152 research outputs found

    Will Brexit revive the Franco-German engine? EPC Policy Brief, 26 January 2017

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    The Brexit vote has added a new severe test to the future of the EU but it could also give a welcome impetus to the Franco-German engine of

    Awkward partner once again? Repercussions for Europe of Poland’s elections. EPIN Commentary No. 27, 3 November 2015

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    A clear majority of Poles voted to end eight years of Civic Platform (PO) government on October 25th when they brought the national-conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) back to power. This outcome might be difficult to understand for Poland’s West European partners and may also confuse some EU officials who have observed developments in Poland since it joined the EU in 2004. The implications of these elections for relations with Germany and France, and for Poland’s own EU policy, are a source of concern. Do the results herald a return to the country Poland was during its early years as EU member? In this EPIN commentary the author attempts to throw light on the reasons behind the return to power of Law and Justice Party and considers the wider implications for the EU and European cohesion

    Germany and the next French president: in search of the best partner. EPC Commentary, 20 April 2017

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    Many hope that after the upcoming French and German elections, a renewed and invigorated Franco-German tandem will be able to breathe some new life into the European integration process. A lot, however, will depend on who the next French president will be. The popularity of the two French extremist candidates, Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon and Marine Le Pen, and the prospect of their potential success in the presidential race is creating political anxiety in Berlin. But whom would the Germans rather see become the next French president? In this Commentary, Yann-Sven Rittelmeyer takes a look at the upcoming French elections from a German point of view and analyses what Berlin’s preference indicates for the future of the Franco-German cooperatio

    The rhetoric of school buildings. On the pupil-adequate form of architectural expression

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    Dass die QualitĂ€t von Schulbauten bedeutsam ist fĂŒr die QualitĂ€t des Lernens, macht eine Studie ĂŒber die soziale Anmutung von Schulbauten deutlich: Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts der UniversitĂ€t Göttingen wurden rund 600 Jugendliche aus verschiedenen BundeslĂ€ndern und Schulstufen nach ihren Vorlieben und Abneigungen im Hinblick auf bestimmte Bauformen, Farben und Inneneinrichtungen befragt. Daraus ergeben sich Anregungen fĂŒr die Renovierung von Schulbauten und eine schĂŒlergerechte Umgestaltung hĂ€sslicher Schulbauten. (DIPF/Orig.)The fact that the quality of school buildings is significant for the quality of learning, is shown in a study on the impact of school buildings. Pupils articulate here clear and demanding expectations. These influence the suggestions for the renovation of the buildings and a pupil-adequate transformation of ugly school sites. (DIPF/Orig.

    Body-rhythms. On the implications of chronobiological research for schools

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    Zweifellos weist die Schule viele Merkmale auf, die der rhythmischen Natur des Menschen nicht gerade entsprechen: Neuere Forschungen machen wieder einmal und nachdrĂŒcklich deutlich, dass der Bewegungsmangel und die ĂŒbliche Zeitstruktur den biologischen BedĂŒrfnissen der Lernenden und Lehrenden nicht gerecht werden. Aus diesen Erkenntnissen sind keine einfachen Folgerungen abzuleiten, aber es dĂŒrfte ein erster Schritt sein, sich diese Problematik wieder einmal bewusst zu machen. (DIPF/Orig.)Undoubtedly schools show many traits that don\u27t accord with the rhythmical nature of humans: New research results strongly confirm that the lack of physical exercise and the rigid time-structure do not do justice ro the needs of teachers and students. These findings are not directly translatable to concrete solutions, however, they are a first step in becoming (again) aware of the problematics. (DIPF/Orig.

