296 research outputs found

    Success of Implementation of Computer Crime Act (UU Ite No.11 2008) (a Case Study in the Higher Education Institution in Indonesia)

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    Computer crime rate grow rapidly along with the development of the digital world that has touched almost all aspects of human life. Institutions of higher education cannot be separated from the problem of computer crime activities. The paper analyses the implementation of Indonesia Computer Crime Act (UU ITE NO.11 2008) in the Higher Education Institution in Indonesia. It aims to investigate the level of computer crimes that occurred in the higher education institution environment and the act (UU ITE 11, 2008) successfully applied to prevent the crime that would arise. In this research, the analysis using Descriptive Statistics, Binary logistic regression. This paper also describes the success implementation of the Information System Security Policy (ISSP) as a computer crime prevention policy in higher education institution in Indonesia. In factor of act, clarity of objectives and purpose of the UU ITE 11, 2008 was low, the communication and socialization activities are still low to the society especially to the higher education institution, moreover the control process has been running on UU ITE 11, 2008, but at a low level

    Constructing Deliciousness Through Instagram: The Aesthetics of Foodstagram

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    In the Middle Ages, food presentations were more important then how the food taste. And in this digital era, since the past few years that kind of concept revert in such an unexpected way—through food sharing on Instagram. The activity of sharing food to Instagram has become a worldwide phenomenon, including in Indonesia. This activity often referred as ‘foodstagram’. The popularity of ‘foodstagram’ cannot be separated from how the food presented, because the main purpose of ‘foodstagram’ were trying to tease and arousing the appetite of anyone who sees it. This study become important in nowadays society. Through the virtual ethnography this study try to understand the aesthetics of ‘foodstagram’ as a cultural artifact by some Indonesia ‘foodstagramer’. Keywords: Foodstagram, Instagram, Aesthetic

    Peranan Diklat Penerbangan STPI – Curug untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Pilot Pesawat Udara di Indonesia

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    Recently, the national air transportation experiencing significant growth include the increasing number of airlines in operation and the number of passengers carried. The impact of these developments, one is the increase in aircraft operations and should be supported by human resources in these field including the pilot.Pilot needs to reach 400 people per year have not been fulfilled by the product all the existing flying school. Based on this, conducted a study to observe the implementation of Pilot Training at STPI-Curug with a view to providing input to improve the quality and quantity of graduates majoring in flight.Analysis and discussion in this study using qualitative methods, using both oral and written data obtained from respondents and observations, described in detail, relating to cause and effect that produced a recommendation to the purpose of the study

    Pelayanan Informasi Meteorologi Penerbangan di Bandara Fatmawati Bengkulu

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    Guidelines assesment for aviation meteorological information services is expected to be useful to improve aviation meteorological information services at the airport and will directly improve aviation safety. This assessment will evaluate the guidelines for aviation meteorological information services in order to figure out the obstacles encoutered in the services and part or elements of services that need further improvements, and to make recommendations related to the aviation meteorological information services.Pengkajian pelayanan informasi meterologi penerbangan di Bandara Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan pelayanan informasi meteorologi penerbangan di bandar udara dan secara langsung akan meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan. Pengkajian ini akan mengevaluasi pelayanan mana yang perlu dilakukan penyempurnaan. Pada akhir analisis akan disusun suatu rekomendasi peningkatan pelayanan informasi meteorologi penerbangan dib bandar udara Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu

    Analisis Faktor Muat Trans Metro Pekanbaru Koridor Perum Pandau Permai - Pelita Pantai

