210 research outputs found

    Searching for Tissue-Specific Expression Pattern-Linked Nucleotides of UGT1A Isoforms

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    UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 1A isoforms belong to a superfamily of microsomal enzymes responsible for glucuronidation of numerous endogenous and exogenous compounds. The nine functional UGT1A isoforms are encoded by a single UGT1A gene locus with multiple first exons. The expression of the UGT1A transcripts was measured by quantitative RT-PCR in 23 normal human tissues. The tissue-specific expression patterns were observed in 13 tissues. To understand the regulation mechanism that is responsible for the tissue-specific expression patterns, we scanned the DNA sequence alignments of the putative promoter regions, exon 1 sequences and intron 1 sequences for those expression-pattern-linked nucleotides. Using one of the expression-pattern-linked nucleotides for livers as an example, we showed that a database comprised of these expression-pattern-linked nucleotides could be used to generate focused hypotheses on the problem of tissue-specific expression, which is critical for tissue-specific pharmacodynamics of anticancer drugs

    Defect-Assisted Photoinduced Halide Segregation in Mixed-Halide Perovskite Thin Films

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    Solution-processable metal halide perovskites show immense promise for use in photovoltaics and other optoelectronic applications. The ability to tune their bandgap by alloying various halide anions (for example, in CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>Pb­(I<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>Br<sub><i>x</i></sub>)<sub>3</sub>, 0 < <i>x</i> < 1) is however hampered by the reversible photoinduced formation of sub-bandgap emissive states. We find that ion segregation takes place via halide defects, resulting in iodide-rich low-bandgap regions close to the illuminated surface of the film. This segregation may be driven by the strong gradient in carrier generation rate through the thickness of these strongly absorbing materials. Once returned to the dark, entropically driven intermixing of halides returns the system to a homogeneous condition. We present approaches to suppress this process by controlling either the internal light distribution or the defect density within the film. These results are relevant to stability in both single- and mixed-halide perovskites, leading the way toward tunable and stable perovskite thin films for photovoltaic and light-emitting applications

    Validation and Use of 22Na Turnover to Measure Food Intake in Free-Ranging Lizards

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    As the food intake of free-ranging animals has proved to be difficult to measure by traditional means, the feasibility of using radioactive Na to measure food consumption in a small scincid lizard (Lampropholis guichenoti) was assessed. This technique has previously been used only for several species of mammal. A significant relationship between food intake and Na turnover was found in the laboratory, with Na turnover underestimating intake by 7.6%. The food intake of free-ranging members of a field population was estimated by 22Na turnover to be 9.55, 0.65, 9.39 and 13.75 mg dry weight (day)-1 during autumn, winter, spring and summer respectively. Estimates of assimilated and expended energy from these food intake values agree closely with data reported for other lizards using alternative techniques. This study also describes the technical innovations which were necessary to study lizards weighing less than 1 g; and it suggests that 22Na can provide an easy, reliable and inexpensive means of studying the energetics of many free-living animals

    Assessment of risk of insect-resistant transgenic crops to nontarget arthropods

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    An international initiative is developing a scientifically rigorous approach to evaluate the potential risks to nontarget arthropods (NTAs) posed by insect-resistant, genetically modified (IRGM) crops. It adapts the tiered approach to risk assessment that is used internationally within regulatory toxicology and environmental sciences. The approach focuses on the formulation and testing of clearly stated risk hypotheses, making maximum use of available data and using formal decision guidelines to progress between testing stages (or tiers). It is intended to provide guidance to regulatory agencies that are currently developing their own NTA risk assessment guidelines for IRGM crops and to help harmonize regulatory requirements between different countries and different regions of the world

    Metabolic inactivation of estrogens in breast tissue by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes: an overview

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    The breast tissue is the site of major metabolic conversions of estradiol (E(2)) mediated by specific cytochromes P450 hydroxylations and methylation by catechol-O-methytransferase. In addition to E(2 )itself, recent findings highlight the significance of 4-hydroxylated estrogen metabolites as chemical mediators and their link to breast cancer development and progression, whereas, in opposition, 2-methoxylated estrogens appear to be protective. Recent data also indicate that breast tissue possesses enzymatic machinery to inactivate and eliminate E(2 )and its oxidized and methoxylated metabolites through conjugation catalyzed by UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs), which involves the covalent addition of glucuronic acid. In opposition to other metabolic pathways of estrogen, the UGT-mediated process leads to the formation of glucuronides that are devoid of biologic activity and are readily excreted from the tissue into the circulation. This review addresses the most recent findings on the identification of UGT enzymes that are responsible for the glucuronidation of E(2 )and its metabolites, and evidence regarding their potential role in breast cancer

    Risk propensity in the foreign direct investment location decision of emerging multinationals

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    A distinguishing feature of emerging economy multinationals is their apparent tolerance for host country institutional risk. Employing behavioral decision theory and quasi-experimental data, we find that managers’ domestic experience satisfaction increases their relative risk propensity regarding controllable risk (legally protectable loss), but decreases their tendency to accept non-controllable risk (e.g., political instability). In contrast, firms’ potential slack reduces relative risk propensity regarding controllable risk, yet amplifies the tendency to take non-controllable risk. We suggest that these counterbalancing effects might help explain observation that risk-taking in FDI location decisions is influenced by firm experience and context. The study provides a new understanding of why firms exhibit heterogeneous responses to host country risks, and the varying effects of institutions

    The Present and Future Role of Insect-Resistant Genetically Modified Maize in IPM

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    Commercial, genetically-modified (GM) maize was first planted in the United States (USA, 1996) and Canada (1997) but now is grown in 13 countries on a total of over 35 million hectares (\u3e24% of area worldwide). The first GM maize plants produced a Cry protein derived from the soil bacteriumBacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which made them resistant to European corn borer and other lepidopteran maize pests. New GM maize hybrids not only have resistance to lepidopteran pests but some have resistance to coleopteran pests and tolerance to specific herbicides. Growers are attracted to the Btmaize hybrids for their convenience and because of yield protection, reduced need for chemical insecticides, and improved grain quality. Yet, most growers worldwide still rely on traditional integrated pest management (IPM) methods to control maize pests. They must weigh the appeal of buying insect protection “in the bag” against questions regarding economics, environmental safety, and insect resistance management (IRM). Traditional management of maize insects and the opportunities and challenges presented by GM maize are considered as they relate to current and future insect-resistant products. Four countries, two that currently have commercialize Bt maize (USA and Spain) and two that do not (China and Kenya), are highlighted. As with other insect management tactics (e.g., insecticide use or tillage), GM maize should not be considered inherently compatible or incompatible with IPM. Rather, the effect of GM insect-resistance on maize IPM likely depends on how the technology is developed and used