    En Marche l’Europe? A strategy to implement democratic conventions. EPC Discussion Paper, 11 January 2018

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    President Macron’s idea of holding ‘democratic conventions’ across Europe provides a genuine opportunity to help improve the public’s trust and engagement in European decision-making. But at the same time there is a risk that unrealistic expectations will be raised, and a poorly-implemented strategy could do more harm than good. In this paper, we lay out a detailed and ambitious framework to ensure that the idea delivers on its potential, while minding the pitfalls. It involves a bottom-up strategy, operating at local, national and European levels, designed to discuss specific policy proposals and shape a reform agenda. The paper includes a visual depiction of the strategy’s timeline (Annex 1), a set of possible questions for the agenda (Annex 2), and guidelines for reporting the results of each convention (Annex 3). If the strategy is followed, with the outcome of discussions feeding into the 2019 European Parliament election campaign, there is a real chance that the idea will bring European citizens closer to their political leaders, and closer to each other

    How do talents originate? Taking stock of an on-going discussion considering behavioral genetics and micro-biology

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    Seit einigen Jahren finden traditionelle biologische Sichtweisen von "Begabung" wie der stÀrkere publizistische Resonanz. Dem sollten nicht nur die bekannten Positionen und Programme eines "dynamischen Begabungsbegriffs" entgegengehalten werden. Neue mikrobiologische Forschungen machen nÀmlich deutlich, dass Gene ihre Wirkung in System-Zusammenhang des gesamten Lebensmilieus entfalten. (DIPF/Orig.)Since some years traditional biological views of \u27talent\u27 find strong resonance in the media. This is not to be countered with the known positions and programs of a \u27dynamic concept of talent\u27. New research in micro-biology demonstrates that genes are unfolding their impact within the systems context of the entire life mileu. To these findings pedagogical action and promotion of talents have to be linked. (DIPF/Orig.

    Aesthetic formation and technical competence. Why the "economic location Germany" can only be secured by a demanding general education

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    Der Fernsehkonsum von Kindern hat Auswirkungen auf ihre Hirnarchitektur. Dadurch werden offenbar gerade Kompetenzen, die fĂŒr technologische Praxisfelder wesentlich sind, vermindert. FĂŒr die Entwicklung solcher Kompetenzen scheinen hingegen Lernerfahrungen, die eher in den Bereich der Ă€sthetisch-literarischen Bildung und des Spiels gehören, grundlegend zu sein. (DIPF/ Orig.)Children\u27s TV consumption obviously affects their brain architecture. TV consumption evidently diminishes those competencies that are necessary for technological practical fields. On the other hand, those learning stimulants pertaining to aesthetic-literary formation and play seem to be basic for the development of technical competencies. (DIPF/Orig.

    Educational reform and evaluation. Concerning the current debate on "achievement" and its "measurement"

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    "Nicht ob \u27Leistung\u27 gemessen werden soll, ist die Frage, sondern nach welchen Kategorien und mit welchen Verfahren. Sie sollten sich u.a. auf Situationen beziehen, in denen \u27der ganze Mensch\u27 agieren muß." Es wĂ€re sinnvoll, eine Evaluationsdiskussion unter Mitarbeit kompetenter Schulpraktiker zu fĂŒhren und entsprechende VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr die Schulevaluation zu erarbeiten. (DIPF/Sch.)The question is not whether educational achievement should be measured but on the basis of which procedures and categories. Those should be referring to situations where the whole human being has to act. (DIPF/Orig.

    An alarming glance back. A reply to Hans-Georg Herrlitz

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    Die Erwiderung auf die positive EinschĂ€tzung erziehungswissenschaftlicher Empfehlungen durch Herrlitz [Die Deutsche Schule 2005, Heft 2, S. 135-139] stĂŒtzt sich auf folgendes Gegenargument: "Dass die Erziehungswissenschaft sich in den vergangenen vierzig Jahren nur mit geringem Erfolg in die Bildungsreform eingemischt hat, ist nicht zuletzt darauf zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, dass ihre Konzepte den Erfordernissen und AnsprĂŒchen einer konsequenten und konkreten Reform von Schule und Unterricht nicht gerecht geworden sind." (DIPF/Orig.)Educational science during the past forty years has taken part only minimally successful in the educational reform. This is not the least due to the fact that her concepts did not meet the needs and demands of a consistent and concrete reform of schools and teaching. (DIPF/Orig.
