9,823 research outputs found

    Are Europeans moving towards dietary habits more suitable for reducing cardiovascular disease risk?

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    Aims: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in Europe. Food choices represent the most important factors undermining health and well-being; they account for as much as half of all CVD deaths in Europe. The aim of this viewpoint is to evaluate food choices of the European population and their temporal trends in relation to possible effects on the cardiovascular disease risk. Data synthesis: The CVD death rate attributable to diet-related factors has fallen in Europe over the last 25 years; however, the pace of the reduction has slowed down in the last ten years. In parallel, in the last decade unfavorable changes in the dietary habits associated with CVD risk have occurred. Conclusions: A mismatch exists between the available evidence on the health-promoting potential of the diet and the relatively modest and inconsistent improvements of dietary habits in the European population observed in recent years. Nutritional education alone will not be enough to improve the lifestyle of people in Europe. Policy options to be considered to reach this aim should necessarily include also initiatives for facilitating production, marketing, availability and affordability of healthy foods in each and every European country

    Glucose lowering strategies and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes – teachings from the TOSCA.IT study

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    TOSCA.IT is an institutional, non-industry-supported, head-to-head study comparing long term cardiovascular effects, efficacy and safety of two antidiabetes drugs (pioglitazone vs sulphonylureas) used in combination with metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The study results show that in the absence of clinically evident cardiovascular disease both treatment strategies represent suitable alternatives; however, in consideration of the greater durability of the metabolic effects, the lower risk of hypoglycemia and the potential benefit on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, the combination of metformin and pioglitazone may be considered as the preferential therapeutic option. In this review the study is critically evaluated against the background of the evidence accumulated over the last decade on the impact of different glucose lowering drugs on cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes

    Wilson Loops and Area-Preserving Diffeomorphisms in Twisted Noncommutative Gauge Theory

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    We use twist deformation techniques to analyse the behaviour under area-preserving diffeomorphisms of quantum averages of Wilson loops in Yang-Mills theory on the noncommutative plane. We find that while the classical gauge theory is manifestly twist covariant, the holonomy operators break the quantum implementation of the twisted symmetry in the usual formal definition of the twisted quantum field theory. These results are deduced by analysing general criteria which guarantee twist invariance of noncommutative quantum field theories. From this a number of general results are also obtained, such as the twisted symplectic invariance of noncommutative scalar quantum field theories with polynomial interactions and the existence of a large class of holonomy operators with both twisted gauge covariance and twisted symplectic invariance.Comment: 23 page

    I-21 Current therapeutic guidelines in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to prolong life

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    Duchenne's myopathy is an X-linked disease with well defined evolutionary phases, characterized by degradation of the walking function, development of evolutive scoliosis and progressive decline of the respiratory function leading patients to premature death. In 1985 Y. Rideau in France carried out a new global therapeutic strategy for treatment of lower limb deformities, scoliosis deformity and progressive restrictive syndrome. The indication for surgery at the lower limbs is made very early, at the onset of the first signs of disease. The procedures are carried out at the same time and always bilaterally; they include: (i) hip section of superficial flexors; (ii) iliotibial band resection; (iii) subcutaneous tenotomy of semitendineous and gracilis; (iv) subcutaneous lengthening of Achilles tendons. In the post-operative period, the patient begins exercises of active and passive mobility in few days and after three weeks recovers his performances; ambulation will remain almost normal for several years. A comparison of two groups of patients, the first precociously operated on the lower limbs, the other one not operated, shows better performances in the operated group. The indications for surgical treatment of Duchenne scoliosis must be made after the loss of ambulation and not too late, to avoid the concurrent respiratory restrictive syndrome makes the patient inoperable. Over ten years ago, in Poitiers, a specific instrumentation for Duchenne scoliosis was created, providing for cylindrical rods fixed by peduncular screws at the sacro-lumbar level. On the dorso-lumbar level, the rod becomes flat to allow more flexibility of the trunk. The complications observed in a group of 55 patients operated for scoliosis, consisted in 2 cases of breaking of rods and 1 superficial infection. The surgery approach in DMD has the double aim to prolong the time of the autonomous ambulation and to avoid the evolution of scoliosis, limiting the harmful effects of the scoliosis on the respiratory function. However, the surgery alone is unable to prolong the life expectancy in these patients, without treating the restrictive respiratory syndrome, first by nasal ventilation and then by elective tracheotomy, essential for the survival of the patient