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    Trans Metro Pekanbaru (TMP) is a kind of ‘bus rapid transit' in Pekanbaru. TMP has been operating since 2009 and there are many obstacles during the operation. As time passes, the changes in the quantity of the passenger, quality of service and operation may possibly happen. Therefore, this research is conducted to determine the effectiveness of Trans Metro Pekanbaru (TMP), especially on Perum Pandau Permai – Pelita Pantai corridor with load factor as an indicator. Bus TMP survey conducted by the method of observation and questionnaire. Observations adapted to the SK Dirjend Perhubungan Darat No. 687 at 2002. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using Stated Preference Techniques. The survey observations were made in the TMP Buses that operate on the corridor I the number of surveyors is 11 people. While the questionnaire survey conducted by the two surveyors with the deployment of a random sample. The obtained results of this research are the route characteristic of Trans Metro Pekanbaru corridor I is adequately effective based on the number of passengers, due to the load factor in this corridor is partially meet the load factor standard of SK Dirjen No. 687 at 2002 (70%) so it is fair optimal in serving the passenger movement. Based on the analysis, the value of load factor in corridor I have more than 70% in the afternoon, either on holiday or working days which obtained between Pelita Pantai towards Perum Pandau Permai route from BNI to Mekar Sari stations. From the results of statistical tests that have been carried out in this study, obtained the equation Y=7,932 – 0,045X1 – 0,031X2 + 0,000X3 + 0,015X4 for model selection with Trans Metro Pekanbaru attributes considered is the the waiting time (X1), speed (X2), rate (X3), and the comfort of the vehicle (X4)

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pemipih Emping Jagung

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    Penanganan jagung pasca panen di tingkat petani memerlukan teknologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani. Proses pasca panen jagung terdiri atas serangkaian kegiatan yang dimulai dari pemetikan dan pengeringan tongkol, pemipilan tongkol, pengemasan biji, dan penyimpanan sebelum dijual ke pedagang pengumpul. Mesin pemipih jagung sederhana ini mempunyai spesifikasi dengan ukuran panjang alat 20 cm, lebar alat 30 cm dan tinggi alat 80 cm, Pengujian kinerja mesin pemipih emping jagung dilakukan dua kali pengujian dengan pengujian pertama, dengan ketebalan 2 mm dengan hasil rata-rata pemipihan emping 1,57 kg, dan dengan waktu rata- rata kerja pemipihan 1,46 jam, pengujian kedua dengan ketebalan 1 mm dengan hasil rata-rata pemipihan emping sebanyak 1,33 kg, dengan rata- rata waktu 0,21 jam

    Multiplikasi Tunas Tanaman Inggu (Ruta Angustifolia (L.) Pers.) Secara in Vitro Dengan Penambahan Benzyl Adenin

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    : Rue (Ruta angustifolia (L.) Pers.) Including rare medicinal plants. Cultured in vitro method is one alternative method of propagation in plants inggu. The study was conducted from July to December 2011 at the Laboratory of Botany, Nasional University Integrated Laboratory. The purpose of this study is to obtain the best BA concentration on shoot multiplication of rue. Explants used in the form of a stem segment (segment 1-10) of the rue plant. The medium used was MS medium with the addition of PGR ¾ BA in some degree of concentration as the treatment is 1.0, 2.0, 3.0; 4.0 and 5.0 ppm of 2,4-D was added to 0.3 ppm, and five replications. Data processing is done by using SPSS 19 for Windows. The results showed that administration of PGR combination of BA with different concentrations of 2,4-D +0.3 ppm in ¾ MS medium responded in the form of plant establishment and shoot multiplication rue. The analysis of variance showed that administration of BA with a concentration of BA 1.0, 2.0, 3.0; 4.0 and 5.0 ppm effect at both the number and length of shoots rue

    Analisis Kepercayaan dan Kepuasan terhadap Penggunaan Sistem Transaksi Jual Beli Online (Studi pada Konsumen “Z”)

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    This study aims to determine and analyze 1) the belief effect on the use of online trading transaction system (Study on Consumer "Z") 2) satisfaction affect the use of online transactional trading system (Study On Consumer "Z") 3) trust and satisfaction effect simultaneously on the use of transactional system of online sale (Study On Consumer "Z"). The population in this study are consumers who conduct transactions through e-commerce with the amount that can not be known for certain. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The conclusion of the research results as follows: 1) Trust affects the use of online buying and selling transaction system on Consumer "Z". The results of the analysis can be seen that "Z" is a buying and selling site that should give priority to consumer confidence in order to support transactions made by consumers. 2) Satisfaction affect the use of transactional trading system. ". The results of the analysis can be seen that "Z" is a buying and selling site that must provide assurance of customer satisfaction so that it can support consumers to conduct transactions online