10 research outputs found

    "Terpi" As A Quantity Of Thermodynamic Potential Energy Supplementary To The Concept Of Work And Heat = Besaran "Terpi" Sebagai Energi Potensial Termodinamika yang Melengkapi Pengertian Kerja dan Kalor

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    ABSTRACT Isothermal reversible thermodynamic processes were studied, where there will not occur flow of heat (q) in the system in accord with the second law of thermodynamic. It appear that the energy flow in the system cannot be explained adequately by considering the flow of P,V â work, usually indicated by w, in accordance with the first law, that is, AU = q + w with q = 0. Therefore, it is necessary to have another kind of work energy (potential) which is not electrical to explain such as the experiment of Boyle that results in the formula PV = C for a close ideal gas system undergoing an isothermal and reversible process. In this paper, a new work potential which is called "terpi" is introduced, and is abbreviated as 2- (tau) and defined as: dr - T dSâv = - dqâ,,. Therefore, dr is also not an exact differential as dw and dq. For any isothermal reversible process, it can be written: 2- = -TAS,ev, and for redox reaction, such as an electrochemical cell, it is noteworthy to distinguish between Z system (2-eyed and z reaction (2-,) which combine together to become an electrical work flow, (wet) done by the system on the surrounding, so that: AG,= Tsyst + Tr =V FE Furthermore, the studies of phase transitions, which occur isothermally, were also considered, e.g. the evaporation of a liquid into vapour at a certain T. The heat given to this process cannot freely flow isothermally, but first it must be changed into terpy and then added to the enthalpy .of the vapour following the equation: 2-vap = -ThSvap -AHvap. Keywords: thermodynamics, heat, work, isothermal, reversibl


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    Isothermal reversible thermodynamic processes were studied, where there will not occur flow of heat (q) in the system in accord with the second law of thermodynamic. It appear that the energy flow in the system cannot be explained adequately by considering the flow of P,V - work, usually indicated by w, in accordance with the first law, that is,  ΔU = q + w with q = 0.  Therefore, it is necessary to have another kind of work energy (potential) which is not electrical to explain such as the experiment of Boyle that results in the formula PV = C for a close ideal gas system undergoing an isothermal and reversible process. In this paper, a new work potential which is called ";;terpi";; is introduced, and is abbreviated as  τ (tau) and defined as: dτ ≡  - T dSrev = - dqrev.             Therefore, dt is also not an exact differential as dw and dq. For any isothermal reversible process, it can be written:   τ = -TΔSrev, and for redox reaction, such as an electrochemical cell, it is noteworthy to distinguish between τ system (τsyst) and τ reaction (τr) which combine together to become an electrical work flow, (wel) done by the system on the surrounding, so that: ΔGr = τsyst + τr = v F E             Furthermore, the studies of phase transitions, which occur isothermally, were also considered, e.g. the evaporation of a liquid into vapour at a certain T.  The heat given to this process cannot freely flow isothermally, but first it must be  changed into terpy and then added to the enthalpy of the vapour following the equation:     τvap = -TΔSvap = -ΔHvap.   Keywords: thermodynamics, heat, work, isothermal, reversibl

    The Multielectrodes Oscillation System Studied by Irreversible Thermodynamics

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    Oscillation process that occurs in a system may be formed from non linear dynamic phenomena that far from equilibrium. Mechanism of oscillation in a chemical reaction system such as Belousov-Zhabotinski (B-Z) reaction is quite complex. For that reason, in order the irreversible thermodynamics that far from equilibrium can be more easily understood, the generation of oscillation in a system is tried to be investigated in this study. In this case, the author attempts to come up at the oscillation process coming from the potential difference between the couple of Pb and PbO2 electrodes which are parallel arranged to from eight channels in the solution of sulfuric acid with certain concentrations. The measurements of potential difference from PbllPbO2 electrode, i.e., from the eight channels all together, were done by the use of an interface connected to a computer and it worked with time interval of one second for the time duration of 5 hours. The data were then automatically recorded. Non periodic waves which were resulted from all channels have wave forms which are triangular and square. Oscillation process occurred in each channel of a couple of PbIIPbO2 electrodes can be compared with the process of spreading of action potentials that occur in nerve cells

    The Intercalation of Copper into Active Carbon and Its Application as a Catalyst for n-Amylalcohol Dehydration

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    The intercalation of CuCl2 salts into active carbon and its activity as catalyst on dehydration of n-amylalcohol has been investigated. In this research, the intercalation was conducted by reacting CuCl2 powder with active carbon and Cl2 gas at 3 atm, temperature 575 °C, at various heating time. This process was then followed by the reduction in the flowing hydrogen gas. Characterization of intercalation product was conducted by gas sorption method to determine surface area, pore radius, and pore volume distribution, and atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS) was used to determine the content of Cu metal. The test of catalytic activity on dehydration reaction of n-amylalcohol, was carried out in a flow reactor system at various temperatures. The results showed that the surface area and total pore volume increase with the longer time of intercalation process, and followed by increasing Cu content on active carbon. It was showed further that catalyst with highest Cu content, and the largest of both of surface area and total pore volume gives the best performance

    Preparation of Nickel/Active Carboncatalyst and its Utilization for Benzene Hydrogenation

