30 research outputs found


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    Knowledge on physical properties of seafloor sediments is essential in planning offshore construction, in particular oil and gas construction. Changes in the physical properties of sediments such as faults and fractures, as well as the presence of gas within seafloor sediments can be detected as a decrease in acoustic wave velocity due to reduction in sediment shear strength. Normalization of Cimanuk River in early 1980s has resulted in higher sediment influx and increasing rate of compaction that change the physical properties of the sediment. Analysis of amplitude and wave velocity using software SonarWiz 5 on the records obtained from sounding equipment: Sub-Bottom Profiler type ODEC Strata Box and Bathy 1500, show significant change in wave speed that is caused by shallow gas seepage associated with fractures in the Polygonal Fault System (PFS ). This fault system formed as a result of diagenetic processes of fine grain sediment and reduction of the sediment shear strength due to accumulated sediment cover. Shallow gas seepage itself is commonly found in organic-rich marine sediments and are usually composed of methane


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    Karimata Strait is a part of Sunda Shelf connected South China Sea with Malacca Strait, Indian Ocean and Java Sea. This shelf was a large Sunda Land that has been detected by many evidences as records of various paleo-environments. The purpose of this study is to recognize the characteristic community of ostracoda related to the environmental history of this shelf. Three selected cores sediments represented east (A), middle (B) and west (C) parts of Karimata Strait were used for Ostracoda based on standard method on micropaleontology. Additional method was applied of SEM-EDX analysis to abnormal specimens. The result shows that there are 43 species of ostracoda belonging to 34 genera identified in the study area. The highest number of ostracoda is found in Core B, in the middle part of the strait, and the lowest value belongs to the Core A that close to the land of Kalimantan. Several genera of Ostracoda were documented in all cores: Actinocythereis, Cytherella, Cytherelloidea, Keijia, Keijella, Hemicytheridea, Hemikrithe, Neocytheretta, Neomonoceratina, Loxoconcha, Pistocythereis, Stigmatocythere and Xestoleberis. Vertically, ostracoda are mostly found in the upper part of the cores and decrease or disappear in the lower part of Cores A and C where dominated by black organic materials. It may relate to a wide swampy area before the last sea level rise as part of the history of the SundaShelf about 15,000 years ago. Some major elements (C, CaO, Al2O4, FeO, SiO2, MgOdan SO3 covered or filled abnormal specimens that can provide additional information about environmental changes in the study area, such as Carbon may relate to charcoal from land of Kalimatan and Sumatera Keywords: Ostracoda, subsurface sediment, EDX, environmental changes, Karimata Strait Selat Karimata merupakan bagian dari Paparan Sunda menghubungkan Laut China Selatan dengan Selat Malaka, Samudera Hindia, dan Laut Jawa. Paparan ini merupakan sebuah Dataran Sunda yang luas yang terdeteksi dari bukti-bukti sebagai rekaman berbagai lingkungan purba.Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik komunitas ostracoda berkaitan dengan sejarah lingkungan paparan ini. Terpilih tiga sedimen pemercontoh inti mewakili bagian timur (A), tengah (B) dan barat (C) Selat Karimata digunakan untuk studi Ostracoda berdasarkan metoda standar pada mikropaleontologi. Metoda tambahan adalah aplikasi SEM-EDX terhadap spesimen abnormal. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa di daerah penelitian teridentifikasi 43 spesies ostracoda termasuk dalam 34 genera. Jumlah ostracoda tertinggi ditemukan di Core B dari bagian tengah selat dan terendah di Core A yang berdekatan dengan daratan Kalimantan. Beberapa genera ostracoda ditemukan di semua sampel: Actinocythereis, Cytherella, Cytherelloidea, Keijia, Keijella, Hemicytheridea, Hemikrithe, Neocytheretta, Neomonoceratina, Loxoconcha, Pistocythereis, Stigmatocythere dan Xestoleberis. Secara vertikal, ostracoda umumnya ditemukan di bagian atas dari core dan menurun atau menghilang di bagian bawah Core A dan C yang di dominasi oleh material organik berwarna hitam. Hal ini kemungkinan berkaitan dengan daerah rawa yang luas dan sebelum muka laut naik terakhir pada sejarah Paparan Sunda sekitar 15.000 tahun yang lalu. Beberapa zat kimia (C, CaO, Al2O3, FeO, SiO2, MgO dan SO3) menutupi atau mengisi spesimen abnormal dapat memberi informasi tambahan tentang perubahan lingkungan di daerah penelitian, seperti karbon mungkin berkaitan dengan arang dari daratan Kalimantan dan Sumatera. Kata kunci: Ostracoda, sedimen bawah dasar laut, EDX, perubahan lingkungan, Selat Karima

