1,873 research outputs found

    High resolution satellite observations give new view of UK air quality

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    New state‐of‐the‐art satellite measurements of tropospheric column NO2 from the TROPOMI instrument on‐board Sentinel‐5 Precursor (S5P), launched in October 2017, allow for an unprecedented high resolution (sub‐10km) assessment of UK air quality (AQ) from space. We present the first results from TROPOMI and compare them with its predecessor, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), to quantify previously unresolved UK pollution hotspots (e.g. Bristol, Southampton and Liverpool). The TROPOMI tropospheric column NO2 data represents a powerful new tool to quantify UK AQ, evaluate atmospheric composition models and potentially derive new emission inventories from space

    High resolution satellite observations give new view of UK air quality

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    New state‐of‐the‐art satellite measurements of tropospheric column NO2 from the TROPOMI instrument on‐board Sentinel‐5 Precursor (S5P), launched in October 2017, allow for an unprecedented high resolution (sub‐10km) assessment of UK air quality (AQ) from space. We present the first results from TROPOMI and compare them with its predecessor, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), to quantify previously unresolved UK pollution hotspots (e.g. Bristol, Southampton and Liverpool). The TROPOMI tropospheric column NO2 data represents a powerful new tool to quantify UK AQ, evaluate atmospheric composition models and potentially derive new emission inventories from space

    Quantifying the transboundary contribution of nitrogen oxides to UK air quality

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    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution is an important contributor to poor air quality (AQ) and a significant cause of premature deaths in the UK. Although transboundary (i.e., international) transport of pollution to the UK is believed to have an impact on UK pollutant concentrations, large uncertainties remain in these estimates. Therefore, the extent to which emission reductions in neighbouring countries would benefit UK AQ relative to local emission reductions also remains unknown. We have used a back‐trajectory model in conjunction with synoptic scale classifications of UK circulation patterns (Lamb Weather Types [LWT]), to quantify the accumulation of nitrogen oxide (NO x = NO2 + NO) emissions in air masses en‐route to the UK. This novel method presents a computationally inexpensive and useful method of quantifying the accumulation of pollutants under different circulation patterns. We find the highest accumulated NO x totals occur under south‐easterly and southerly flows (>15 μg⋅m−2), with a substantial contribution from outwith the UK (>25%). In contrast, the total accumulated NO x under northerly and westerly flows is lower (∼10 μg⋅m−2), and dominated by UK emissions (>95%). This indicates that European emissions can contribute substantially to UK local‐scale pollution in urban areas under south‐easterly and southerly flows. The sensitivity of integrated NO x emission totals under different air masses is investigated by modelling future European emission contributions based on emission reduction targets. Under targets set by the European Union, there would be a decrease in accumulated NO x emissions in London under most wind directions except for north‐westerly, westerly and northerly flow. The largest benefits to UK AQ from transboundary contributions occur with emission reductions in the Benelux region, due to its close proximity and high NO x emission rates, emphasising the importance of international cooperation in improving local AQ

    The influence of synoptic weather regimes on UK air quality: Regional model studies of tropospheric column NO2

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    Synoptic meteorology can have a significant influence on UK air quality. Cyclonic conditions lead to the dispersion of air pollutants away from source regions, while anticyclonic conditions lead to their accumulation over source regions. Meteorology also modifies atmospheric chemistry processes such as photolysis and wet deposition. Previous studies have shown a relationship between observed satellite tropospheric column NO2 and synoptic meteorology in different seasons. Here, we test whether the UK Met Office Air Quality in the Unified Model (AQUM) can reproduce these observations and then use the model to explore the relative importance of various factors. We show that AQUM successfully captures the observed relationships when sampled under the Lamb weather types, an objective classification of midday UK circulation patterns. By using a range of idealized NOx-like tracers with different e-folding lifetimes, we show that under different synoptic regimes the NO2 lifetime in AQUM is approximately 6 h in summer and 12 h in winter. The longer lifetime can explain why synoptic spatial tropospheric column NO2 variations are more significant in winter compared to summer, due to less NO2 photochemical loss. We also show that cyclonic conditions have more seasonality in tropospheric column NO2 than anticyclonic conditions as they result in more extreme spatial departures from the wintertime seasonal average. Within a season (summer or winter) under different synoptic regimes, a large proportion of the spatial pattern in the UK tropospheric column NO2 field can be explained by the idealized model tracers, showing that transport is an important factor in governing the variability of UK air quality on seasonal synoptic timescales

    Analysis and attribution of total column ozone changes over the Tibetan Plateau during 1979–2017

