20 research outputs found

    Utilisation of Mucin Glycans by the Human Gut Symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus Is Strain-Dependent

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    Commensal bacteria often have an especially rich source of glycan-degrading enzymes which allow them to utilize undigested carbohydrates from the food or the host. The species Ruminococcus gnavus is present in the digestive tract of ≥90% of humans and has been implicated in gut-related diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Here we analysed the ability of two R. gnavus human strains, E1 and ATCC 29149, to utilize host glycans. We showed that although both strains could assimilate mucin monosaccharides, only R. gnavus ATCC 29149 was able to grow on mucin as a sole carbon source. Comparative genomic analysis of the two R. gnavus strains highlighted potential clusters and glycoside hydrolases (GHs) responsible for the breakdown and utilization of mucin-derived glycans. Transcriptomic and functional activity assays confirmed the importance of specific GH33 sialidase, and GH29 and GH95 fucosidases in the mucin utilisation pathway. Notably, we uncovered a novel pathway by which R. gnavus ATCC 29149 utilises sialic acid from sialylated substrates. Our results also demonstrated the ability of R. gnavus ATCC 29149 to produce propanol and propionate as the end products of metabolism when grown on mucin and fucosylated glycans. These new findings provide molecular insights into the strain-specificity of R. gnavus adaptation to the gut environment advancing our understanding of the role of gut commensals in health and disease

    Crustal shortening estimates across the north Indian continental margin, Ladakh, NW India

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    A structural and lithological map has been produced covering the Spontang ophiolite and the north Indian continental margin from the Indus Suture Zone in the north to the high-grade metamorphic rocks and granites of the High Himalaya in the south. Cross-section balancing techniques have been used to identify, quantify and sequentially restore three major phases of deformation (D1-3) affecting the north Indian continental margin resulting in >85 km (280%) shortening. D1 in the late Cretaceous involved obduction of the Spontang ophiolite, associated Neo-Tethyan thrust sheets and Mesozoic continental slope deposits onto the outer passive margin. D1 was responsible for 200% shortening by internal folding and duplex formation within stratigraphic units in the outer shelf, but did not affect the innermost parts of the Indian passive margin. Restoration of later structures suggests that the allochthonous thrust sheets were emplaced a minimum of 70 km onto the continental margin. D2 from the early Eocene to Oligocene was the main phase of deformation associated with the collision of India and Asia. Re-thrusting places the Spontang ophiolite and associated melanges over the Maastrichtian to Lower Eocene neo-autochthonous cover which accommodated 140-160% shortening in the hanging wall. D2 progressed with the propagation of thrusting down section and towards the foreland causing crustal thickening and Barrovian metamorphism. The thick, argillaceous late Cretaceous Kangi La Formation decoupled deformation in higher and lower structural levels in outer shelf areas. D3 backthrusting and break-backthrusting in the late Tertiary formed a pop-up structure at the northern edge of the continental margin associated with a further 190-230% shortening and inversion of structures in the Indus Suture Zone. A major anticlinal structure also initiated across the southern edge of the Indus Suture Zone. South of Spontang reactivation of D2 thrusts as late D2/D3 normal faults was associated with gravitational collapse of the High Himalaya to the south. Extensional movement on these structures was probably concomitant with shortening in the pop-up structure to the north. A reduction in present day and restored thickness of the Tethyan Himalaya and an increase in absolute shortening from east to west probably reflects a variation in the partitioning of deformation across the whole width of the orogen. This may be associated with the indentation of India into Asia to the northwest

    Cretaceous-tertiary carbonate platform evolution and the age of the India-Asia collision along the Ladakh Himalaya (northwest India)

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    The India-Asia collision resulted in the formation and uplift of the Himalaya and the enhanced uplift of the Tibetan plateau. The transition from marine to continental facies within the Indus-Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone and along the northern margin of the Indian plate provides the most accurate method of dating the closure of the Tethys Ocean separating the Indian and Asian plates. Other indirect methods of dating the collision, such as paleomagnetism, dating the UHP metamorphism along the north margin of India, dating the youngest subduction-related granites along the southern margin of Asia, and dating the postorogenic Indus Molasse Group deposits within the suture zone, cannot provide such a precise or reliable age of collision. Ophiolite obduction onto the Indian passive margin occurred during the latest Cretaceous and predated initial collision of the two continental plates. Unconformities occur beneath the Late Maastrichtian Marpo Formation and beneath the Danian Stumpata Formation on the shelf and beneath the Upper Paleocene Sumda Formation in the suture zone. Stratigraphic and structural data from the Indian plate continental margin in the Ladakh and Zanskar Himalaya, northwest India, suggest that the final marine sediments were shallow marine limestones deposited during planktonic zone P8, corresponding to the Cusian stage of the late Lower Eocene (Ypresian) at 50.5 Ma. A regional unconformity across shelf and suture zones above these rocks marks the beginning of continental red bed deposition (Chulung-la and Nurla formations). The age of the final marine sediments is similar in Waziristan (northwest Pakistan) to the west and the South Tibet region to the east, suggesting that there was no significant diachroneity along the Indus-Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone. South of the Himalaya in the Hazara syntaxis, Pakistan, the youngest marine sediments correspond to nummulite-bearing limestones of the shallow benthic zone SBZ10 and planktonic foraminifera P7 zone (52-51 Ma). The timing of closure of Neo-Tethys between India and Asia corresponds closely to the ending of subduction-related granodiorite-granite magmatism along the Ladakh-Gangdese batholith (southern, Andean-type margin of the Asian plate) and precedes the drastic slowing of the northward drift of India. Continental fluvial-deltaic red beds unconformably overlie all marine sediments, both in the suture zone and along the north Indian plate margin. © 2008 by The University of Chicago

    Subsidence history of the north Indian continental margin, Zanskar-Ladakh Himalaya, NW India

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    Detailed geological field mapping has allowed the restoration of two full stratigraphic sections through the highly deformed Mesozoic and Early Tertiary fold and thrust belt of the north Indian continental margin. The two sections, which are representative of a proximal and a distal facies on the margin, have been backstripped using standard techniques. Profiles of the tectonic subsidence and uplift through the pre-collisional history of the margin have been constructed and compared with the predictions of simple thermal and mechanical models. The pre-collisional history can be explained by a thermal model with an initial age of rifting of 270 Ma and a stretching factor, β, of c. 1.2. This model accounts for the general exponential decrease in the backstripped tectonic subsidence. The model fails, however, to completely explain the subsidence and uplift history of the margin since the late Cretaceous. The history during this time is characterized by uplift at the most proximal location and an increase in subsidence at the most distal location. We attribute these differential vertical movements to flexural loading of the north Indian margin by obduction of the Spontang ophiolite. The best fit model is one in which a 70 km wide wedge-shaped load, tapering from 10 to 0 km thick, is emplaced on rifted lithosphere with an elastic thickness, Te, of 5-10 km. These results, which are in accord with the late Cretaceous timing of obduction and the structure of the Spontang ophiolite, provide new constraints on the Te structure of extended continental lithosphere 120-150 Ma after a rifting event

    U-Pb zircon ages from the Spontang Ophiolite, Ladakh Himalaya

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    Photang thrust sheet: an accretionary complex structurally below the Spontang ophiolite constraining timing and tectonic environment of ophiolite obduction, Ladakh Himalaya, NW India

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    The pre-collisional tectonic evolution of the north Indian continental margin is best recorded in the few ophiolite complexes preserved, the largest of which occurs in the Spontang area of the Himalayas. Structural, sedimentological, palaeontological and geochemical work on the ophiolite and associated allochthonous thrust sheets has been carried out to constrain the timing and tectonic environment of ophiolite obduction. A distinct thrust sheet of accretionary complex rocks has been identified immediately underlying the ophiolite. Accreted units include thrust slices of tectonic melanges and alkaline basaltic lavas capped by limestones ranging from late Permian to late Cretaceous in age, interpreted as remnants of former seamounts. The accretionary complex formed above a north dipping intra-oceanic subduction zone during the Cretaceous, the Spontang ophiolite located in the hanging wall. Beneath the Photang thrust sheet, two further distinct, allochthonous thrust sheets of sedimentary melanges and continental slope deposits have been recognized. The structural relations of the allochthonous thrust sheets with the sediments of the north Indian margin have been mapped in detail and show clear evidence that obduction occurred in the late Cretaceous. At this time the Dras-Kohistan intra-oceanic arc had already collided with the southern Asian margin, over 1500 km to the north. Obduction of the Spontang ophiolite therefore records a separate tectonic episode in the Ladakh Himalaya

