9 research outputs found


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    Nowadays Indonesia has a tendency to apply the legal sistem administratively, which dominate in every activities include public administration must be on rules written. If there are conditions in making of legislations that runs low, or their conditions had not been anticipated in certain condition. Beside that, there is the dynamic development of social life runs rapidly that requires immediate treatment by government or local government. In this circumstance, it requires the autonomy of the government to act in dealing with issues that happened. The use of freies ermessen can be shown to emerge certain innovation from the bureaucracy reformation for public interest. The form of this freies ermessen can be shown in some forms such as circular letter, guidance, and announcement, abstract and general letter of decision as well as in a form f regulation which is called pseude-wet giving

    Anthracoblattina Mendesi Pinto Et Sedor (Blattodea, Phyloblattidae): The most completely preserved South American Palaeozoic cockroach

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    © 2016 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.An abundant and diverse fossil record, encompassing some specimens with exceptional preservation, identifies the Campáleo outcrop in the earliest Permian marine Lontras Shale of the Paraná Basin, in the northern uplands of State of Santa Catarina, Brazil as a Carboniferous-Permian fossillagerstätte. Among others, a relatively rich entomofauna was recently discovered in pyrite-rich black shales, yielding several exceptionally preserved, partly pyritized, body fossils of ‘cockroachoid’ (Blattodea) insects. Some of these were identified as Anthracoblattina mendesi Pinto & Sedor, which is revised here in a preliminary comparison with all Palaeozoic related species known thus far from South America. Based on these new finds, A. mendesi becomes the most complete Palaeozoic blattoid described so far from South America. Several sub-complete individuals provide additional information about the anatomy of Late Palaeozoic blattoids, in general. The new finds demonstrate that the genus Anthracoblattina is not only a common and typical component of the Euramerican Late Pennsylvanian/early Permian entomofauna, but was also present in the South American Gondwana entomofauna. It is hypothesized that Anthracoblattina immigrated from Euramerica into this part of Gondwana during a climate amelioration event during the course of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA), as it is indicated by the transgressive marine Lontras Shale

    Spider species richness and sampling effort at Cracraft´S Belém Area of Endemism

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    Anthracoblattina Mendesi Pinto Et Sedor (Blattodea, Phyloblattidae): The most completely preserved South American Palaeozoic cockroach

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    © 2016 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.An abundant and diverse fossil record, encompassing some specimens with exceptional preservation, identifies the Campáleo outcrop in the earliest Permian marine Lontras Shale of the Paraná Basin, in the northern uplands of State of Santa Catarina, Brazil as a Carboniferous-Permian fossillagerstätte. Among others, a relatively rich entomofauna was recently discovered in pyrite-rich black shales, yielding several exceptionally preserved, partly pyritized, body fossils of ‘cockroachoid’ (Blattodea) insects. Some of these were identified as Anthracoblattina mendesi Pinto & Sedor, which is revised here in a preliminary comparison with all Palaeozoic related species known thus far from South America. Based on these new finds, A. mendesi becomes the most complete Palaeozoic blattoid described so far from South America. Several sub-complete individuals provide additional information about the anatomy of Late Palaeozoic blattoids, in general. The new finds demonstrate that the genus Anthracoblattina is not only a common and typical component of the Euramerican Late Pennsylvanian/early Permian entomofauna, but was also present in the South American Gondwana entomofauna. It is hypothesized that Anthracoblattina immigrated from Euramerica into this part of Gondwana during a climate amelioration event during the course of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA), as it is indicated by the transgressive marine Lontras Shale

    Diversidade e estimativas de riqueza de aranhas em quatro fitofisionomias na Serra do Cachimbo, Pará, Brasil

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    Um inventário da fauna de aranhas foi realizado na Serra do Cachimbo, no Campo de Provas Brigadeiro Velloso, município de Novo Progresso, Pará. As coletas ocorreram em duas expedições, uma na estação seca (agosto e setembro de 2003) e outra na chuvosa (março e abril de 2004). Cada expedição contou com a participação de três coletores. O esforço de amostragem foi de 240 amostras, sendo 96 através de guarda-chuva entomológico e rede de varredura, 96 através de coleta manual noturna e 48 por triagem manual e extratores de Winkler. Foi comparada a diversidade de aranhas de quatro tipos de vegetação, Floresta Ombrófila Aberta, mata de galeria, áreas de Cerrado (Savana Arbórea) e de Campina. As coletas resultaram em um total de 4.990 indivíduos, dos quais 2.750 adultos. Foram identificadas 427 morfoespécies em 37 famílias, sendo as mais abundantes Theridiidae, Salticidae e Araneidae e as mais ricas em espécies Araneidae, Salticidae e Theridiidae. As espécies representadas por apenas um indivíduo somaram 40% do total e apenas duas ultrapassaram cem indivíduos. A curva de riqueza específica estimada (ACE) atingiu 614 espécies. A maior diversidade alfa (índice de Shannon-Wiener) foi encontrada em Floresta Ombrófila, seguida pela mata de galeria, Campina e Cerrado. Tais diferenças entre as vegetações podem ser explicadas devido a variações na complexidade da vegetação e na disponibilidade de microhábitats em cada fitofisionomia