105 research outputs found

    Factor analysis for metal grade exploration at Pallancata Vein in Peru

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    Se investiga la distribución espacial de contenidos metálicos analizados sobre testigos de sondeos obtenidos en las campañas de exploración de la Veta Pallancata. Se aplica el análisis factorial a dicha distribución y a los cocientes de los valores metálicos, discriminando los que están correlacionados con la mineralización argentífera y que sirven como guías de exploración para hallar zonas de potenciales reservas por sus gradientes de variación.Abstract:The metal distribution in a vein may show the paths of hydrothermal fluid flow at the time of mineralization. Such information may assist for in-fill drilling. The Pallancata Vein has been intersected by 52 drill holes, whose cores were sampled and analysed, and the results plotted to examine the mineralisation trends. The spatial distribution of the ore is observed from the logAg/logPb ratio distribution. Au is in this case closely related to Ag (electrum and uytenbogaardtite, Ag3AuS2 ). The Au grade shows the same spatial distribution as the Ag grade. The logAg/logPb ratio distribution also suggests possible ore to be expected at deeper locations. Shallow supergene Ag enrichment was also observed

    Role of computed tomography imaging for transcatheter valvular repair/insertion

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    During the last decade, the development of transcatheter based therapies has provided feasible therapeutic options for patients with symptomatic severe valvular heart disease who are deemed inoperable. The promising results of many nonrandomized series and recent landmark trials have increased the number of percutaneous transcatheter valve procedures in high operative risk patients. Pre-procedural imaging of the anatomy of the aortic or mitral valve and their spatial relationships is crucial to select the most appropriate device or prosthesis and to plan the percutaneous procedure. Multidetector row computed tomography provides 3-dimensional volumetric data sets allowing unlimited plane reconstructions and plays an important role in pre-procedural screening and procedural planning. This review will describe the evolving role of multidetector row computed tomography in patient selection and strategy planning of transcatheter aortic and mitral valve procedures

    The formation of garnet in olivine-bearing metagabbros from the Adirondacks

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    A regional study of olivine-bearing metagabbros in the Adirondacks has permitted testing of the P(pressure)-T(temperature)-X(composition) dependence of garnet-forming reactions as well as providing additional regional metamorphic pressure data. Six phases, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase and spinel, which can be related by the reactions: orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+spinel +anorthite=garnet, and forsterite+anorthite=garnet occur together both in coronal and in equant textures indicative of equilibrium. Compositions of the respective minerals are typically Fo 25–72 , En 44–75 , En 30–44 Fs 9–23 Wo 47–49 , Pp 13–42 Alm 39–63 Gr 16–20 , An 29–49 and Sp 16–58 . When they occur in the same rock, equant and coronal garnets are homogeneous and compositionally identical suggesting that chemical equilibrium may have been attained despite coronal textures. Extrapolating reactions in the simple CMAS system to granulite temperatures and making thermodynamic corrections for solid solutions gives equilibration pressures (using the thermometry of Bohlen et al. 1980b) ranging from about 6.5 kb in the Lowlands and southern Adirondacks to 7.0–8.0 kb in the Highlands for the assemblage olivine-plagioclase-garnet. These results are consistent with inferred peak metamorphic conditions in the Adirondacks (Valley and Bohlen 1979; Bohlen and Boettcher 1981). Thus the isobaric retrograde path suggested by Whitney and McLelland (1973) and Whitney (1978) for the formation of coronal garnet in olivine metagabbros may not be required. Application of the same equilibria gives >8.7 kb for South Harris, Scotland and 0.9 kb for the Nain Complex. Disagreement of the latter value with orthopyroxeneolivine-quartz barometry (Bohlen and Boettcher 1981) suggests that the use of iron-rich rocks (olivines ≧Fa 50 ) results in errors in calculated pressures.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47335/1/410_2004_Article_BF00371301.pd

    The Pleistocene cinder cones surrounding Volcán Colima, Mexico re-visited: eruption ages and volumes, oxidation states, and sulfur content

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    Located at the volcanic front in the western Mexican arc, in the Colima Rift, is the active Volcán Colima, which lies on the southern end of the massive (∼450 km 3 ) Colima-Nevado volcanic complex. Along the margins of this andesitic volcanic complex, is a group of 11 scoria cones and associated lavas, which have been dated by the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method. Nine scoria cones erupted ∼1.3 km 3 of alkaline magma (basanite, leucite-basanite, minette) between 450 and 60 ka, with >99% between 240 and 60 ka. Two additional cones (both the oldest and calc-alkaline) erupted <0.003 km 3 of basalt (0.5 Ma) and <0.003 km 3 of basaltic andesite (1.2 Ma), respectively. Cone and lava volumes were estimated with the aid of digital elevation models (DEMs). The eruption rate for these scoria cones and their associated lavas over the last 1.2 Myr is ∼1.2 km 3 /Myr, which is more than 400 times smaller than that from the andesitic Colima-Nevado edifice. In addition to these alkaline Colima cones, two other potassic basalts erupted at the volcanic front, but ∼200 km to the ESE (near the historically active Volcán Jorullo), and were dated at 1.06 and 0.10 Ma. These potassic suites reflect the tendency in the west-central Mexican arc for magmas close to the volcanic front to be enriched in K 2 O relative to those farther from the trench.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47809/1/445_2005_Article_15.pd

    A causal account of the brain network computations underlying strategic social behavior

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    During competitive interactions, humans have to estimate the impact of their own actions on their opponent's strategy. Here we provide evidence that neural computations in the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) and interconnected structures are causally involved in this process. By combining inhibitory continuous theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation with model-based functional MRI, we show that disrupting neural excitability in the rTPJ reduces behavioral and neural indices of mentalizing-related computations, as well as functional connectivity of the rTPJ with ventral and dorsal parts of the medial prefrontal cortex. These results provide a causal demonstration that neural computations instantiated in the rTPJ are neurobiological prerequisites for the ability to integrate opponent beliefs into strategic choice, through system-level interaction within the valuation and mentalizing networks

    Four-Dimensional Consciousness

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