8,582 research outputs found

    Particle Acceleration in Mildly Relativistic Shearing Flows: the Interplay of Systematic and Stochastic Effects, and the Origin of the Extended High-energy Emission in AGN Jets

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    The origin of the extended X-ray emission in the large-scale jets of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) poses challenges to conventional models of acceleration and emission. Although the electron synchrotron radiation is considered the most feasible radiation mechanism, the formation of the continuous large-scale X-ray structure remains an open issue. As astrophysical jets are expected to exhibit some turbulence and shearing motion, we here investigate the potential of shearing flows to facilitate an extended acceleration of particles and evaluate its impact on the resultant particle distribution. Our treatment incorporates systematic shear and stochastic second-order Fermi effects. We show that for typical parameters applicable to large-scale AGN jets, stochastic second-order Fermi acceleration, which always accompanies shear particle acceleration, can play an important role in facilitating the whole process of particle energization. We study the time-dependent evolution of the resultant particle distribution in the presence of second-order Fermi acceleration, shear acceleration, and synchrotron losses using a simple Fokker--Planck approach and provide illustrations for the possible emergence of a complex (multicomponent) particle energy distribution with different spectral branches. We present examples for typical parameters applicable to large-scale AGN jets, indicating the relevance of the underlying processes for understanding the extended X-ray emission and the origin of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Ap

    Particle acceleration close to the supermassive black hole horizon: the case of M87

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    The radio galaxy M87 has recently been found to be a rapidly variable TeV emitting source. We analyze the implications of the observed TeV characteristics and show that it proves challenging to account for them within conventional acceleration and emission models. We discuss a new pulsar-type scenario for the origin of variable, very high energy (VHE) emission close to the central supermassive black hole and show that magneto-centrifugally accelerated electrons could efficiently Compton upscatter sub-mm ADAF disk photons to the TeV regime, leading to VHE characteristics close to the observed ones. This suggests, conversely, that VHE observations of highly under-luminous AGNs could provide an important diagnostic tool for probing the conditions prevalent in the inner accretion disk of these sources.Comment: 5 pages, one figure (typos corrected); based on presentation at "High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows", Dublin, Sept. 2007; accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Three-dimensional flows in slowly-varying planar geometries

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    We consider laminar flow in channels constrained geometrically to remain between two parallel planes; this geometry is typical of microchannels obtained with a single step by current microfabrication techniques. For pressure-driven Stokes flow in this geometry and assuming that the channel dimensions change slowly in the streamwise direction, we show that the velocity component perpendicular to the constraint plane cannot be zero unless the channel has both constant curvature and constant cross-sectional width. This result implies that it is, in principle, possible to design "planar mixers", i.e. passive mixers for channels that are constrained to lie in a flat layer using only streamwise variations of their in-plane dimensions. Numerical results are presented for the case of a channel with sinusoidally varying width

    Cen A as TeV gamma-ray and possible UHE cosmic-ray source

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    Context: The most nearby active galaxy Cen A has attracted considerable attention as a detected TeV gamma-ray and possible ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic-ray emitter. Aims: We investigate the efficiency of particle acceleration close to the supermassive black hole (BH) horizon assuming that accretion in the innermost part of the disk occurs in an advection-dominated (ADAF) mode. Methods: We analyze the constraints on the achievable particle energies imposed by radiative losses and corotation for conditions inferred from observations. Results: We show that for an underluminous source such as Cen A, centrifugally accelerated electrons may reach Lorentz factors of up to γ(107108)\gamma \sim (10^7-10^8), allowing inverse Compton (Thomson) upscattering of ADAF sub-mm disk photons into the TeV regime with an associated maximum (isotropic) luminosity of the order of a few times 103910^{39} erg/s. Upscattering of Comptonized disk photons is expected to lead to a TeV spectrum LνναcL_{\nu} \propto \nu^{-\alpha_c} with a spectral index αc(1.51.9)\alpha_c \simeq (1.5-1.9), consistent with H.E.S.S. results. The corresponding minimum variability timescale could be as low as rL/c1r_{\rm L}/c \sim 1 hr for a typical light cylinder radius of rL5rsr_{\rm L} \simeq 5 r_{\rm s}. While efficient electron acceleration appears to be well possible, protons are unlikely to be accelerated into the extreme UHECR regime close to the central black hole. We argue that if Cen A is indeed an extreme UHECR emitting source, then shear acceleration along the kpc-scale jet could represent one of the most promising mechanisms capable of pushing protons up to energies beyond 50 EeV.Comment: 4 pages, A&A Letters, in pres

