336 research outputs found

    Effect of Pressure on the Activity Coefficients of Au and Other Siderophile Elements in Liquid Fe-Si Alloys

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    Light elements can alloy into the iron cores of terrestrial planetary bodies. It is estimated that the Earths core contains ~10% of a light element, most likely a combination of S, C, Si, and O with Si probably being the most abundant. Si dissolved into Fe metal liquids can have a significant influence on the activity coefficients of siderophile elements, and thus the partitioning behavior of those elements between the core and mantle. Many of these elements have been investigated extensively at ambient pressure, and studies up to 1 GPa are becoming more common, but few have been studied at pressures above this. The formation of the Earths core has been estimated to have formed at pressures between 40-60 GPa, so investigating the effect pressure has on Sis influence on siderophile element partitioning is important for modeling core formation in the Earth and smaller planets. Pressure is well known to influence volumetric properties of metallic and silicate liquids, and oxygen fugacity (e.g., [10,11]), but less is known about its effect on activity coefficients (e.g., [12]). Some activity coefficients depend strongly upon the Si content of Fe liquids, and the concentration of siderophile elements such as P, Sb, and As in the terrestrial mantle is easily influenced by dissolved Si in the core. Thus, isolating the effect of pressure on activity coefficients in general is critical in quantitative analysis of core formation models. In this work, we investigate the effect variable Si content has on the partitioning of Au between Fe metal and silicate melt at 10 GPa and 2373 K, with the intention of comparing the behavior to that already investigated at lower pressures. In addition, P, V, Mn, Ga, Zn, Cd, Sn, W, Pb, and Nb were also measured and could thus be included in the assessment of potential pressure effects

    Ureilite Thin Section Preparation

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    Preparing thin and thick sections of ureilite type meteorites is a challenge that can confound even the most experienced section preparer. A common characteristic of these samples is the presence of carbon phases, particularly nanodiamonds, in the matrix along silicate grain boundaries, fractures, and cleavage plains [1]. The extreme hardness of the nanodiamonds presents a challenge to the section preparer in the form of high surface relief on the section. This hard material also causes considerable wear and tear on equipment and materials that are used for making the sections. These issues will be discussed and potentially helpful measures will be presented

    Carbonaceous Chondrite Thin Section Preparation

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    Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites have long posed a challenge for thin section makers. The variability in sample hardness among the different types, and sometimes within individual sections, creates the need for an adaptable approach at each step of the thin section making process. This poster will share some of the procedural adjustments that have proven to be successful at the NASA JSC Meteorite Thin Section Laboratory. These adjustments are modifications of preparation methods that have been in use for decades and therefore do not require investment in new technology or materials

    On the Gittins index in the M/G/1 queue

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    For an M/G/1 queue with the objective of minimizing the mean number of jobs in the system, the Gittins index rule is known to be optimal among the set of non-anticipating policies. We develop properties of the Gittins index. For a single-class queue it is known that when the service time distribution is of type Decreasing Hazard Rate (New Better than Used in Expectation), the Foreground-Background (First-Come-First-Served) discipline is optimal. By utilizing the Gittins index approach, we show that in fact, Foreground-Background and First-Come-First-Served are optimal if and only if the service time distribution is of type Decreasing Hazard Rate and New Better than Used in Expectation, respectively. For the multi-class case, where jobs of different classes have different service distributions, we obtain new results that characterize the optimal policy under various assumptions on the service time distributions. We also investigate distributions whose hazard rate and mean residual lifetime are not monotonic. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

    Testing and Resilience of the Impact Origin of the Moon

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    The leading hypothesis for the origin of the Moon is the giant impact model, which grew out of the post-Apollo science community. The hypothesis was able to explain the high E-M system angular momentum, the small lunar core, and consistent with the idea that the early Moon melted substantially. The standard hypothesis requires that the Moon be made entirely from the impactor, strangely at odds with the nearly identical oxygen isotopic composition of the Earth and Moon, compositions that might be expected to be different if Moon came from a distinct impactor. Subsequent geochemical research has highlighted the similarity of both geochemical and isotopic composition of the Earth and Moon, and measured small but significant amounts of volatiles in lunar glassy materials, both of which are seemingly at odds with the standard giant impact model. Here we focus on key geochemical measurements and spacecraft observations that have prompted a healthy re-evaluation of the giant impact model, provide an overview of physical models that are either newly proposed or slightly revised from previous ideas, to explain the new datasets

    Highly Siderophile Elements in Pallasites and Diogenites, Including the New Pallasite, CMS 04071

