3,916 research outputs found

    Letter, 1962 September 25, from Howard Richards to Eva Jessye

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    1 page, An Ella, no last name, and Haywood are mentioned

    Phase separation on a hyperbolic lattice

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    We report a preliminary numerical study by kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of the dynamics of phase separation following a quench from high to low temperature in a system with a single, conserved, scalar order parameter (a kinetic Ising ferromagnet) confined to a hyperbolic lattice. The results are compared with simulations of the same system on two different, Euclidean lattices, in which cases we observe power-law domain growth with an exponent near the theoretically known value of 1/3. For the hyperbolic lattice we observe much slower domain growth, consistent to within our current accuracy with power-law growth with a much smaller exponent near 0.13. The paper also includes a brief introduction to non-Euclidean lattices and their mapping to the Euclidean plane.Comment: Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics 26 (CSP13), Edited by D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, H.-B. Schuttle

    Marine exploration

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    Less than 50 years ago knowledge of the geology of the UK continental shelf (UKCS) was extremely limited. The BGS marine geoscience programme began about 40 years ago in response to the development of the UK oil and gas industry. The BGS was funded by the then Department of Energy to carry out a national mapping programme based on geophysical data, seabed samples and boreholes. By the 1990s, geological maps at a scale of 1:250 000 were published for the shelf regions showing seabed sediments, Quaternary geology and bedrock. The deeper water areas to the north and west continue to be explored with support from the oil industry. A series of regional reports, the offshore equivalent of the BGS regional guides, were published and reports for the Atlantic Margin will be published in 2010. MAREMAP is a new multidisciplinary environmental mapping programme designed to underpin the new marine industries and environmental issues

    Luminescent solar concentrators for building integrated photovoltaics: opportunities and challenges

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    This review examines the application of luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), both in terms of opaque façade elements and as semi-transparent windows. Many luminophores have been developed for LSC applications, and their efficiencies examined in lab-scale (<25 cm2^2) devices. This analytical review illustrates, using ray-tracing simulations, the technical challenges to maintaining efficiency when scaling these energy conversion devices to pilot- (1000 cm2^2) and commercial-scale (100 000 cm2^2) modules. Based on these considerations, ambitious but feasible target efficiencies for LSCs based on ideal quantum dot (QD) luminophores are suggested as follows – for opaque and semi-transparent (50% average visible transmission), respectively: (i) 11.0% and 5.5% for lab-scale devices; (ii) 10.0% and 5.0% for pilot-scale modules; and (iii) 9.0% and 4.5% for commercial-scale modules. It is worth noting though, that the QD design requirements – particularly with regard to the overlap integral between the absorption and emission spectrum – become very critical as the LSC area increases. Whereas it is difficult to see opaque LSCs successfully competing against standard flat-plate photovoltaic modules for building integration, the application of semi-transparent LSCs as power-generating window elements has potential. Therefore, an economic analysis of the inclusion of LSCs into commercial glazing elements is presented and the potential for novel technologies – such as down-conversion (quantum-cutting) and controlling the direction of emitted light – to move this technology towards application is also discussed

    Joe Smith’s Ethical Dilemma: Apex Energy Group (A Critical Incident)

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    This critical incident case examines an ethical dilemma faced by Joe Smith, an accounting professional for Apex Energy Group. Joe was the liaison between the accountants and the Information Technology department. This case details Joe’s actions when he discovers he has access to a sensitive data file and the ramifications to Joe, his superiors and fellow coworkers. Individuals are allowed to analyze decisions that were made and provide an ethical alternative by analyzing what Joe and Apex Energy Group’s responsibilities were and to whom and how the situation should have been handled

    Educación Moral y Cambio Social

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    ResumenLos cambios necesarios para abrir caminos de superación de los problemas sociales y ecológicos ahora bloqueados serían posibles si la educación generara suficiente compromiso ético. Esto supone partir de principios psicológicos del desarrollo moral que se pueden aplicar en múltiples contextos de enseñanza, como el comprender la perspectiva del otro, la participación y la empatía.  En el supuesto de una educación moral exitosa, se sostiene que habrá menos presión para dejar desfinanciados a los servicios públicos con el objeto de bajar impuestos y atraer nuevas inversiones. En este caso, los empresarios crearían y compartirían animados por una misma ética funcional y solidaria que los demás o bien impulsados por el consenso moral y las leyes destinadas a cumplir con las nuevas normas éticas vigentes.AbstractMoral Education and Social ChangeThe necessary changes to open roads to overcome the social and ecological problems now blocked would be possible if education generated sufficient ethical commitment. This means starting from psychological principles of moral development that can be applied in multiple teaching contexts, such as understanding the perspective of the other, participation and empathy. In the case of a successful moral education, it is argued that there will be less pressure to leave the public services un-financed in order to lower taxes and attract new investments. In this case, entrepreneurs would create and share being motivated by the same functional and solidarity ethics that other people or driven by moral consensus and laws designed to comply with the new ethical standards

    Hacia un marco jurídico para la Economía Solidaria

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    La idea misma de estado de derecho es una idea moderna. A pesar de los valiosos aportes de nuevas leyes diseñadas para apoyar los esfuerzos actuales para humanizar la economía, la economía solidaria por sus raíces cristianas y por su recuperación de valores indígenas calza difícilmente con el concepto mismo de marco jurídico, siendo este concepto propio de un mundo capitalista y burocrático donde falta precisamente la densidad normativa que el ideal de solidaridad propone recuperar. Se sugiere que la psicología comunitaria podría aportar desde el interior de la modernidad a la integración social que la economía solidaria propone y necesita. Palabras clave: economía, solidaridad, modernidad, derecho 

    Educación para la Integración Social

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    El autor propone pensar la educación destacando como meta la integración social y su mejoramiento como un proceso de cambio cultural. Ello supone dejar de concebir la cultura como un sector de la vida subordinada a la economía y reanudar las discusiones en torno al concepto de cultura como totalidad compleja que incluye conocimiento, creencia, arte, moral, derecho, costumbre y otras capacidades y hábitos adquiridos por los seres humanos en tanto miembros de sociedades. Así se abre paso a reconstruir la economía, pensar en otros marcos normativos, otras relaciones sociales, otras modalidades de producción, otras prácticas de obligaciones reciprocas y de intercambio de bienes y servicios y, en fin, otras pautas culturales. Desde esta óptica culturalista, no solamente los problemas económicos sino todos los problemas humanos son problemas de educación. La educación suele definirse como la transmisión de la cultura. Transmitir la cultura es siempre recrearla. En el mejor de los casos es criticarla y mejorarla. Puesto que la cultura interviene en la búsqueda de soluciones a todos los problemas, las ciencias de la educación son fundamentales para la búsqueda de soluciones a todos los problemas
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