53 research outputs found

    Keragaman Genetik Empat Populasi Lntsia Bijuga Berdasarkan Penanda Rapd dan Implikasinya Bagi Program Konservasi Genetik

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    Intsia bijuga atau merbau merupakan jenis kayu bemilai ekonomi tinggi dan telah mengalami eksploitasi yang intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari keragaman genetik populasi merbau guna membantu penyusunan strategi konservasi genetik, dengan menggunakan penanda RAPD. Sampel daun dikumpulkan dari 4 populasi dan dianalisa menggunakan 15 primer RAPD yang menghasilkan 77 lokus polimorfik. Rata-rata lokus polimorfik per primer adalah 5.1. Nilai keragaman genetik rerata dalam populasi sebesar 0,296 sedangkan keragaman antara populasi 0.141. Analisis klaster membagi keempat populasi menjadi dua kelompok populasi yaitu Carita dan Manokwari pada kelompok pertama, sedangkan kelompok kedua terdiri dari populasi Temate dan Nabire. Pembagian kelompok antara Manokwari dan Nabire lebih memperjelas pembagian Papua menjadi 6 wilayah geogenetik

    Effect of Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Addition to Lactating Dairy Cows Ration Upon Milk Production and Composition

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    . On farm level, the price of milk is affected by its fat content. On the other hand, improving milk quality by the use of better ration economically is not feasible. The problem is how to find an appropriate, easily found, relatively cheap and efficient ration for producing better quantity and quality of milk. An experimental research was conducted using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in lactating dairy cows ration, in a 4x4 Latin Square Design, with animal trial as column and trial period as row. Each trial period consisted of 14-day preliminary and 7-day trial period (collection period). The treatment to be tested were four levels of yeast addition, namely : 0, 5, 10 and 15 g/cow/day. The variables measured were daily milk production (4% FCM) and milk composition (solid non fat, fat, protein, lactose). The result showed that the addition of yeast had no significant effect on milk production and milk composition, but tended to increase milk fat in which the highest fat content of 5.13 % was achieved when 8.5 g/cow/day was suplemented. The average milk production, solid non fat, lactose, fat, and protein were 9.55 kg/day, 8.70%, 3.99%, 4.50% and 0.13%, respectively. Based on all measured variables, it can be concluded that the addition of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae up to 15 g/cow/day to lactating dairy cows ration did not effectively improve milk production and milk composition

    Karakteristik Pembungaan Dan Sistem Perkawinan Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum) Pada Hutan Tanaman Di Watusipat, Gunung Kidul

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    Flowering are influenced by internal factors, such as genetic and phytohormone, and environment factors, such as sunlight and nutrition intake. The flowering characteristics influence fruiting and genetic diversity seedlings through mating systems. This study aims to assess flowering and fruiting characteristics and to determine pattern of mating system of a Calophyllum inophyllum plantation at Watusipat, Gunung Kidul. Flowering and fruiting were observed at 4 locations, 3 parts of crown, and 4 main directions to know the effects of sunlight, nutrition intake and phytohormone in the flowering process. Mating system was assessed by comparing genetic diversity values between parent trees and offsprings. The values of genetic diversity were analyzed using 5 RAPD primers with 17 polymorphic loci. Analysis of variant showed that the locations, crown parts, directions and interaction between a location and direction significantly affected to differences number of flowers and fruits. Values of genetic diversity (h) of parent trees ranged between 0.1471 and 0.3056. The values increased at almost overall offsprings; it ranged between 0.2864 and 0.3750. Values of genetic distance (Da) between parent trees were high and very high (0.197 – 0.364), but the values was decreased between parent trees and their offspring, even between offspring populations. A dendrogram showed two main clusters; first cluster consisted parent trees at up edge with rare trees and second cluster consisted sub cluster parent trees at up edge; sub cluster parent trees at down middle; and sub cluster parent trees at down edge and overall offsprings. Flowering/ fruiting characteristics and pattern of mating systems of C. inophyllum were briefly discussed

    Effects of Slow Release Urea Supplementation of Sheep Protein Source Feed Protected with Condensed Tannin From Leucaena on Protein Degradation in Rumen and Post-rumen in Vitro

