1,715 research outputs found

    Poor sleep quality and oral health among older Brazilian adults

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    Objectives: This study evaluates the association between normative and subjective oral health measures and poor self‐reported sleep quality among community‐dwelling older adults in Brazil. / Methods: This was a cross‐sectional study with data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging. The dependent variable was the poor sleep quality. Independent variables of interest included number of teeth and self‐reported impact of oral health on eating/chewing and on maintaining emotional stability. / Results: Poor sleep quality was reported by 17.8 (95% CI 16.6; 19.2) of the participants, 29% of the participants were edentulous, and 30% had 20 or more teeth. Impacts of oral health on eating and maintaining emotional stability was found among 33.3% and 20% of the older adults, respectively. After adjusting for all oral health measures and covariates, the magnitude of the associations between the number of teeth and sleep quality was attenuated. Sleep quality was related to oral health impacts on eating (OR 1.19 [95% CI 1.00; 1.41]) and on emotional stability (OR 1.51 [95% CI 1.21; 1.87]). / Conclusions: This study found an association between oral health and sleep quality emphasizing the importance of oral health to general health

    Racial inequities in tooth loss among older Brazilian adults: A decomposition analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the extent to which racial inequities in tooth loss and functional dentition are explained by individual socioeconomic status, smoking status and frequency/reason for the use of dental services. METHODS: Data came from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Ageing, a nationally representative sample of community-dwelling people aged 50 years and over. Tooth loss and functional dentition (ie 20+ natural teeth) were the outcomes. The main explanatory variable was self-classified race. Covariates included dental visits in the past 12 months, dental visits for check-ups only, smoking status, self-reported chronic conditions, depression and cognitive function. Logistic regression and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis were used to estimate the share of each factor in race-related tooth loss inequities. RESULTS: The analytical sample comprised of 7126 respondents. While the prevalence of functional dentition in White Brazilians was 37% (95% CI: 33.5;40.9), it was 29% (95% CI: 26.4;31.6) among Browns and 30% (95% CI: 25.1;35.4) among Blacks. The average number of lost teeth among Whites, Browns and Blacks were 18.7 (95% CI: 17.8;19.6), 20.4 (95% CI: 19.7;21.1) and 20.8 (95% CI: 19.5;22.0), respectively. Decomposition analysis showed that the selected covariates explained 71% of the racial inequalities in tooth loss. Dental visits in the previous year and smoking status explained nearly half of race-related gaps. Other factors, such as per capita income, education and cognitive status, also had an important contribution to the examined inequalities. The proportion of racial inequities in tooth loss that was explained by dental visits (frequency and reason) and smoking status decreased from 40% for those 50-59 years of age to 22% among participants aged 70-79 years. CONCLUSIONS: Frequency and reason for dental visits and smoking status explained nearly half of the racial inequity in tooth loss among Brazilian older adults. The Brazilian Family Health Strategy Program should target older adults from racial groups living in deprived areas

    The resolution of acute inflammation induced by cyclic AMP is dependent on annexin A1

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    Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a glucocorticoid-regulated protein known for its anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving effects. We have shown previously that the cAMP-enhancing compounds rolipram (ROL; a PDE4 inhibitor) and Bt2cAMP (a cAMP mimetic) drive caspase-dependent resolution of neutrophilic inflammation. In this follow-up study, we investigated whether AnxA1 could be involved in the pro-resolving properties of these compounds using a model of LPS-induced inflammation in BALB/c mice. The treatment with ROL or Bt2cAMP at the peak of inflammation shortened resolution intervals, improved resolution indices, and increased AnxA1 expression. In vitro studies showed that ROL and Bt2cAMP induced AnxA1 expression and phosphorylation, and this effect was prevented by PKA inhibitors, suggesting the involvement of PKA in ROL-induced AnxA1 expression. Akin to these in vitro findings, H89 prevented ROL- and Bt2cAMP-induced resolution of inflammation, and it was associated with decreased levels of intact AnxA1. Moreover, two different strategies to block the AnxA1 pathway (by using N-t-Boc-Met-Leu-Phe, a nonselective AnxA1 receptor antagonist, or by using an anti-AnxA1 neutralizing antiserum) prevented ROL- and Bt2cAMP-induced resolution and neutrophil apoptosis. Likewise, the ability of ROL or Bt2cAMP to induce neutrophil apoptosis was impaired in AnxA-knock-out mice. Finally, in in vitro settings, ROL and Bt2cAMP overrode the survival-inducing effect of LPS in human neutrophils in an AnxA1-dependent manner. Our results show that AnxA1 is at least one of the endogenous determinants mediating the pro-resolving properties of cAMP-elevating agents and cAMP-mimetic drug

    Translucency parameter of conventional restorative glass-ionomer cements.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the translucency parameter (TP) and contrast ratio (CR) of different conventional restorative glass-ionomer cements (GICs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighteen brands of GICs were evaluated. Five disks of each material were made following ISO 9917-1. The luminous reflectance and Central Bureau of the International Commission on Illumination parameters of disks were evaluated using a colorimeter, against backings of white and black, to obtain the translucent parameter and contrast ratio of different brands of glass-ionomer cements. The correlation between translucency parameter and contrast ratio was assessed with the Pearson correlation test. The translucent and contrast ratio parameters values were submitted to the one-way ANOVA and Tukey test for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05). RESULTS: There was a strong inverse relationship between CR and TP (r2 = 0.94, p < 0.001). The contrast ratio decreased as translucency increased. There were significant differences in TP and CR among brands (p < 0.001). CONLUSIONS: GICs exhibit different translucency and contrast ratio behavior. Some brands of GICs presented very low TP and this condition would be unacceptable for areas with esthetic demands. In addition, TP and CR showed a strong linear relationship. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The results found in this study demonstrated that the knowledge of the translucency and CR of different conventional restorative GICs is important in order to guide clinicians in the selection of restorative GICs for anterior teeth

    No contribution of GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes to the risk of neutropenia due to benzene exposure in Southeastern Brazil

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    Exposure to benzene has been associated with haematological diseases such as neutropenia (NEB) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). We tested whether the null genotypes of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes, involved in benzene inactivation, altered the risk for NEB in southeastern Brazil. Genomic DNA from 55 NEB patients and 330 controls was analysed by multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. The frequency of the GSTM1, GSTT1 and combined null genotypes was similar in patients and controls (GSTM1, 27.3% vs. 38.8%, p = 0.16; GSTT1, 25.5% vs. 19.7%, p = 0.24; GSTM1/GSTT1, 12.7% vs. 6.7%, p = 0.26; respectively). The distribution of genotype classes in NEB patients was similar to normal controls, suggesting that GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes make no specific contribution to the risk of NEB. As the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes were previously associated with increased risk for AML in Brazil and elsewhere, we hypothesise that different thresholds of chemical exposure relative to distinct GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes may determine whether AML or NEB manifests in benzene exposed individuals from southeastern Brazil. Although indicative, our results still require support by prospective and large scale epidemiological studies, with rigorous assessment of daily chemical exposures and control of the possible contribution of other polymorphic genes involved in benzene metabolism

    Leishmania Parasites Drive PD-L1 Expression in Mice and Human Neutrophils With Suppressor Capacity

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    Neutrophils play an important role in the outcome of leishmaniasis, contributing either to exacerbating or controlling the progression of infection, a dual effect whose underlying mechanisms are not clear. We recently reported that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and dendritic cells of Leishmania amazonensis-infected mice present high expression of PD-1 and PD-L1, respectively. Given that the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction may promote cellular dysfunction, and that neutrophils could interact with T cells during infection, we investigated here the levels of PD-L1 in neutrophils exposed to Leishmania parasites. We found that both, promastigotes and amastigotes of L. amazonensis induced the expression of PD-L1 in the human and murine neutrophils that internalized these parasites in vitro. PD-L1-expressing neutrophils were also observed in the ear lesions and the draining lymph nodes of L. amazonensis-infected mice, assessed through cell cytometry and intravital microscopy. Moreover, expression of PD-L1 progressively increased in neutrophils from ear lesions as the disease evolved to the chronic phase. Co-culture of infected neutrophils with in vitro activated CD8+ T cells inhibits IFN-γ production by a mechanism dependent on PD-1 and PD-L1. Importantly, we demonstrated that in vitro infection of human neutrophils by L braziliensis induced PD-L1+ expression and also PD-L1+ neutrophils were detected in the lesions of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Taken together, these findings suggest that the Leishmania parasite increases the expression of PD-L1 in neutrophils with suppressor capacity, which could favor the parasite survival through impairing the immune response

    Swordtail Fry Attend to Chemical and Visual Cues in Detecting Predators and Conspecifics

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    Predation pressure and energy requirements present particularly salient opposing selective pressures on young fish. Thus, fry are expected to possess sophisticated means of detecting predators and resources. Here we tested the hypotheses that fry of the swordtail fish Xiphophorus birchmanni use chemical and visual cues in detection of predators and conspecifics. To test these hypotheses we presented young (<7 day-old) fry with combinations of visual and chemical stimuli from adult conspecifics and predators. We found that exposure to predator odors resulted in shoal tightening similar to that observed when fry were presented with visual cues alone. In trials with conspecific stimuli, fry were particularly attracted to adult conspecifics when presented simultaneous visual and chemical stimuli compared to the visual stimulus alone. These results show that fry attend to the odors of adult conspecifics, whose presence in a particular area may signal the location of resources as well as an absence of predators. This is one of the first studies to show that such young fish use chemical and visual cues in predator detection and in interactions with conspecifics. Previous research in X. birchmanni has shown that anthropogenic alteration of the chemical environment disrupts intraspecific chemical communication among adults; we suggest that because fry use the same chemosensory pathways to detect predators and conspecifics, alteration of the chemical environment may critically disrupt predator and resource detection

    Heavy Metal Concentrations in Dairy Products from Sheep Milk Collected in Two Regions of Southern Italy

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    The aim of this work was to detect the concentrations of some heavy metals in milk collected from ewes in 8 farms located in Calabria and Campania and to evaluate to what extent these metals may be present in dairy products for human consumption. The analysis of chromium, cadmium, lead and mercury was performed in a atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with a graphite furnace. The determination of Hg content in dry samples was carried out by means of an automatic Mercury analyser. Chromium was the metal detected at highest levels in milk and lead was highest in fresh, mature cheese and in ricotta. In Italy, human consumption of sheep milk is very limited and addressed to milk products. In our study the levels of some metals were higher than those reported in literature. However, the results indicate that sheep milk and milk products from the two regions of Italy investigated in this study are safe for consumers