9 research outputs found

    Use of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill extracts from Brazilian Caatinga as an alternative of natural moisturizer in cosmetic formulations

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this work was the obtainment of Opuntia fícus-indica (L.) Mill extract for the development of cosmetic formulations and in vivo evaluation of its moisturizing effects. The formulations were tested for preliminary and accelerated stability. Organoleptic characteristics, pH values and rheological behavior were assessed. The evaluation of moisturizing efficacy of the emulsions formulated with 3.0% of Polyacrylamide (and) C13-14 Isoparaffin (and) Laureth-7 containing 1.0 and 3.0% of O. ficus-indica hydroglycolic extract (EHG001) was performed using the capacitance method (Corneometer(r)) and the transepidermal water loss - TEWL evaluation (Tewameter(r)). The emulsions formulated were stable, exhibiting pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior. The results of evaluation of moisturizing efficacy showed increased skin hydration after five hours by mainly increasing the skin barrier effect. The formulations containing 1.0 and 3.0% of EHG001 enhanced the skin barrier effect by reducing TEWL up to four hours after application. The results observed suggest that O. ficus-indica hydroglycolic extract may act through a humectant and occlusion mechanism

    Zinc availability for corn grown on an oxisol amended with flue dust Disponibilidade de zinco para o milho em latossolo vermelho tratado com pó-de-aciaria

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    The costs related to the construction and maintenance of industrial landfills, and the environmental risks that they may represent, have increased the interest of several types of industries in studying the possibility of applying residues to agricultural soils. This study evaluates the efficiency of flue dust as a zinc source for corn, and the zinc availability for corn evaluated by four methods. A greenhouse experiment carried out at Campinas, SP, Brazil, evaluated the effect of two zinc sources (flue dust and zinc sulphate), at three rates (5, 50 and 150 mg dm-3), in one soil (Rhodic Hapludox) under two pH conditions (5.0 and 6.0). The treatments were arranged in a randomized factorial scheme design with three replications. Zinc availability indexes were determined by the pH 7.3 DTPA, Mehlich-1, and Mehlich-3 methods. The free Zn2+ activity in soil solution was calculated by the MINTEQ computer model. The extraction methods and the activity of the free ion Zn2+ were equally reliable to evaluate zinc availability in the soil amended with flue dust. More than 70% of the total Zn present in the saturation extract was in the free ion form, and the remainder was mainly complexed to SO4(2-) and OH-, independent of soil pH. Flue dust is a zinc supplier to plants. All tested methods were efficient in evaluating Zn availability for corn, independently of soil pH.<br>Os custos com a construção e manutenção de aterros industriais e os riscos ambientais que podem representar têm aumentado o interesse de vários tipos de indústrias em estudar a viabilidade de aplicação de resíduos no solo agrícola. Este trabalho avalia a eficiência do pó de aciaria quanto ao suprimento de zinco para o milho e a disponibilidade desse metal comparada por quatro métodos de extração. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em Campinas, SP, Brasil, avaliando o efeito de duas fontes de zinco (pó de aciaria e sulfato de zinco), em três doses (5, 50 e 150 mg dm-3) e um solo (Latossolo Vermelho) com dois valores de pH (5,0 e 6,0). Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial com três repetições. A disponibilidade de zinco foi determinada por DTPA pH 7.3, Mehlich-1 e Mehlich-3 e a atividade do Zn2+ livre na solução do solo foi calculada pelo modelo MINTEQ. Nos dois valores de pH estudados, tanto a atividade do Zn2+ como os três métodos de extração foram igualmente eficientes em avaliar a disponibilidade de zinco para as plantas em solos tratados com pó de aciaria. Mais que 70% do Zn total presente no extrato de saturação estava como íon livre e o restante complexado com SO4(2-) e OH-, independente do pH do solo. O pó de aciaria é uma fonte de zinco para as plantas. Todos os métodos testados foram eficientes em estimar a disponibilidade de Zn para o milho, independente do p

    Aplicações da cultura de tecidos em plantas medicinais

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    Etiologia e estratégias de controle de viroses do mamoeiro no brasil

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