5,565 research outputs found

    A Survey of Dairy Cattle Behavior in Different Barns in Northern Italy

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    Due to its increasing pressure on dairy cows, studies that investigate how to cope with heat stress are needed. The heat stress affects multiple aspects of cows' lives, among which their behavior and welfare. In this study, a survey was carried out in eight farms located in Northern Italy to monitor and evaluate the environmental aspects of the barns and the behavioral responses of dairy cows. For one year, three periods were monitored: thermoneutral (T_S), hot (H_S) and cold (C_S) seasons. Temperature and relative humidity were measured by environmental sensors, and lying vs. standing time, number of lying bouts and their average duration were collected by accelerometers. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was quantified inside and outside of the barn. Results show that at the increase of the THI, behavioral adaptations occurred in all the farms, especially with a reduction of lying time and an increase of respiration rate. Four of the eight farms need interventions for improving the cows' welfare. Here, environmental problems should be solved by introducing or improving the efficacy of the forced ventilation or by modifying the barn structure. Monitoring dairy barns with sensors and Precision Livestock Farming techniques can be helpful for future livestock farming to alert farmers on the need for their interventions to respond immediately to unwanted barn living conditions

    Interferon- α 2b reduces phosphorylation and activity of MEK and ERK through a Ras / Raf -independent mechanism

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    Interferon (IFN)-α affects the growth, differentiation and function of various cell types by transducing regulatory signals through the Janus tyrosine kinase/signal transducers of activation and transcription (Jak/STAT) pathway. The signalling pathways employing the mitogen-activated ERK-activating kinase (MEK) and the extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) are critical in growth factors signalling. Engagement of the receptors, and subsequent stimulation of Ras and Raf, initiates a phosphorylative cascade leading to activation of several proteins among which MEK and ERK play a central role in routing signals critical in controlling cell development, activation and proliferation. We demonstrate here that 24–48 h following treatment of transformed T- and monocytoid cell lines with recombinant human IFN-α2b both the phosphorylation and activity of MEK1 and its substrates ERK1/2 were reduced. In contrast, the activities of the upstream molecules Ras and Raf -1 were not affected. No effect on MEK/ERK activity was observed upon short-term exposure (1–30 min) to IFN. The anti-proliferative effect of IFN-α was increased by the addition in the culture medium of a specific inhibitor of MEK, namely PD98059. In conclusion, our results indicate that IFN-α regulates the activity of the MEK/ERK pathway and consequently modulates cellular proliferation through a Ras / Raf -independent mechanism. Targeting the MEK/ERK pathway may strengthen the IFN-mediated anti-cancer effect. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Excitons and charged excitons in semiconductor quantum wells

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    A variational calculation of the ground-state energy of neutral excitons and of positively and negatively charged excitons (trions) confined in a single-quantum well is presented. We study the dependence of the correlation energy and of the binding energy on the well width and on the hole mass. The conditional probability distribution for positively and negatively charged excitons is obtained, providing information on the correlation and the charge distribution in the system. A comparison is made with available experimental data on trion binding energies in GaAs-, ZnSe-, and CdTe-based quantum well structures, which indicates that trions become localized with decreasing quantum well width.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure


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    Drought events are growingly affecting European and Italian territories, hampering local environments and biodiversity, such as the ones relying on rivers for their subsistence. Monitoring of rivers is becoming an important issue to face drought crisis and may be exploited with different tools. Among the most commons, satellite imagery is exploited to map water coverage, basing on optical or radar sources. This work proposes a combination of the two sensors to overcome possible limitations of the single dataset exploitation, reaching a reliable result. The methodology is applied to a stretch of Po River in Lombardy region (Italy). Through Google Earth Engine platform, optical satellite Sentinel-2 and radar satellite Sentinel-1 data are processed. The combination of the radar data and of the optical spectral indices is carried out through a pixel-based supervised classification, with a Random Forest classifier. Maps of water coverage are obtained, numerical outcomes of water surface evaluation are recorded and validated by the mean of reference hydrometric data. A multitemporal analysis is then reported, aiming to prove the efficiency of the procedure. All iterations show reliable accuracies and correlation among water surface estimation and water table measurements in two sections of interest. In perspective, the proposed methodology will be implemented in tools for supporting drought monitoring to be integrated in environmental public administration policies

    Dependence of effective properties upon regular perturbations

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    In this survey, we present some results on the behavior of effective properties in presence of perturbations of the geometric and physical parameters. We first consider the case of a Newtonian fluid flowing at low Reynolds numbers around a periodic array of cylinders. We show the results of [43], where it is proven that the average longitudinal flow depends real analytically upon perturbations of the periodicity structure and the cross section of the cylinders. Next, we turn to the effective conductivity of a periodic two-phase composite with ideal contact at the interface. The composite is obtained by introducing a periodic set of inclusions into an infinite homogeneous matrix made of a different material. We show a result of [41] on the real analytic dependence of the effective conductivity upon perturbations of the shape of the inclusions, the periodicity structure, and the conductivity of each material. In the last part of the chapter, we extend the result of [41] to the case of a periodic two-phase composite with imperfect contact at the interface

    Caracterización de los sistemas de producción de leche en la cuenca noreste de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina

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    91-97La cuenca lechera noreste es una de las principales regiones de mayor producción e industrialización de leche en la provincia de Córdoba. Sin embargo, no se dispone de una correcta caracterización de los sistemas de producción. Para ello se analizaron las diferencias en la composición de las dietas, la superficie de los establecimientos, la distancia al pavimento, el nivel de equipamiento, las mejoras de capital y la composición del rodeo en tambos con distinto nivel de producción. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las características de los tambos en la cuenca noreste de Córdoba a través de la estructura de producción, la base forrajera y la composición del rodeo. Se trabajó con una base de datos de 2070 tambos de los 3253 existentes en la provincia. Se establecieron dos categorías M1 y M2 que representan tambos de menor y mayor escala. A su vez, se subdividieron en alta y baja producción, resultando en cuatro modelos productivos. Esta cuenca se asienta en establecimientos con sistemas productivos con una alta heterogeneidad entre ellos que confiere una gran variabilidad en la zona. El modelo de tambos pequeños y de menor producción presenta una base forrajera compuesta principalmente por forraje alfalfa. El modelo de tambos pequeños y de alta producción presenta una estructura productiva con mayores mejoras y un alto porcentaje de alfalfa y silo. El modelo de tambos grandes y de baja producción se caracteriza por utilizar una dieta con baja participación de forraje silo y concentrados
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