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    Pallasites are long thought to represent a metallic core-silicate mantle boundary, where the IIIAB irons are linked to the crystallization history of the metallic fraction, and the HED meteorites may be linked to the silicate fraction. However, measurement of trace elements in individual metallic and silicate phases is necessary in order to fully under-stand the petrogenetic history of pallasites, as well as any magmatic processes which may link pallasites to both IIIAB irons and HED meteorites. In order to achieve this objective, abundances of a suite of elements were measured, including the highly siderophile elements (HSEs), in kamacite, taenite, troilite, schreibersite, chromite and olivine for the pallasites Admire, Imilac, Springwater, CMS 04071. In the diogenites GRO 95555, LAP 91900, and MET 00436, metal, sulfide, spinel, pyroxene, and silica were individually measured

    Chalcophile Element Constraints on the Sulfur Content of the Martian Mantle

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    The sulfur content of the Martian mantle is critical to understanding volcanic volatiles supplied to the surface of Mars and possibly climate. In the absence of Martian mantle rocks, sulfur content of the mantle has been inferred from S contents of Martian meteorites or from sedimentary sulfate abundances. Estimates of the sulfur content of the Martian mantle vary from 390-2,000 ppm, all of which are higher than that of the terrestrial mantle (~250 ppm;). Residual sulfide in the Martian mantle controls the distribution of chalcophile elements during partial melting. In this study, we report new analyses of Martian meteorites, and use the incompatible behavior of As, Tl and Pb to infer the sulfide mode of the Martian mantle using a different set of assumptions than those of prior studies

    Scientific Yield of Meteorites Recovered from the Dominion Range, Transantarctic Mountains

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    The US Antarctic Meteorite Program has visited the Dominion Range in the Transantarctic Mountains during several different seasons, including the 1985, 2003, 2008, 2010, and 2014 seasons. Total recovered meteorites from this region is over 2000. The 1985 (11 samples), 2003 (141 samples), 2008 (521) and 2010 (901 samples) seasons have been fully classified, and the 2014 samples (562) are in the process of being classified and characterized. Given that close to 1500 samples have been classified so far, it seems like a good opportunity to summarize the state of the collection. Here we describe the significant samples documented from this area, as well as a large meteorite shower that dominates the statistics of the region

    Effect of Silicon on Activity Coefficients of Siderophile Elements (P, Au, Pd, As, Ge, Sb, and In) in Liquid Fe, with Application to Core Formation

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    Earth's core contains approximately 10 percent light elements that are likely a combination of S, C, Si, and O, with Si possibly being the most abundant. Si dissolved into Fe liquids can have a large effect on the magnitude of the activity coefficient of siderophile elements (SE) in Fe liquids, and thus the partitioning behavior of those elements between core and mantle. The effect of Si can be small such as for Ni and Co, or large such as for Mo, Ge, Sb, As. The effect of Si on many siderophile elements is unknown yet could be an important, and as yet unquantified, influence on the core-mantle partitioning of SE. Here we report new experiments designed to quantify the effect of Si on the partitioning of P, Au, Pd, and many other SE between metal and silicate melt. The results will be applied to Earth, for which we have excellent constraints on the mantle siderophile element concentrations

    Nondestructive Analysis of Astromaterials by Micro-CT and Micro-XRF Analysis for PET Examination

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    An integral part of any sample return mission is the initial description and classification of returned samples by the preliminary examination team (PET). The goal of the PET is to characterize and classify returned samples and make this information available to the larger research community who then conduct more in-depth studies on the samples. The PET tries to minimize the impact their work has on the sample suite, which has in the past limited the PET work to largely visual, nonquantitative measurements (e.g., optical microscopy). More modern techniques can also be utilized by a PET to nondestructively characterize astromaterials in much more rigorous way. Here we discuss our recent investigations into the applications of micro-CT and micro-XRF analyses with Apollo samples and ANSMET meteorites and assess the usefulness of these techniques in future PET. Results: The application of micro computerized tomography (micro-CT) to astromaterials is not a new concept. The technique involves scanning samples with high-energy x-rays and constructing 3-dimensional images of the density of materials within the sample. The technique can routinely measure large samples (up to approx. 2700 cu cm) with a small individual voxel size (approx. 30 cu m), and has the sensitivity to distinguish the major rock forming minerals and identify clast populations within brecciated samples. We have recently run a test sample of a terrestrial breccia with a carbonate matrix and multiple igneous clast lithologies. The test results are promising and we will soon analyze a approx. 600 g piece of Apollo sample 14321 to map out the clast population within the sample. Benchtop micro x-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) instruments can rapidly scan large areas (approx. 100 sq cm) with a small pixel size (approx. 25 microns) and measure the (semi) quantitative composition of largely unprepared surfaces for all elements between Be and U, often with sensitivity on the order of a approx. 100 ppm. Our recent testing of meteorite and Apollo samples on micro-XRF instruments has shown that they can easily detect small zircons and phosphates (approx. 10 m), distinguish different clast lithologies within breccias, and identify different lithologies within small rock fragments (2-4 mm soil Apollo soil fragments)