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    The research on the preparation of nickel catalyst impregnated on active carbon by two methods has been carried out. The impregnation of Ni metal was done using nickel(II) chloride as a precursor. The impregnated of Ni metal on samples in A method was made in varying of percentage i.e., 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% (w/w) as the weight proportion of Ni to active carbon and NiCl2.6H20. The concentration of Ni that would be impregnated on samples in B method was made close to Ni content of samples in A method determined by atomic adsorption spectrometry. Preparation of nickel/active carbon catalyst with A method was done with dipping the active carbon in the nickel(II) chloride solution followed by filtering and then drying at 110 °C for 4 hours, and then calcination by flowing nitrogen and reduction by hydrogen, each at 400 °C at 4 hours. The treatments made on samples in A method was also done on samples in B method, the only difference was evaporating all of precursor solution after dipping active carbon in that precursor solution was done in B method. The characterization includes: iodium adsorption test, determination of nickel content by means of atomic adsorption spectrometry, and acidity by adsorption of ammonia methods. Test of catalyst activity was done by means of hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexane at 150, 200 and 250 °C, the pressure of 1 atm and the flow rate of hydrogen 6 mL/minute. The products were analyzed by gas chromatographic method. The results show that A method produced a catalyst with relatively low nickel content. However the acidity and ability to convert benzene to cyclohexane were relatively high and it increased as increasing the content of nickel. The temperature of the reaction was achieved at 250 °C which gave the yield on conversion of 25.3678%. The catalyst obtained by B method in the same condition of hydrogenation gave only smaller results

    FUNGSI-FUNGSI TERMODINAMIKA EKSES CAMPURAN BINER ASETONITRIL-METANOL PADA 298,15K (Excess Thermodynamic Functions on Acetonitril-Methanol Binary Mixtures at 298.15K)

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    ABSTRACT The excess thermodynamic functions on acetonitrile-methanol binary mixtures, were determined based on total pressure measurements. The plots of total vapor pressures versus mole fractions data of acetonitrile-methanol, showed that the solutions had positive deviation from the ideal behavior. Therefore, determination of thermodynamic functions, values of activitiy () and activity coefficient (y) were required, and these could be obtained by using Barker method. Acetonitrile-methanol binary mixtures formed molecular complexes of the types ANI, and AM2[CH,CN(C1-1,0H),] and [CH3CN(C1-1,0H)2]. At 298.15K association constants of molecular complex [C1-13CN(CH2OH),] and [CH3CN(CH3OH)2] could be found as KCAMâ = 0.6981 and 1(AM2 = 0.16548, respectively. Excess molar Gibbs free energy, excess molar entalphy, and excess molar entropy at equimolar compositions were GE = 664.947 J/mole, TIE 28321.011 J/mole, and .3E92.758 J/K.mole, respectively. Keywords: excess thermodynamic functions, Barker method, molecular complex, activity, and binary mixtures

    Program Komputer untuk Analisis Data Praktikum Kimia-Fisika

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    Telah dibuat program komputer untuk melaksanakan perhitungan praktikum kimia fisika dengan bahasa Turbo Pascal. Perhitungan praktikum kimia fisika dapat diselesaikan dengan komputer sekalipun operatornya tidak mengetahui seluk beluknya secara mendalam. Dengan kompilasi program komputer itu dapat dijalankan tanpa melalui Turbo Pascal terlebih dahulu, melainkan langsung memanggil namanya sperti halnya program wordstar, dbase, lotus dsb

    Preparation of Nickel/Active Carboncatalyst and Its Utilization for Benzene Hydrogenation = Pembuatan Katalis Ni/Karbon Aktif dan Pemanfaatannya untuk Hidrogenasi Benzena

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    The research on the preparation of nickel catalyst impregnated on active carbon by two methods has been carried out. The impregnation of Ni metal was done using nickel (II) chloride as a precursor. The impregnated of Ni metal on samples in A method was made in varying of percentage i.e., 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% (wily) as the weight proportion of Ni to active carbon and NiC12.6H20. the concentration of Ni that would be impregnated on samples in 8 method was made close to Ni content of samples in A method determined by atomic adsorption spectrometry. Preparation of nickel/active carbon catalyst with A method was done with dipping the active carbon in the nickel (II) chloride solution followed by filtering and then drying at 110°C for 4 hours, and then calcination by flowing nitrogen and reduction by hydrogen, each at 400 °C at 4 hours. The treatments made on samples in A method was also done on samples in B method, the only difference was evaporating all of precursor solution after dipping active carbon in that precursor solution was done in B method. The characterization includes: iodium adsorption test, determination of nickel content by means of atomic adsorption spectrometry, and acidity by adsorption of ammonia methods. Test of catalyst activity was done by means of hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexane at 150, 200 and 250 °C, the pressure of 1 atm and the flow rate of hydrogen 6 ml/minute. The product were analyzed by gas chromatographic method. The result show that A method produced a catalyst with relatively low nickel content. However the acidity and ability to convert benzene to cyclohexane were relatively high, and it increased as increasing the content of nickel. The temperature of the reaction was achieved at 250°C which gave the yield on conversion of 25.3678%. The catalyst obtained by B method in the same condition of hydrogenation gave only smaller results. Keywords: Active carbon, nickel catalyst, benzene hydrogenation


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