2,567 research outputs found

    Near-Ultraviolet Mutagenesis in Superoxide Dismutase-deficient Strains of Escherichia coli.

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    We compared mutagenic spectra induced by polychromatic near-ultraviolet radiation (near-UV; 300-400 nm) with superoxide anion (O2-) -dependent mutagenesis using a set of Escherichia coli tester strains. Near-UV radiation produced increased frequencies of G:C to A:T transitions, G:C to T:A and A:T to T:A transversions, and small increases in frameshift mutations in wild-type cells. Tester strains lacking superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (sodAsodB double mutants) demonstrated high spontaneous mutation frequencies and increased near-UV sensitivity. The double mutants also showed increased mutations induced by near-UV compared to either isogenic wild type, sodA or sodB single mutants. Futhermore, these mutants had an unusual spontaneous mutation spectrum, with a predominance of A:T to T:A transversions, followed by G:C to T:A transversions and frameshifts generated in runs of adenines in both the +1 and -1 direction. Other frameshifts were detected to a lesser degree. The oxygen dependency and the type of mutations spontaneously induced in SOD-deficient cells indicated that this mutagenic spectrum was caused by oxidative DNA damage. However, no apparent synergistic action between near-UV radiation and an increased flux of O2- could be detected. From the frequency and types of mutations induced by the two agents, we speculate that near-UV-induced mutagenesis and O2--dependent mutagenesis involve, in part, different lesion(s) and/or mechanism(s). The nature and possible mutagenic pathways of each are discussed

    Muscle fiber conduction velocity is more affected after eccentric than concentric exercise

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    It has been shown that mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) can be acutely impaired after eccentric exercise. However, it is not known whether this applies to other exercise modes. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was to compare the effects of eccentric and concentric exercises on CV, and amplitude and frequency content of surface electromyography (sEMG) signals up to 24 h post-exercise. Multichannel sEMG signals were recorded from biceps brachii muscle of the exercised arm during isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and electrically evoked contractions induced by motor-point stimulation before, immediately after and 2 h after maximal eccentric (ECC group, N = 12) and concentric (CON group, N = 12) elbow flexor exercises. Isometric MVC decreased in CON by 21.7 ± 12.0% (± SD, p < 0.01) and by 30.0 ± 17.7% (p < 0.001) in ECC immediately post-exercise when compared to baseline. At 2 h post-exercise, ECC showed a reduction in isometric MVC by 24.7 ± 13.7% (p < 0.01) when compared to baseline, while no significant reduction (by 8.0 ± 17.0%, ns) was observed in CON. Similarly, reduction in CV was observed only in ECC both during the isometric MVC (from baseline of 4.16 ± 0.3 to 3.43 ± 0.4 m/s, p < 0.001) and the electrically evoked contractions (from baseline of 4.33 ± 0.4 to 3.82 ± 0.3 m/s, p < 0.001). In conclusion, eccentric exercise can induce a greater and more prolonged reduction in muscle force production capability and CV than concentric exercis

    RLP/K enrichment sequencing; a novel method to identify receptor-like protein (RLP) and receptor-like kinase (RLK) genes

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    The identification of immune receptors in crop plants is time-consuming but important for disease control. Previously, resistance gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) was developed to accelerate mapping of nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat containing (NLR) genes. However, resistances mediated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) remain less utilized. Here, our pipeline shows accelerated mapping of PRRs. Effectoromics leads to precise identification of plants with target PRRs, and subsequent RLP/K enrichment sequencing (RLP/KSeq) leads to detection of informative single nucleotide polymorphisms that are linked to the trait. Using Phytophthora infestans as a model, we identified Solanum microdontum plants that recognize the apoplastic effectors INF1 or SCR74. RLP/KSeq in a segregating Solanum population confirmed the localization of the INF1 receptor on chromosome 12, and led to the rapid mapping of the response to SCR74 to chromosome 9. By using markers obtained from RLP/KSeq in conjunction with additional markers, we fine-mapped the SCR74 receptor to a 43-kbp G-LecRK locus. Our findings show that RLP/KSeq enables rapid mapping of PRRs and is especially beneficial for crop plants with large and complex genomes. This work will enable the elucidation and characterization of the nonNLR plant immune receptors and ultimately facilitate informed resistance breeding.</p

    Do Doctors Vote?