    Biostratigraphy of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America

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    The biostratigraphic division of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian of South America is based on ammonites from different sections of the following provinces and regions: Neuquén, Mendoza, and San Juan in Argentina; Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, and Tarapacá in Chile. The complete upper Bajocian-middle Callovian succession includes the following biostratigraphic units: the Megasphaeroceras magnum assemblage zone, lowermost upper Bajocian; the Cadomites-Tulitidae mixed assemblage, (?lower) middle and upper Bathonian; the Steinmanni zone, index Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), uppermost Bathonian, with two local horizons — Stehnocephalites gerthi horizon (Argentina) and Choffatia jupiter horizon (northern Chile); the Vergarensis zone, index Eur y cep halites vergarensis (Burck.), near the Bathonian-Callovian boundary; the Bodenbenderi zone, index Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), lower Callovian; the Proximum zone, index Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, uppermost lower Callovian; and the Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis horizon, middle Callovian.La división bioestratigráfica del Bajociano superior-Caloviano inferior de América del Sur esté basada en la fauna de amonites proveniente de diferentes secciones de las provincias/regiones de Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan (Argentina), Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, y Tarapacá (Chile). La sucesión del Bajociano superior-Caloviano medio incluye las siguientes unidades bioestratigráfícas: zona de asociación de Megasphaeroceras magnum, Bajociano superior bajo; asociación de mezcla de Cadomites- Tulitidae, Bathoniano (?inferior) medio y superior; zona de Steinmanni, fósil guía Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), Bathoniano superior alto, con dos horizontes locales — horizonte con Stehnocephalites gerthi (Argentina) y horizonte con Choffatia jupiter (norte de Chile); zona de Vergarensis, fósil guía Eurycephalites vergarensis (Burck.), aproximadamente límite Bathoniano-Caloviano; zona de Bodenbenderi, fósil guía Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), Caloviano inferior; zona de Proximum, fósil guía Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, Caloviano inferior alto; horizonte con Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis, Caloviano medio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Biostratigraphy of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America

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    The biostratigraphic division of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian of South America is based on ammonites from different sections of the following provinces and regions: Neuquén, Mendoza, and San Juan in Argentina; Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, and Tarapacá in Chile. The complete upper Bajocian-middle Callovian succession includes the following biostratigraphic units: the Megasphaeroceras magnum assemblage zone, lowermost upper Bajocian; the Cadomites-Tulitidae mixed assemblage, (?lower) middle and upper Bathonian; the Steinmanni zone, index Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), uppermost Bathonian, with two local horizons — Stehnocephalites gerthi horizon (Argentina) and Choffatia jupiter horizon (northern Chile); the Vergarensis zone, index Eur y cep halites vergarensis (Burck.), near the Bathonian-Callovian boundary; the Bodenbenderi zone, index Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), lower Callovian; the Proximum zone, index Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, uppermost lower Callovian; and the Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis horizon, middle Callovian.La división bioestratigráfica del Bajociano superior-Caloviano inferior de América del Sur esté basada en la fauna de amonites proveniente de diferentes secciones de las provincias/regiones de Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan (Argentina), Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, y Tarapacá (Chile). La sucesión del Bajociano superior-Caloviano medio incluye las siguientes unidades bioestratigráfícas: zona de asociación de Megasphaeroceras magnum, Bajociano superior bajo; asociación de mezcla de Cadomites- Tulitidae, Bathoniano (?inferior) medio y superior; zona de Steinmanni, fósil guía Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), Bathoniano superior alto, con dos horizontes locales — horizonte con Stehnocephalites gerthi (Argentina) y horizonte con Choffatia jupiter (norte de Chile); zona de Vergarensis, fósil guía Eurycephalites vergarensis (Burck.), aproximadamente límite Bathoniano-Caloviano; zona de Bodenbenderi, fósil guía Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), Caloviano inferior; zona de Proximum, fósil guía Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, Caloviano inferior alto; horizonte con Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis, Caloviano medio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Biostratigraphy of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America

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    The biostratigraphic division of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian of South America is based on ammonites from different sections of the following provinces and regions: Neuquén, Mendoza, and San Juan in Argentina; Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, and Tarapacá in Chile. The complete upper Bajocian-middle Callovian succession includes the following biostratigraphic units: the Megasphaeroceras magnum assemblage zone, lowermost upper Bajocian; the Cadomites-Tulitidae mixed assemblage, (?lower) middle and upper Bathonian; the Steinmanni zone, index Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), uppermost Bathonian, with two local horizons — Stehnocephalites gerthi horizon (Argentina) and Choffatia jupiter horizon (northern Chile); the Vergarensis zone, index Eur y cep halites vergarensis (Burck.), near the Bathonian-Callovian boundary; the Bodenbenderi zone, index Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), lower Callovian; the Proximum zone, index Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, uppermost lower Callovian; and the Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis horizon, middle Callovian.La división bioestratigráfica del Bajociano superior-Caloviano inferior de América del Sur esté basada en la fauna de amonites proveniente de diferentes secciones de las provincias/regiones de Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan (Argentina), Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, y Tarapacá (Chile). La sucesión del Bajociano superior-Caloviano medio incluye las siguientes unidades bioestratigráfícas: zona de asociación de Megasphaeroceras magnum, Bajociano superior bajo; asociación de mezcla de Cadomites- Tulitidae, Bathoniano (?inferior) medio y superior; zona de Steinmanni, fósil guía Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), Bathoniano superior alto, con dos horizontes locales — horizonte con Stehnocephalites gerthi (Argentina) y horizonte con Choffatia jupiter (norte de Chile); zona de Vergarensis, fósil guía Eurycephalites vergarensis (Burck.), aproximadamente límite Bathoniano-Caloviano; zona de Bodenbenderi, fósil guía Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), Caloviano inferior; zona de Proximum, fósil guía Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, Caloviano inferior alto; horizonte con Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis, Caloviano medio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The Indo-Pacific ammonite <i>Mayaites</i> in the Oxfordian of the Southern Andes