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    Various observation-based datasets have confirmed positive zonal mean column ozone trends at midlatitudes as a result of the successful implementation of the Montreal Protocol. However, there is still uncertainty about the longitudinal variation of these trends and the direction and magnitude of ozone changes at low latitudes. Here, we use the extended Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) dataset (1979–2017) to investigate the long-term variations in total column ozone (TCO) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) for different seasons. We use piecewise linear trend (PWLT) and equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine loading (EESC)-based multivariate regression models with various proxies to attribute the influence of dynamical and chemical processes on the TCO variability. We also compare the seasonal behaviour of the relative total ozone low (TOL) over the TP with the zonal mean at the same latitude. Both regression models show that the TP column ozone trends change from negative trends from 1979 to 1996 to small positive trends from 1997 to 2017, although the later positive trend based on PWLT is not statistically significant. The wintertime positive trend starting from 1997 is larger than that in summer, but both seasonal TP recovery rates are smaller than the zonal means over the same latitude band. For TP column ozone, both regression models suggest that the geopotential height at 150 hPa (GH150) is a more suitable and realistic dynamical proxy compared to a surface temperature proxy used in some previous studies. Our analysis also shows that the wintertime GH150 plays an important role in determining summertime TCO over the TP through persistence of the ozone signal. For the zonal mean column ozone at this latitude, the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is nonetheless the dominant dynamical proxy. We also use a 3-D chemical transport model to diagnose the contributions of different proxies for the TP region. The role of GH150 variability is illustrated by using two sensitivity experiments with repeating dynamics of 2004 and 2008. The simulated ozone profiles clearly show that wintertime TP ozone concentrations are largely controlled by tropics to midlatitude pathways, whereas in summer variations associated with tropical processes play an important role. These model results confirm that the long-term trends of TCO over the TP are dominated by different processes in winter and summer. The different TP recovery rates relative to the zonal means at the same latitude band are largely determined by wintertime dynamical processes

    The 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption - Part 1: Dispersion model simulations and satellite retrievals of volcanic sulfur dioxide

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    Abstract. Volcanic eruptions can cause significant disruption to society, and numerical models are crucial for forecasting the dispersion of erupted material. Here we assess the skill and limitations of the Met Office's Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment (NAME) in simulating the dispersion of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) cloud from the 21–22 June 2019 eruption of the Raikoke volcano (48.3∘ N, 153.2∘ E). The eruption emitted around 1.5±0.2 Tg of SO2, which represents the largest volcanic emission of SO2 into the stratosphere since the 2011 Nabro eruption. We simulate the temporal evolution of the volcanic SO2 cloud across the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and compare our model simulations to high-resolution SO2 measurements from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) satellite SO2 products. We show that NAME accurately simulates the observed location and horizontal extent of the SO2 cloud during the first 2–3 weeks after the eruption but is unable, in its standard configuration, to capture the extent and precise location of the highest magnitude vertical column density (VCD) regions within the observed volcanic cloud. Using the structure–amplitude–location (SAL) score and the fractional skill score (FSS) as metrics for model skill, NAME shows skill in simulating the horizontal extent of the cloud for 12–17 d after the eruption where VCDs of SO2 (in Dobson units, DU) are above 1 DU. For SO2 VCDs above 20 DU, which are predominantly observed as small-scale features within the SO2 cloud, the model shows skill on the order of 2–4 d only. The lower skill for these high-SO2-VCD regions is partly explained by the model-simulated SO2 cloud in NAME being too diffuse compared to TROPOMI retrievals. Reducing the standard horizontal diffusion parameters used in NAME by a factor of 4 results in a slightly increased model skill during the first 5 d of the simulation, but on longer timescales the simulated SO2 cloud remains too diffuse when compared to TROPOMI measurements. The skill of NAME to simulate high SO2 VCDs and the temporal evolution of the NH-mean SO2 mass burden is dominated by the fraction of SO2 mass emitted into the lower stratosphere, which is uncertain for the 2019 Raikoke eruption. When emitting 0.9–1.1 Tg of SO2 into the lower stratosphere (11–18 km) and 0.4–0.7 Tg into the upper troposphere (8–11 km), the NAME simulations show a similar peak in SO2 mass burden to that derived from TROPOMI (1.4–1.6 Tg of SO2) with an average SO2 e-folding time of 14–15 d in the NH. Our work illustrates how the synergy between high-resolution satellite retrievals and dispersion models can identify potential limitations of dispersion models like NAME, which will ultimately help to improve dispersion modelling efforts of volcanic SO2 clouds. </jats:p