    Clues to unveil the emitter in LS 5039: powerful jets vs colliding winds

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    LS 5039 is among the most interesting VHE sources in the Galaxy. Two scenarios have been put forward to explain the observed TeV radiation: jets vs pulsar winds. The source has been detected during the superior conjunction of the compact object, when very large gamma-ray opacities are expected. In addition, electromagnetic cascades, which may make the system more transparent to gamma-rays, are hardly efficient for realistic magnetic fields in massive star surroundings. All this makes unlikely the standard pulsar scenario for LS 5039, in which the emitter is the region located between the star and the compact object, where the opacities are the largest. Otherwise, a jet-like flow can transport energy to regions where the photon-photon absorption is much lower and the TeV radiation is not so severely absorbed.Comment: 3 pages, 3 Figures, contribution to the "Fourth Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy 2008

    Chaos in the Random Field Ising Model

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    The sensitivity of the random field Ising model to small random perturbations of the quenched disorder is studied via exact ground states obtained with a maximum-flow algorithm. In one and two space dimensions we find a mild form of chaos, meaning that the overlap of the old, unperturbed ground state and the new one is smaller than one, but extensive. In three dimensions the rearrangements are marginal (concentrated in the well defined domain walls). Implications for finite temperature variations and experiments are discussed.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 6 eps-figures include

    Non-thermal Processes in Black-Hole-Jet Magnetospheres

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    The environs of supermassive black holes are among the universe's most extreme phenomena. Understanding the physical processes occurring in the vicinity of black holes may provide the key to answer a number of fundamental astrophysical questions including the detectability of strong gravity effects, the formation and propagation of relativistic jets, the origin of the highest energy gamma-rays and cosmic-rays, and the nature and evolution of the central engine in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). As a step towards this direction, this paper reviews some of the progress achieved in the field based on observations in the very high energy domain. It particularly focuses on non-thermal particle acceleration and emission processes that may occur in the rotating magnetospheres originating from accreting, supermassive black hole systems. Topics covered include direct electric field acceleration in the black hole's magnetosphere, ultra-high energy cosmic ray production, Blandford-Znajek mechanism, centrifugal acceleration and magnetic reconnection, along with the relevant efficiency constraints imposed by interactions with matter, radiation and fields. By way of application, a detailed discussion of well-known sources (Sgr A*; Cen A; M87; NGC1399) is presented.Comment: invited review for International Journal of Modern Physics D, 49 pages, 15 figures; minor typos corrected to match published versio

    Griffiths-McCoy Singularities in the Random Transverse-Field Ising Spin Chain

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    We consider the paramagnetic phase of the random transverse-field Ising spin chain and study the dynamical properties by numerical methods and scaling considerations. We extend our previous work [Phys. Rev. B 57, 11404 (1998)] to new quantities, such as the non-linear susceptibility, higher excitations and the energy-density autocorrelation function. We show that in the Griffiths phase all the above quantities exhibit power-law singularities and the corresponding critical exponents, which vary with the distance from the critical point, can be related to the dynamical exponent z, the latter being the positive root of [(J/h)^{1/z}]_av=1. Particularly, whereas the average spin autocorrelation function in imaginary time decays as [G]_av(t)~t^{-1/z}, the average energy-density autocorrelations decay with another exponent as [G^e]_av(t)~t^{-2-1/z}.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX, 8 eps-figures include

    Disorder driven phase transitions of the large q-state Potts model in 3d

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    Phase transitions induced by varying the strength of disorder in the large-q state Potts model in 3d are studied by analytical and numerical methods. By switching on the disorder the transition stays of first order, but different thermodynamical quantities display essential singularities. Only for strong enough disorder the transition will be soften into a second-order one, in which case the ordered phase becomes non-homogeneous at large scales, while the non-correlated sites percolate the sample. In the critical regime the critical exponents are found universal: \beta/\nu=0.60(2) and \nu=0.73(1).Comment: 4 pages; 3 figure