    Struktur Geologi Teluk Bone - Sulawesi Selatan

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    Morfologi dasar laut di daerah penelitian agak curam dan bergelombang, terdapat pada kedalaman laut antara 50 sampai 2000 meter. Pembentukan morfologi dasar laut ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh adanya gejala sesar-sesar aktif. Dari interpretasi runtunan seismik terlihat jelas adanya struktur- struktur geologi berupa sesar dan pelipatan. Adanya bentuk struktur bunga (flower structure) menunjukkan bahwa gejala tektonik aktif dari sesar Palu- Koro, Kolaka, Matano, Lawanopo masih berlangsung sampai sekarang. Keberadaan sesar-sesar aktif ini perlu diwaspadai karena dapat menimbulkan gempa diseluruh Teluk Bone. Kata kunci: sesar aktif, struktur bunga, sesar Palu-Koro Morphology of study area shows a steep and a slighty wavy seabed with the depths between 50 to 2000 meters. The formation of this morphology is strongly influenced by the presence of active faults. Seismic sequence interpretation shows the geological structures such as faults and folds. The present of the flower structure suggest that tectonically active faults such as Palu-Koro, Kolaka, Matano, Lawanopo are under going until now. The present of these active faults need to be considered as it can generate the earthquake in the Bone Gulf. Keywords: active fault, flower structure, Palu-Koro faul

    Ostracoda From Subsurface Sediments of Karimata Strait as Indicator of Environmental Changes

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    Karimata Strait is a part of Sunda Shelf connected South China Sea with Malacca Strait, Indian Ocean and Java Sea. This shelf was a large Sunda Land that has been detected by many evidences as records of various paleo-environments. The purpose of this study is to recognize the characteristic community of ostracoda related to the environmental history of this shelf. Three selected cores sediments represented east (A), middle (B) and west (C) parts of Karimata Strait were used for Ostracoda based on standard method on micropaleontology. Additional method was applied of SEM-EDX analysis to abnormal specimens. The result shows that there are 43 species of ostracoda belonging to 34 genera identified in the study area. The highest number of ostracoda is found in Core B, in the middle part of the strait, and the lowest value belongs to the Core A that close to the land of Kalimantan. Several genera of Ostracoda were documented in all cores: Actinocythereis, Cytherella, Cytherelloidea, Keijia, Keijella, Hemicytheridea, Hemikrithe, Neocytheretta, Neomonoceratina, Loxoconcha, Pistocythereis, Stigmatocythere and Xestoleberis. Vertically, ostracoda are mostly found in the upper part of the cores and decrease or disappear in the lower part of Cores A and C where dominated by black organic materials. It may relate to a wide swampy area before the last sea level rise as part of the history of the SundaShelf about 15,000 years ago. Some major elements (C, CaO, Al2O4, FeO, SiO2, MgOdan SO3 covered or filled abnormal specimens that can provide additional information about environmental changes in the study area, such as Carbon may relate to charcoal from land of Kalimatan and Sumatera Keywords: Ostracoda, subsurface sediment, EDX, environmental changes, Karimata Strait Selat Karimata merupakan bagian dari Paparan Sunda menghubungkan Laut China Selatan dengan Selat Malaka, Samudera Hindia, dan Laut Jawa. Paparan ini merupakan sebuah Dataran Sunda yang luas yang terdeteksi dari bukti-bukti sebagai rekaman berbagai lingkungan purba

    Pendangkalan Pelabuhan Cirebon dan Astanajapura Akibat Proses Sedimentasi (Berdasarkan Data Seismik Pantul Dangkal dan Pemboran Inti)