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    BACKGROUND: Organizational leaders and scholars have issued calls for the medical profession to refocus its efforts on fulfilling the core tenets of professionalism. A key element of professionalism is participation in community affairs. OBJECTIVE: To measure physician voting rates as an indicator of civic participation. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of a subgroup of physicians from a nationally representative household survey of civilian, noninstitutionalized adult citizens. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 350,870 participants in the Current Population Survey (CPS) November Voter Supplement from 1996–2002, including 1,274 physicians and 1,886 lawyers; 414,989 participants in the CPS survey from 1976–1982, including 2,033 health professionals. MEASUREMENTS: Multivariate logistic regression models were used to compare adjusted physician voting rates in the 1996–2002 congressional and presidential elections with those of lawyers and the general population and to compare voting rates of health professionals in 1996–2002 with those in 1976–1992. RESULTS: After multivariate adjustment for characteristics known to be associated with voting rates, physicians were less likely to vote than the general population in 1998 (odds ratio 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.59–0.99), 2000 (odds ratio 0.64; 95% CI 0.44–0.93), and 2002 (odds ratio 0.62; 95% CI 0.48–0.80) but not 1996 (odds ratio 0.83; 95% CI 0.59–1.17). Lawyers voted at higher rates than the general population and doctors in all four elections (P < .001). The pooled adjusted odds ratio for physician voting across the four elections was 0.70 (CI 0.61–0.81). No substantial changes in voting rates for health professionals were observed between 1976–1982 and 1996–2002. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians have lower adjusted voting rates than lawyers and the general population, suggesting reduced civic participation

    On the scent of sexual attraction

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    A study in the current issue of BMC Biology has identified a mouse major urinary protein as a pheromone that attracts female mice to male urine marks and induces a learned attraction to the volatile urinary odor of the producer. See research article http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/7

    Adjuvant therapy with high dose vitamin D following primary treatment of melanoma at high risk of recurrence: A placebo controlled randomised phase II trial (ANZMTG 02.09 Mel-D)

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    Patients with primary cutaneous melanomas that are ulcerated and >2 mm in thickness, >4 mm in thickness and those with nodal micrometastases at diagnosis, have few options for adjuvant treatment. Recent studies have suggested a role for vitamin D to delay melanoma recurrence and improve overall prognosis

    Logic and/of Truthmaking

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the question of how truthmaker theorists ought to think about their subject in relation to logic. Regarding logic and truthmaking, I defend the view that considerations drawn from advances in modal logic have little bearing on the legitimacy of truthmaker theory. To do so, I respond to objections Timothy Williamson has lodged against truthmaker theory. As for the logic of truthmaking, I show how the project of understanding the logical features of the truthmaking relation has led to an apparent impasse. I offer a new perspective on the logic of truthmaking that both explains the problem and offers a way out

    The Temporal Singularity: time-accelerated simulated civilizations and their implications

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    Provided significant future progress in artificial intelligence and computing, it may ultimately be possible to create multiple Artificial General Intelligences (AGIs), and possibly entire societies living within simulated environments. In that case, it should be possible to improve the problem solving capabilities of the system by increasing the speed of the simulation. If a minimal simulation with sufficient capabilities is created, it might manage to increase its own speed by accelerating progress in science and technology, in a way similar to the Technological Singularity. This may ultimately lead to large simulated civilizations unfolding at extreme temporal speedups, achieving what from the outside would look like a Temporal Singularity. Here we discuss the feasibility of the minimal simulation and the potential advantages, dangers, and connection to the Fermi paradox of the Temporal Singularity. The medium-term importance of the topic derives from the amount of computational power required to start the process, which could be available within the next decades, making the Temporal Singularity theoretically possible before the end of the century.Comment: To appear in the conference proceedings of the AGI-18 conference (published in the Springer's Lecture Notes in AI series