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    The objectives of the research were to supply nitrogen for protein synthesis of ruminal microbe from slow release urea and to supply post-rumen protein from soybean meal protected with condensed tannin (CT) from crude Leucaena leaves extract. In Experiment 1, slow release urea (SRU) was made by extrusion of cassava waste-urea, tapioca meal-urea and cassava meal-urea. Evaluation of SRU properties was based on residual nitrogen concentration and ruminal fermentation products (total volatile fatty acid and ammonia-nitrogen) in vitro. In Experiment 2, soybean meal protected with CT from crude Leucaena leaves extract as much as 1,68 g tannin/100 g DM soybean meal. SRU that was selected from Experiment 1 was used as the supplement in sheep ration whose protein source was protected with CT. SRU supplement in basal rations was 0, 6.36, 12.75, 19.11% DM. In vitro result in Experiment 1, showed that SRU of cassava waste, tapioca meal and cassava meal were different (P<0,01) on residual nitrogen content, total VFA, ammonia-N, and fermentation time. The optimum SRU obtained from cassava waste by inhibiting nitrogen hydrolysis up to 14 h. In Experiment 2, SRU supplementation of cassava waste on basal ration whose protein source was protected with CT increased dry matter (DM) degradability (P<0,01), total VFA (P<0,01), ammonia-N (P<0,01), and did not affect crude protein (CP) ruminal degradation. Post-ruminal degradability of DM and CP increased (P<0.01) in line with the increasing supplement, and reached the optimum level at 12,75 – 19,11% DM. In conclusion, cassava waste was a potent SRU through extrusion process and could be harnessed as SRU supplement in ration with protein source protected with condensed tannin to improve ruminal microbe protein synthesis

    Screening Penanda Mikrosatelit Shorea Curtisii Terhadap Jenis-jenis Shorea Penghasil Tengkawang

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    Screening primer is an effective method to develop microsatellite markers from related taxa. Aim of this study was to develop microsatellite markers of four Shorea producing tengkawang oil, i.e. Shorea gysbertiana, Shorea macrophylla, Shorea pinanga and Shorea stenoptera by screening microsatellite primers of Shorea curtisii. Leaf samples of the four Shorea were collected from nursery at Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research in Yogyakarta. Four microsatellite primers of S. curtisii i.e. Shc-1, Shc-2, Shc-7 and Shc-9 had been used to screen. Results showed that numerous alleles were shared among the Shorea. The expected heterozygosity (HE) for locus Shc-1 ranged between 0.594 and 0.722; locus Shc-2 ranged between 0.219 and 0.611; locus Shc-7 ranged between 0.594 and 0.778; and locus Shc-9 ranged between 0.594 and 0.844. Coefficient of inbreeding (FIS) value was low and it was insignificant deviated from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) at almost all loci except Shc-1 of S. pinanga. A dendrogram showed two clusters; S. gysbertsiana and S. macrophylla represented in one cluster, while S. pinanga and S. stenoptera represented in another cluster. Therefore the developed microsatellite markers are possible to be applied for studying population genetics and mating system of these species

    Effects of Slow Release Urea Supplementation of Sheep Protein Source Feed Protected with Condensed Tannin From Leucaena on Protein Degradation in Rumen and Post-rumen in Vitro

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    The objectives of the research were to supply nitrogen for protein synthesis of ruminal microbe from slow release urea and to supply post-rumen protein from soybean meal protected with condensed tannin (CT) from crude Leucaena leaves extract. In Experiment 1, slow release urea (SRU) was made by extrusion of cassava waste-urea, tapioca meal-urea and cassava meal-urea. Evaluation of SRU properties was based on residual nitrogen concentration and ruminal fermentation products (total volatile fatty acid and ammonia-nitrogen) in vitro. In Experiment 2, soybean meal protected with CT from crude Leucaena leaves extract as much as 1,68 g tannin/100 g DM soybean meal. SRU that was selected from Experiment 1 was used as the supplement in sheep ration whose protein source was protected with CT. SRU supplement in basal rations was 0, 6.36, 12.75, 19.11% DM. In vitro result in Experiment 1, showed that SRU of cassava waste, tapioca meal and cassava meal were different (P<0,01) on residual nitrogen content, total VFA, ammonia-N, and fermentation time. The optimum SRU obtained from cassava waste by inhibiting nitrogen hydrolysis up to 14 h. In Experiment 2, SRU supplementation of cassava waste on basal ration whose protein source was protected with CT increased dry matter (DM) degradability (P<0,01), total VFA (P<0,01), ammonia-N (P<0,01), and did not affect crude protein (CP) ruminal degradation. Post-ruminal degradability of DM and CP increased (P<0.01) in line with the increasing supplement, and reached the optimum level at 12,75 – 19,11% DM. In conclusion, cassava waste was a potent SRU through extrusion process and could be harnessed as SRU supplement in ration with protein source protected with condensed tannin to improve ruminal microbe protein synthesis
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