17 research outputs found


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    The present article reports the pharmacist’s experience on primary health attention, in the context of Brazilian family health strategy. It shows the path to his insertion in the health units, discusses where and how this pharmacist can act in this new proposal and the possible approaches on collective health field. It also brings a reflection about the difficulties during the period of Residence on health family units, the needs of professional education and the different meanings of the medicine to the patient, as well as the integrated work with the multiprofessional team, specially medicine and nutrition.Keywords: pharmacist; family health strategy; health unit.O presente artigo relata a experiência do profissional farmacêutico no âmbito da Atenção Primária, no contexto da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Resgata seu histórico até a sua inserção em uma unidade de saúde, discute onde se insere o farmacêutico na proposta de transitoriedade do perfil da assistência e as possíveis abordagens dentro do campo da saúde coletiva. Aponta as dificuldades encontradas durante o período de residência em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF), as necessidades na formação desse profissional para atuar na Atenção Primária à Saúde e, as diferentes configurações que o medicamento assume perante o indivíduo, bem como o trabalho integrado à equipe multiprofissional, em especial ao profissional médico e ao nutricionista

    Local anesthetics used by Aracatuba's dentist surgeons

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    Estimativa da irradiação solar global com partição mensal e sazonal para a região de Cascavel - PR Evaluation of global solar irradiation with sazonal and monthly partition for the area of Cascavel - PR, Brazil

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    No presente trabalho, mostram-se equações de estimativa da irradiação solar global (R G), por meio do modelo de Angstrom, com partições sazonal e mensal para a região de Cascavel - PR. Os dados experimentais foram cedidos pelo IAPAR, coletados na sua estação meteorológica localizada na COODETEC/Cascavel - PR, no período de 1983 a 1998. Dos 16 anos de dados, 12 anos foram utilizados para cálculo dos coeficientes (a e b) e quatro anos para a validação das equações. Os coeficientes de determinação encontrados foram superiores a 80% para as duas partições. O mínimo da R G é superestimado e o máximo é subestimado quando comparados com o mínimo e o máximo para dados reais, sendo esses encontrados no solstício de inverno e equinócio de primavera, respectivamente. A variação sazonal e mensal do coeficiente "a" foi menor (0,16 a 0,19 e 0,14 a 0,21) e do coeficiente "b" maior (0,34 a 0,43 e 0,32 a 0,44). As maiores variações dos erros médios diários ocorreram no equinócio de primavera (-19,45% a 27,28%) e as menores no equinócio de outono (-11,32% a 10,61%). O ajuste mais eficaz das equações foi encontrado para a partição mensal.<br>This research shows equations of evaluation of global solar irradiation (GR) through Angstrom's model with seasonal monthly partitions for the region of Cascavel -PR, Brazil. The experimental data were given by IAPAR and collected in its meteorological station located in COODETEC/Cascavel - PR, Brazil, from 1983 to 1998. Twelve of the sixteen years of data were used for calculation of the coefficients (a and b) and four years for the validation of the equations. The determination coefficients found were superior to 80% for both partitions. The minimum (GR) is overestimated and the maximum is underestimated when compared to the minimum and maximum for real data, been these found in the winter solstice and spring equinox, respectively. The seasonal and monthly variation of the coefficient "a" was lower (0.16 to 0.19 and 0.14 to 0.21) and the variation for the coefficient "b" was higher (0.34 to 0.43 and 0.32 to 0.44). The highest variations of daily average errors had occurred in the spring equinox (-19.45% to 27.28%) and the lowest ones in the autumn equinox (-11.32% to 10.61%). The most efficient adjustment of the equation was found for the monthly partition

    Antibiotic prophylaxis at dentistry offices.

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    The present article reports the pharmacist’s experience on primary health attention, in the context of Brazilian family health strategy. It shows the path to his insertion in the health units, discusses where and how this pharmacist can act in this new proposal and the possible approaches on collective health field. It also brings a reflection about the difficulties during the period of Residence on health family units, the needs of professional education and the different meanings of the medicine to the patient, as well as the integrated work with the multiprofessional team, specially medicine and nutrition.Keywords: pharmacist; family health strategy; health unit.O presente artigo relata a experiência do profissional farmacêutico no âmbito da Atenção Primária, no contexto da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Resgata seu histórico até a sua inserção em uma unidade de saúde, discute onde se insere o farmacêutico na proposta de transitoriedade do perfil da assistência e as possíveis abordagens dentro do campo da saúde coletiva. Aponta as dificuldades encontradas durante o período de residência em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF), as necessidades na formação desse profissional para atuar na Atenção Primária à Saúde e, as diferentes configurações que o medicamento assume perante o indivíduo, bem como o trabalho integrado à equipe multiprofissional, em especial ao profissional médico e ao nutricionista

    Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Solidago chilensis in rats

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    AbstractSolidago chilensis Meyen, Asteraceae, is traditionally used to treat inflammation. However, phytochemical and pharmacology investigations are lacking. This study evaluated the hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract from S. chilensis aerial parts in rats. In oral glucose tolerance tests the rats received saline (0.5 ml/100 g) in control group (C), hydroalcoholic extract (125, 250 or 500 mg/kg p.o.; n = 6) or glibenclamide (10 mg/kg p.o.; n = 6). After 30 min, glucose (4 g/kg) was administered. Rats treated with hydroalcoholic extract 500 demonstrated decreased glucose levels at 180 min (-22.1%), when compared with group C, similar to glibenclamide. Moreover, treatment with hydroalcoholic extract 500 significantly increased the glycogen content in the liver and soleus muscle, and hydroalcoholic extract 250 specifically inhibited the enzyme maltase when compared with group C. Furthermore, all hyperglycemic rats treated with hydroalcoholic extract (125, 250 and 500) exhibited an accentuated decrease in total cholesterol levels (-36.8%, -36.7% and -41.3%, respectively). Our results suggest that hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract could be associated with increased production and release of insulin as well as with insulinotropic and antioxidant effects