura familiar, no município de Salvaterra, Marajó-Pará.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir o nível mais econômico da fórmula coemrcial (18:18:18), como fonte de N, P e K para a cultura do feijão-caupi cv. pretinho, no município de Salvaterra, Marajó, PA

    Fast Community Identification by Hierarchical Growth

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    A new method for community identification is proposed which is founded on the analysis of successive neighborhoods, reached through hierarchical growth from a starting vertex, and on the definition of communities as a subgraph whose number of inner connections is larger than outer connections. In order to determine the precision and speed of the method, it is compared with one of the most popular community identification approaches, namely Girvan and Newman's algorithm. Although the hierarchical growth method is not as precise as Girvan and Newman's method, it is potentially faster than most community finding algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure