11,191 research outputs found

    Relation between high at nest entrance and diameter of trees which serve as nesting sites for Melipona mandacaia (Apidae, Meliponini).

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    The aim of this study was to investigate details on natural nesting sites as the high of the nests' entrance and relation of this and the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)

    Effect of superior blepharoplasty on tear film: objective evaluation with the Keratograph 5M - a pilot study

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of superior blepharoplasty on the tear film using the corneal topographer Keratograph 5M. METHODS: A prospective study was performed of 27 eyes of 14 patients with superior dermatochalasis who underwent superior blepharoplasty between May and June 2016. Conservative upper eyelid blepharoplasty was performed by an en bloc resection of anterior lamellar tissue that included skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the orbicularis oculi muscle. All the eyes were imaged using the noninvasive tear breakup time tools of the Keratograph 5M. The following parameters were recorded in each patient before and 6 weeks after surgery: first noninvasive Keratograph 5M tear breakup time (the time at which the first breakup of tears occurs) and average noninvasive Keratograph 5M tear breakup time (the average time of all breakup incidents). The exclusion criteria were ophthalmological pathology, previous eyelid surgery, use of eye drops, systemic pathology, and medication that interferes with lacrimal tears. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 65.1 years (range, 51-84); 86% were female. Student's t-test was used to compare the values of first and average noninvasive Keratograph 5M tear breakup times before and after surgery. The values for first noninvasive Keratograph 5M tear breakup time evaluated before and after surgery were not significantly different (9.04 and 8.71, respectively; p=0.926). The values for average noninvasive Keratograph 5M tear breakup time evaluated before and after surgery were also not significantly different (13.01 seconds and 13.14 seconds, respectively; p=0.835). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this pilot study suggest that upper blepharoplasty does not affect tear breakup time according to the objective evaluation of breakup time with the Keratograph 5M.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Banco de sementes de café em criopreservação: experiência inédita no Brasil.

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    A conservação de sementes de café por longos períodos é dificultada pelo comportamento intermediário no armazenamento. No entanto, estudos recentes relatam que a partir da combinação de um grau crítico de umidade das sementes para cada temperatura de armazenamento, pode-se prolongar o período de conservação. Com o objetivo de estabelecer um Banco de Germoplasma de Coffea spp, através de técnicas de criopreservação, estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos na Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, em Brasília, DF. O protocolo de conservação consta da desidratação parcial das sementes, até cerca de 20% de água, embalagem em sacos trifoliados de papel-alumínio-polietileno, selados hermeticamente e imersão direta no nitrogênio líquido. Após a criopreservação as sementes são descongeladas rapidamente em banho de água a 40°C, sob agitação constante. Os resultados obtidos até o momento, com cerca de 30 acessos de diferentes cultivares de Coffea arabica são bastante promissores, indicando a sobrevivência das sementes mesmo após períodos de dois anos de congelamento no nitrogênio líquido. A partir desses resultados será implantada uma core collection, ou uma pequena coleção com os principais acessos da espécie, constituindo-se o Banco de Germoplasma de café em criopreservação, experiência inédita no Brasil