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    Oxfordian Iitho- and biostratigraphy of the Chilean and Argentine Andes is reviewed (P. N. Stipanicic). Within the Chacay Group, the Lower to basal Upper Oxfordian La Manga Formation, below, mostly detrital and biogenic, and the Upper Oxfordian Auquilco Formation, above, mainly chemical, are distinguished. The La Manga Formation (with Gryphaea calceola lumachelle) is rich in ammonite faunas, particularly of thc upper Cordatum to lower Canaliculatum Zones. In Neuquén and Mendoza provinces of Argentina, the Plicatilis Zone or Middle Oxfordian has yielded Perísphinctes spp., Euaspidoceras spp., Aspidoceras spp., together with Mayaítes (Araucanites ) stípanícfcí, M. (A.) reyesi, and M. (A.) mulai, Westermann et Riccardi subgen. et spp. nov. The first find of Mayaitidae outside the Indo-Pacific province is discussed in light of _plate-tectonic theory.La revisión Iito- y bioestratigráfica del Oxfordiano de los Andes de Argentina y Chile (P. N. Stipanicic) ha permitido reconocer dentro del Grupo Chacay: 1) abajo, la Formación La Manga, mayormente detrítica y biogénica, del Oxfordiano inferior-superior basa!, y 2) arriba, la Formación Auquilco, mayormente química, del Oxfordiano superior. La Formación La Manga (con lumachelas de Gryphaea calceola) contiene abundante cantidad de amonitas, particularmente de las Zonas de Cordatum superior a Canaliculatum inferior. En las provincias de Mendoza y Neuquén, Argentina, la Zona de Plicatilis (Oxfordiano medio) contiene Perispbinctes spp., Euaspidoceras spp., Aspidoceras spp., conjuntamente con Mayaites (Araucanites) stipanicici, M. (A.) reyesi, y M. (A.) mulai, Westermann et Riccardi subgen. et spp. nov. El primer hallazgo de Mayaitidae fuera de la provincia lndo-Pacífica es discutido tomando en consideración la teoría de tectónica de placas.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM

    The Indo-Pacific ammonite <i>Mayaites</i> in the Oxfordian of the Southern Andes

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    Oxfordian Iitho- and biostratigraphy of the Chilean and Argentine Andes is reviewed (P. N. Stipanicic). Within the Chacay Group, the Lower to basal Upper Oxfordian La Manga Formation, below, mostly detrital and biogenic, and the Upper Oxfordian Auquilco Formation, above, mainly chemical, are distinguished. The La Manga Formation (with Gryphaea calceola lumachelle) is rich in ammonite faunas, particularly of thc upper Cordatum to lower Canaliculatum Zones. In Neuquén and Mendoza provinces of Argentina, the Plicatilis Zone or Middle Oxfordian has yielded Perísphinctes spp., Euaspidoceras spp., Aspidoceras spp., together with Mayaítes (Araucanites ) stípanícfcí, M. (A.) reyesi, and M. (A.) mulai, Westermann et Riccardi subgen. et spp. nov. The first find of Mayaitidae outside the Indo-Pacific province is discussed in light of _plate-tectonic theory.La revisión Iito- y bioestratigráfica del Oxfordiano de los Andes de Argentina y Chile (P. N. Stipanicic) ha permitido reconocer dentro del Grupo Chacay: 1) abajo, la Formación La Manga, mayormente detrítica y biogénica, del Oxfordiano inferior-superior basa!, y 2) arriba, la Formación Auquilco, mayormente química, del Oxfordiano superior. La Formación La Manga (con lumachelas de Gryphaea calceola) contiene abundante cantidad de amonitas, particularmente de las Zonas de Cordatum superior a Canaliculatum inferior. En las provincias de Mendoza y Neuquén, Argentina, la Zona de Plicatilis (Oxfordiano medio) contiene Perispbinctes spp., Euaspidoceras spp., Aspidoceras spp., conjuntamente con Mayaites (Araucanites) stipanicici, M. (A.) reyesi, y M. (A.) mulai, Westermann et Riccardi subgen. et spp. nov. El primer hallazgo de Mayaitidae fuera de la provincia lndo-Pacífica es discutido tomando en consideración la teoría de tectónica de placas.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM