42 research outputs found

    Making the headlines: EU Immigration to the UK and the wave of new racism after Brexit

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    This chapter explores the immigration-related topics in the news media during the EU referendum campaign in the UK (April–June 2016) and after (July–September 2016). The chapter argues that attitudes anti-EU immigration are a wave of “new(s)” racism (van Dijk 2000) in the UK and EU immigration is frequently used as an umbrella term for Eastern European immigration being often mixed with non-EU immigration and the refugee crisis. The data shows that the prevalence of negative news stories has led to a distinctive immigration-narrative, confirming the claim of Hoffner and Cohen (2013) that members of minority groups are almost always associated with violent and threatening media content

    A theoretical model of the evolution of virulence in sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS Modelo teĂłrico da evolucĂŁo da virulĂȘncia do HIV/AIDS transmitido sexualmente

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    INTRODUCTION: The evolution of virulence in host-parasite relationships has been the subject of several publications. In the case of HIV virulence, some authors suggest that the evolution of HIV virulence correlates with the rate of acquisition of new sexual partners. In contrast some other authors argue that the level of HIV virulence is independent of the sexual activity of the host population. METHODS: Provide a mathematical model for the study of the potential influence of human sexual behaviour on the evolution of virulence of HIV is provided. RESULTS: The results indicated that, when the probability of acquisition of infection is a function both of the sexual activity and of the virulence level of HIV strains, the evolution of HIV virulence correlates positively with the rate of acquisition of new sexual partners. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that in the case of a host population with a low (high) rate of exchange of sexual partners the evolution of HIV virulence is such that the less (more) virulent strain prevails.<br>INTRODUÇÃO: A evolução da virulĂȘncia na relação hospedeiro-parasita tem sido objeto de vĂĄrias publicaçÔes. No caso do HIV, alguns autores sugerem que a evolução da virulĂȘncia do HIV correlaciona-se com a taxa de aquisição de novos parceiros sexuais. Por outro lado, outros autores argumentam que o nĂ­vel de virulĂȘncia do HIV Ă© independente da atividade sexual da população hospedeira. MÉTODOS: PropĂ”e-se um modelo matemĂĄtico para estudar a influĂȘncia potencial que o comportamento sexual humano possa ter na evolução da virulĂȘncia do HIV. RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicam que, quando a probabilidade de aquisição da infecção pelo HIV Ă© uma função tanto da atividade sexual da população humana quanto da virulĂȘncia das cepas de HIV, a evolução da virulĂȘncia do HIV correlaciona-se positivamente com a taxa de aquisição de novos parceiros sexuais. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que no caso de uma população hospedeira com uma baixa (alta) taxa de troca de parceiros sexuais a evolução da virulĂȘncia do HIV Ă© tal que a cepa menos (mais) virulenta predomina