101 research outputs found

    Ambient temperature does not affect fuelling rate in absence of digestive constraints in long-distance migrant shorebird fuelling up in captivity

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    Pre-flight fuelling rates in free-living red knots Calidris canutus, a specialized long-distance migrating shorebird species, are positively correlated with latitude and negatively with temperature. The single published hypothesis to explain these relationships is the heat load hypothesis that states that in warm climates red knots may overheat during fuelling. To limit endogenous heat production (measurable as basal metabolic rate BMR), birds would minimize the growth of digestive organs at a time they need. This hypothesis makes the implicit assumption that BMR is mainly driven by digestive organ size variation during pre-flight fuelling. To test the validity of this assumption, we fed captive knots with trout pellet food, a diet previously shown to quickly lead to atrophied digestive organs, during a fuelling episode. Birds were exposed to two thermal treatments (6 and 24°C) previously shown to generate different fuelling rates in knots. We made two predictions. First, easily digested trout pellet food rather than hard-shelled prey removes the heat contribution of the gut and would therefore eliminate an ambient temperature effect on fuelling rate. Second, if digestive organs were the main contributors to variations in BMR but did not change in size during fuelling, we would expect no or little change in BMR in birds fed ad libitum with trout pellets. We show that cold-acclimated birds maintained higher body mass and food intake (8 and 51%) than warm-acclimated birds. Air temperature had no effect on fuelling rate, timing of fuelling, timing of peak body mass or BMR. During fuelling, average body mass increased by 32% while average BMR increased by 15% at peak of mass and 26% by the end of the experiment. Our results show that the small digestive organs characteristic of a trout pellet diet did not prevent BMR from increasing during premigratory fuelling. Our results are not consistent with the heat load hypothesis as currently formulated

    Wild Skylarks Seasonally Modulate Energy Budgets but Maintain Energetically Costly Inflammatory Immune Responses throughout the Annual Cycle

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    A central hypothesis of ecological immunology is that immune defences are traded off against competing physiological and behavioural processes. During energetically demanding periods, birds are predicted to switch from expensive inflammatory responses to less costly immune responses. Acute phase responses (APRs) are a particularly costly form of immune defence, and, hence, seasonal modulations in APRs are expected. Yet, hypotheses about APR modulation remain untested in free-living organisms throughout a complete annual cycle. We studied seasonal modulations in the APRs and in the energy budgets of skylarks Alauda arvensis, a partial migrant bird from temperate zones that experiences substantial ecological changes during its annual cycle. We characterized throughout the annual cycle changes in their energy budgets by measuring basal metabolic rate (BMR) and body mass. We quantified APRs by measuring the effects of a lipopolysaccharide injection on metabolic rate, body mass, body temperature, and concentrations of glucose and ketone. Body mass and BMR were lowest during breeding, highest during winter and intermediate during spring migration, moult and autumn migration. Despite this variation in energy budgets, the magnitude of the APR, as measured by all variables, was similar in all annual cycle stages. Thus, while we find evidence that some annual cycle stages are relatively more energetically constrained, we find no support for the hypothesis that during these annual cycle stages birds compromise an immune defence that is itself energetically costly. We suggest that the ability to mount an APR may be so essential to survival in every annual cycle stage that skylarks do not trade off this costly form of defence with other annual cycle demands

    Landscape structure, human disturbance and crop management affect foraging ground selection by migrating geese

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    It is well known that agricultural intensification has caused severe population declines among bird species which use farmland for breeding and overwintering, while migrating bird species may benefit from intensive farming, but in turn damage crops. Knowledge of the habitat selection of migrating birds is important from both a conservation and agro-economic point of view. We investigated the habitat preferences of three common migrating goose species: White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons, Bean Goose A. fabalis and Greylag Goose A. anser during the autumn of 2009 in western Poland. A total of 24 flocks of these species were identified. Geese preferred large, elevated fields that were remote from forests and human settlements but in close proximity to a lake. Geese selected maize stubbles and avoided winter cereals. They selected sites in landscapes with a lower diversity of crops. Flock size was negatively correlated with the proportion of pastures in the landscape, but it increased with field size, distance to forest and distance to town. Our results are in contrast with the paradigm that less intensive farmland positively influences habitat use by birds during foraging. We advise the delayed ploughing of stubbles with the aim of creating appropriate foraging habitats for geese and minimizing damage to cereal crops

    Case studies to explore the pitfalls in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis

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    Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disorder of unknown cause. Diagnosis is established when clinical and radiological findings are supported by histological evidence of noncaseating epitheloid cell granulomas. Exclusion of granulomas of known causes and sarcoidlike reactions is mandatory. A lot of infections may mimic a sarcoidlike granulomatous reaction. Even with well advanced pathological and microbiological examination, it could be hard to make the appropriate diagnosis. Moreover, sarcoidosis patients receiving corticosteroids are susceptible to opportunistic infections. The challenge is, however, making the right diagnosis because opportunistic infections can resemble sarcoidosis. The case reports presented in this paper are meant to stress the importance of excluding granulomatous infections in patients with (suspected) sarcoidosis. Appropriate diagnostic procedures are important to exclude an infectious condition mimicking sarcoidosis. Accordingly, appropriate treatment can start without further delay