62 research outputs found

    The palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 204/28-1 between 1916.00 and 1939.05 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 204/28-1 was undertaken. Eleven core samples were taken for palynology between 1916.00 and 1939.05 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. However, the samples all proved barren and extremely sparse in terms of palynomorphs and kerogen respectively. Residues of liquid hydrocarbons were recognised. Therefore, no biostratigraphical or palaeoecological interpretations can be drawn

    Palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 205/20-2 between 2958.81 and 2999.78 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 205/20-2 was undertaken. Thirteen core samples were taken for palynology between 2958.81 and 2999.78 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. Samples 5 to 13 (2970.35 to 2999.78 m) all proved barren of, or very sparse in, identifiable palynomorphs, and hence no age assessments are possible in this succession. By contrast, the uppermost interval (samples 1 to 4; 2958.81 to 2968.08 m) is interpreted as being of Kimmeridgian to Middle Volgian age (Eudoxus to Anguiformis zones) based largely on sparse dinoflagellate cysts

    Palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 204/27a-1 between 2059.91 and 2137.00 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 204/27a-1 was undertaken. Forty-four core samples were taken for palynology between 2059.91 and 2137.00 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. The samples were somewhat variable, but generally were relatively poor in productivity throughout and several horizons proved devoid of palynomorphs. The productive samples were generally dominated by poorly preserved terrestrially derived pollen and spores. Marine palynomorphs, where present, were also poorly preserved and of low diversity. A marine setting is indicated by the productive horizons. The 37 samples between 2059.91 and 2122.77 m in this well are of Early–Mid Volgian to Ryazanian–Valanginian transition in age. The uppermost sample (1) at 2059.91 m is assigned to the Ryazanian–Valanginian transition due to the occurrence of the chorate dinoflagellate cyst Systematophora palmula. The succession from 2061.95 to 2078.05 m (samples 2 to 7) is deemed to be Mid Volgian to Ryazanian in age largely on the basis of the occurrence of Cribroperidinium hansenii. The following interval between 2081.47 and 2113.20 m (samples 8 to 25 ) is assigned to the Mid Volgian on dinoflagellate cyst evidence. The key taxa are Cribroperidinium gigas, Cribroperidinium hansenii, Muderongia simplex (‘sp. A’) and Senoniasphaera jurassica. Specifically, range tops of Muderongia simplex (‘sp. A’) and Senoniasphaera jurassica at 2081.47 m indicate the Mid Volgian Kerberus zone. The lowermost seven samples (38–44) between 2123.60 and 2137.00 m proved barren of palynomorphs, and hence cannot be dated. The succession between 2113.90 and 2122.77 m (samples 26 to 37) is interpreted as being no older than Volgian, and hence Early to Mid Volgian, on the basis of the sporadic presence of the highly ornamented spore genus Cicatricosisporites

    Palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 205/26-1 between 2095.71 and 2103.91 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 205/26-1 was undertaken. Six core samples were taken for palynology between 2103.91 m and 2095.71 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. The five productive samples from between 2095.71 and 2103.09 m are questionably assigned to the late Ryazanian to the earliest Valanginian due to the presence of questionable specimens of the dinoflagellate cyst Systematophora palmula. The rest of the palynoflora is consistent with this assessment. This interval represents marine deposition

    Palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 209/12-1 between 3467.55 and 3469.85 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 209/12-1 was undertaken. Four core samples were taken for palynology between 3467.55 and 3469.85 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. However, the four samples all proved devoid of identifiable palynomorphs, and hence no age assessment is possible. Sample 3 at 3469.84 m probably represents marine deposition

    Palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 205/26a-2 between 2093.77 and 2158.00 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 205/26a-2 was undertaken. Seven core samples were taken for palynology between 2093.77 and 2158.00 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. The interval between 2094.58 and 2104.63 m proved variably palynologically productive. The four palynofloras examined comprise relatively high diversity dinoflagellate cysts, including several marker species. This indicates marine deposition. Due to the presence of dinoflagellate cyst species such as Heslertonia heslertonensis and Scriniodinium pharo, this succession is assigned to the Ryazanian–Valanginian transition (Early Cretaceous). The most likely age is latest Ryazanian (Albidum Zone). The samples at 2093.77, 2157.58 and 2158.00 m all proved to be palynologically barren

    Palynology of Faroe-Shetland Basin well 205/26a-4 between 2454.39 and 2498.91 m

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    As part of Phase 3 of the BGS Faroe-Shetland Consortium project on the Jurassic of the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, detailed logging of core from well 205/26a-4 was undertaken. Twenty core samples were taken for palynology between 2454.39 and 2498.91 m in order to provide age determinations and additional facies information. The uppermost succession (2454.39 to 2469.17 m; samples 1 to 11) is considered to be of Late Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous (Mid Volgian to Early Ryazanian) age based on sparse dinoflagellate cysts, which include the marker species Perisseiasphaeridium insolitum. The interval between 2470.67 and 2498.91 m (samples 12 to 20) proved palynologically barren, therefore no age assessments are possible

    Edwin George ('Ted') Spinner (1938-2018)

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    Євгеніка в 20-х роках ХХ ст. в Україні

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    Висвітлено розвиток євгенічних поглядів в працях вітчизняних вчених та науковців-медиків в 20-х роках ХХ ст. Показано вплив цих ідей на формування в Україні закладів медико-генетичного спрямування, розвиток профілактичної медицини, становлення санітарно-гігієнічної служби.Освещено развитие евгенических взглядов в трудах отечественных учених и учених-медиков в 20-е годы ХХ ст. Показано влияние этих идей на формирование в Украине учреждений медико-генетической направленности, развитие профилактической медицины, становление санитарно-гигиенической службы.The development of eugenics-based ideas in works of national scientists and researchers in medical field in 20s of XX Century is outlined. The influence of these ideas on establishing institutions in medical and genetic field in Ukraine, development of preventive medicine and establishment of sanitary and hygienic service is shown

    Jurassic stratigraphy of the Faroe-Shetland region : implications for the evolution of the proto-NE Atlantic margin

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    This report is the result of a joint study by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and Jarðfeingi (the Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate) on behalf of the Faroe-Shetland Consortium (FSC) and presents a regional analysis of Jurassic stratigraphy of the Faroe-Shetland region and the implications for the evolution of the proto-NE Atlantic margin. This report integrates the main conclusions of the various component studies that comprise the ‘Jurassic Project’. Readers are directed to the individual, detailed reports for further background information, a discussion of methodology and a fuller discussion of the conclusions. The detailed reports cover the following subjects: seismic interpretation, structure and thickness (Quinn 2018), sedimentology (Dodd, 2018) and palynology (Riding, 2018a-i and Thomas, 2018a-j)