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    Pelabuhan Cirebon dan rencana pelabuhan Astanajapura di bagian utara Jawa Barat, saat ini sedang mengalami ancaman akan pendangkalan, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh tingginya aktifitas pengerukkan oleh PT. Pelindo yang dilakukan setiap 6 bulan sekali. Untuk mengevaluasi masalah pendangkalan tersebut, penulis melakukan telaah menggunakan metoda geologi dan geofisika yang difokuskan pada penafsiran seismik pantul dan pemboran inti. Hasil penafsiran seismik pantul dangkal memperlihatkan adanya pola progradasi yang saling menindih. Hal ini ditafsirkan bahwa proses sedimentasi di daerah ini berjalan sangat aktif hingga sekarang. Sedangkan keberadaan pola reflektor sejajar dan sigmoid kombinasi dengan pola syngled dan divergent di bagian bawahnya, menunjukkan bahwa sedimen merupakan endapan delta di dekat pantai. Dari hasil pemboran inti, dijumpai sedimen fraksi halus setebal 20,00 meter, dari atas ke bawah tersusun atas lempung lanauan, lempung dan pasir lepas. The Cirebon and the planned Astanajapura Harbour in the northern West Jave are resently having a rapid shoaling. This is indicated by high frequency number of seafloor dredging, i.e. at every 6 months by PT. Pelindo. The geology and geophysical method, emphasizing on the reflection seismic and core drilling interpretations had been used to evaluate this shoaling problem. The interpretation of reflection seismic show that there is a sediment progradation pattern, indicate that sedimentation is progressing very actively in this area. Parallel reflection and sigmoid patterns and their combination with singled and divergent pattern at the bottompart indicate that the sediment is a nearshore deltaic sediment. Sediment of fine fraction of 20 metres thick, consisting of silly clay, clay and loose sand was found from the result of core drilling

    Kandungan Gas Biogenik dan Termogenik Gas Sedimen Dasar Laut di Perairan Selat Madura. (Pengaruhnya terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Keteknikan)

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    Sedimen dasar laut di daerah perairan Madura dan sekitarnya umumnya mengandung kandungan gas yang dampaknya terhadap sifat fisik sedimen dasar laut sangatlah signifikan. Hal ini kaitannya dengan rencana peletakan pondasi bangunan infrastruktur di Perairan Selat Madura dan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari pemboran dimulai dari kedalaman 1 hingga 20 m dibawah permukaan dasar laut mengandung gas biogenik.. dengan kandungan metana berkisar 50 hingga 60 ppm sedangkan kandungan propana dan isobutana kurang dari 0,2 ppm. Kedalaman lebih dari 20 m dibawah permukaan dasar laut hingga 60 m adalah gas termogenik. Konsentrasi maksimum gas termogenik berupa propana, isobutana dan etana pada kedalaman 52.85 m berkisar dari 0,1 hingga 8,453 ppm. Dari kedua tipe gas ini tahap pembentukan diagenesanya berbeda akibat pengaruh temperatur yang berbeda, sehingga mempengaruhi stabilitas sifat fisik dan keteknikan sedimennyapun berbeda pula. Untuk itu dalam perencanaan pembangunan infrastruktur kelak perlu diantisipasi dengan keberadaan gas tersebut. Sea bottom sediment in Madura waters and surrounding area in generally contains gas which the impacts to physical and engineering properties of sea bottom sediments are very significant. It is connecting with the place of infrastructure building in Strait Madura waters and surrounding area. Based on core drilling the biogenic gas is already contented starting from surface 1 to 20 m depth. It contents methane around 50-60 ppm, propane and isobutene less than 0,2 ppm. The second is thermogenic gas which place more than 20 m depth until 60 m, the maximum concentrates of thermogenic gas (propane, isobutene and ethane) in 52,85 depth are around 0,1 - 8,453 ppm. From both types, the formation method in diagnoses phase is different, because of different of temperaturet so in influence the stability of physical and engineering properties sediment will be different. For that the plan of infrastructure development should be anticipated by existence of the gas