    Structure of the North Indian continental margin in the Ladakh-Zanskar Himalayas: Implications for the timing of obduction of the Spontang ophiolite, India-Asia collision and deformation events in the Himalaya

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    The collision of India and Asia can be defined as a process that started with the closing of the Tethyan ocean that, during Mesozoic and early Tertiary times, separated the two continental plates. Following initial contact of Indian and Asian continental crust, the Indian plate continued its northward drift into Asia, a process which continues to this day. In the Ladakh-Zanskar Himalaya the youngest marine sediments, both in the Indus suture zone and along the northern continental margin of India, are lowermost Eocene Nummulitic limestones dated at ∼54 Ma. Along the north Indian shelf margin, southwest-facing folded Palaeocene-Lower Eocene shallow-marine limestones unconformably overlie highly deformed Mesozoic shelf carbonates and allochthonous Upper Cretaceous shales, indicating an initial deformation event during the latest Cretaceous-early Palaeocene, corresponding with the timing of obduction of the Spontang ophiolite onto the Indian margin. It is suggested here that all the ophiolites from Oman, along western Pakistan (Bela, Muslim Bagh, Zhob and Waziristan) to the Spontang and Amlang-la ophiolites in the Himalaya were obducted during the late Cretaceous and earliest Palaeocene, prior to the closing of Tethys. The major phase of crustal shortening followed the India-Asia collision producing spectacular folds and thrusts across the Zanskar range. A new structural profile across the Indian continental margin along the Zanskar River gorge is presented here. Four main units are separated by major detachments including both normal faults (e.g. Zanskar, Karsha Detachments), southwest-directed thrusts reactivated as northeast-directed normal faults (e.g. Zangla Detachment), breakback thrusts (e.g. Photoksar Thrust) and late Tertiary backthrusts (e.g. Zanskar Backthrust). The normal faults place younger rocks onto older and separate two units, both showing compressional tectonics, but have no net crustal extension across them. Rather, they are related to rapid exhumation of the structurally lower, middle and deep crustal metamorphic rocks of the High Himalaya along the footwall of the Zanskar Detachment. The backthrusting affects the northern margin of the Zanskar shelf and the entire Indus suture zone, including the mid-Eocene-Miocene post-collisional fluvial and lacustrine molasse sediments (Indus Group), and therefore must be Pliocene-Pleistocene in age. Minimum amounts of crustal shortening across the Indian continental margin are 150-170 km although extreme ductile folding makes any balancing exercise questionable

    Intranasal Oxytocin Lessens the Attentional Bias to Adult Negative Faces:A Double Blind within-Subject Experiment

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    OBJECTIVE: Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that is involved in social emotional processing. A leading hypothesis is that oxytocin facilitates positive prosocial behaviors; the peptide may also play a more general role in inhibiting withdrawal-related social behaviors. The present study examined these possibilities. METHODS: A double-blind, placebo controlled crossover design was used with 31 healthy women. Forty-five minutes following the administration of 40 IU of intranasal oxytocin or a placebo, the participants were presented with two dot probe tests with pairs of face stimuli depicting emotional and neutral faces in adults. RESULTS: Oxytocin specifically reduced the attention bias toward the location of the faces of adults showing negative emotions, particularly in the case of disgust. Oxytocin did not enhance the attentional bias toward adult happy faces. The effect of oxytocin toward adult negative emotion was correlated with the sensitivity of the drive in the behavioral motivational system. CONCLUSION: Oxytocin reduces attention to negative social emotions in adults, which supports oxytocin serves to inhibit withdrawal-related social behaviour