    Diagnosing air quality changes in the UK during the COVID-19 lockdown using TROPOMI and GEOS-Chem

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    The dramatic and sudden reduction in anthropogenic activity due to lockdown measures in the UK in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a concerted effort to estimate local and regional changes in air quality, though changes in underlying emissions remain uncertain. Here we combine satellite observations of tropospheric NO_{2} from TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument and the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)-Chem 3D chemical transport model to estimate that NO_{x} emissions declined nationwide by ~20% during the lockdown (23 March to 31 May 2020). Regionally, these range from 22% to 23% in the western portion of the country to 29% in the southeast and Manchester, and >40% in London. We apply a uniform 20% lockdown period emission reduction to GEOS-Chem anthropogenic emissions over the UK to determine that decline in lockdown emissions led to a national decline in PM_{2.5} of 1.1 μg m^{−3}, ranging from 0.6 μg m^{−3} in Scotland to 2 μg m^{−3} in the southwest. The decline in emissions in cities (>40%) is greater than the national average and causes an increase in ozone of ~2 ppbv in London and Manchester. The change in ozone and PM_{2.5} concentrations due to emission reductions alone is about half the total change from 2019 to 2020. This emphasizes the need to account for emissions and other factors, in particular meteorology, in future air pollution abatement strategies and regulatory action

    Substantial Increases in Eastern Amazon and Cerrado Biomass Burning‐Sourced Tropospheric Ozone

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    The decline in Amazonian deforestation rates and biomass burning activity (2001–2012) has been shown to reduce air pollutant emissions (e.g., aerosols) and improve regional air quality. However, in the Cerrado region (savannah grasslands in northeastern Brazil), satellite observations reveal increases in fire activity and tropospheric column nitrogen dioxide (an ozone precursor) during the burning season (August‐October, 2005–2016), which have partially offset these air quality benefits. Simulations from a 3‐D global chemistry transport model (CTM) capture this increase in NO2 with a surface increase of ~1 ppbv per decade. As there are limited long‐term observational tropospheric ozone records, we utilize the well‐evaluated CTM to investigate changes in ozone. Here, the CTM suggests that Cerrado region surface ozone is increasing by ~10 ppbv per decade. If left unmitigated, these positive fire‐sourced ozone trends will substantially increase the regional health risks and impacts from expected future enhancements in South American biomass burning activity under climate change

    New Therapeutic Strategies for Systemic Sclerosis—a Critical Analysis of the Literature

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multi-system disease characterized by skin fibrosis and visceral disease. Therapy is organ and pathogenesis targeted. In this review, we describe novel strategies in the treatment of SSc. Utilizing the MEDLINE and the COCHRANE REGISTRY, we identified open trials, controlled trials, for treatment of SSc from 1999 to April 2005. We used the terms scleroderma, systemic sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, pulmonary hypertension, methotrexate, cyclosporin, tacrolimus, relaxin, low-dose penicillamine, IVIg, calcium channel blockers, losartan, prazocin, iloprost, N-acetylcysteine, bosentan, cyclophosphamide, lung transplantation, ACE inhibitors, anti-thymocyte globulin, and stem cell transplantation. Anecdotal reports were omitted

    The impact of workplace risk factors on the occurrence of neck and upper limb pain: a general population study

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    BACKGROUND: Work-related neck and upper limb pain has mainly been studied in specific occupational groups, and little is known about its impact in the general population. The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence and population impact of work-related neck and upper limb pain. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of 10 000 adults in North Staffordshire, UK, in which there is a common local manual industry. The primary outcome measure was presence or absence of neck and upper limb pain. Participants were asked to give details of up to five recent jobs, and to report exposure to six work activities involving the neck or upper limbs. Psychosocial measures included job control, demand and support. Odds ratios (ORs) and population attributable fractions were calculated for these risk factors. RESULTS: The age-standardized one-month period prevalence of neck and upper limb pain was 44%. There were significant independent associations between neck and upper limb pain and: repeated lifting of heavy objects (OR = 1.4); prolonged bending of neck (OR = 2.0); working with arms at/above shoulder height (OR = 1.3); little job control (OR = 1.6); and little supervisor support (OR = 1.3). The population attributable fractions were 0.24 (24%) for exposure to work activities and 0.12 (12%) for exposure to psychosocial factors. CONCLUSION: Neck and upper limb pain is associated with both physical and psychosocial factors in the work environment. Inferences of cause-and-effect from cross-sectional studies must be made with caution; nonetheless, our findings suggest that modification of the work environment might prevent up to one in three of cases of neck and upper limb pain in the general population, depending on current exposures to occupational risk