2,103 research outputs found

    Dynamic Properties of a Granular Soil

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    The variation of the Dynamic Shear Modulus, G, and Damping Ratio, D, in a coarse grained alluvial soil from the Santiago area, Chile, is analyzed when changes occur in its grain size distribution, degree of compaction, confining pressure, magnitude of the cyclic deviator stress, and number of applied loading loops. Using statistical techniques it was possible to determine the degree of influence of each one of such factors in the magnitude of G and D. Further, the experimental error derived from laboratory tests measurements could be evaluated. The Hyperbolic Model shows a better performance than the Ramber-Osgood Model when theoretical results are adjusted to experimental shear stress-strain laws

    Entanglement of formation for a class of (2d)(2\otimes d)-dimensional systems

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    Currently the entanglement of formation can be calculated analytically for mixed states in a (22)(2\otimes2)-dimensional Hilbert space. For states in higher dimensional Hilbert space a closed formula for quantifying entanglement does not exist. In this regard only entanglement bounds has been found for estimating it. In this work, we find an analytical expression for evaluating the entanglement of formation for bipartite (2d2\otimes d)-dimensional mixed states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Inconvenient, reaches and potentialities of the wireless networks in the Education and its integration with the R + D.

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    The wireless networks have had a great impact in the foreign educational Campus being in Argentina a recent technology. They possess characteristics in equable with regard to the mobility and flexibility of the environment where they can be located. In our city is born the concrete need to link the Technological Center of the Seaboard, the Campus of the National University of the Litoral and the CERIDE (central regional of investigation and development) especially working parties in parallel computation of said institutions. Due to that these centers are found arranged geographically to distances that do not exceed the 1300 mts. the technology wireless permits to present a primary solution of links, being able to pass to a technology of in agreement fiber the demands of traffic be increased and the projects. This solution permits to carry out happiness plan without altering the nature Preserve of the Seaboard (Ecological Reserve) situated between the Campus and the Technological Center. In the present I work the benefits of this technology they are analyzed and their implementation.Eje: Agentes, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Análisis experimental del comportamiento del protocolo 802.11e en enlaces troncales

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    La comunicación inalámbrica es uno de los principales medios de interconexión en teleinformática, mas especialmente debido al auge que promovió la norma 802.11 al ser de uso libre. La norma generó un gran campo de investigación, en el área de señales y modulación, como así también en la generación de nuevos protocolos y el análisis del comportamiento de los tráficos. Si bien el ambientes cableados ya existía una norma que promovía la calidad de servicio, su utilización es reciente en redes wireless. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio del comportamiento del tráfico de enlaces troncales bajo diferentes situaciones, utilizando la norma 802.11e o también denominada WMM. Si bien existen numerosas simulaciones, los análisis de tráfico real no son frecuentes. Se encuadra en las líneas de investigación de comportamiento de protocolos y análisis de tráfico reales no simulados; en la transmisión de datos mediante radio frecuencia.Eje: Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Manejo del piojo harinoso de los cítricos y otros ornamentales

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    Totalmente de la fórmula. Otra razón para disminuir el uso de melaza es el concepto de Leng según el cuál no es el contenido de energía digestible del alimento lo que determina la productividad, sino la relación proteína/energía de la dieta