634 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Osteoclastogenesis by Mechanically Loaded Osteocytes: Involvement of MEPE

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    In regions of high bone loading, the mechanoresponsive osteocytes inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption by producing signaling molecules. One possible candidate is matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) because acidic serine- and aspartate-rich MEPE-associated motif peptides upregulate osteoprotegerin (OPG) gene expression, a negative regulator of osteoclastogenesis. These peptides are cleaved from MEPE when relatively more MEPE than PHEX (phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidases on the X chromosome) is present. We investigated whether mechanical loading of osteocytes affects osteocyte-stimulated osteoclastogenesis by involvement of MEPE. MLO-Y4 osteocytes were mechanically loaded by 1-h pulsating fluid flow (PFF; 0.7 ± 0.3 Pa, 5 Hz) or kept under static control conditions. Recombinant MEPE (0.05, 0.5, or 5 μg/ml) was added to some static cultures. Mouse bone marrow cells were seeded on top of the osteocytes to determine osteoclastogenesis. Gene expression of MEPE, PHEX, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), and OPG by osteocytes was determined after PFF. Osteocytes supported osteoclast formation under static control conditions. Both PFF and recombinant MEPE inhibited osteocyte-stimulated osteoclastogenesis. PFF upregulated MEPE gene expression by 2.5-fold, but not PHEX expression. PFF decreased the RANKL/OPG ratio at 1-h PFF treatment. Our data suggest that mechanical loading induces changes in gene expression by osteocytes, which likely contributes to the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis after mechanical loading of bone. Because mechanical loading upregulated gene expression of MEPE but not PHEX, possibly resulting in the upregulation of OPG gene expression, we speculate that MEPE is a soluble factor involved in the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis by osteocytes

    Prehospital critical care for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: An observational study examining survival and a stakeholder-focused cost analysis

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Background: Survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remain low, despite remarkable efforts to improve care. A number of ambulance services in the United Kingdom (UK) have developed prehospital critical care teams (CCTs) which attend critically ill patients, including OHCA. However, current scientific evidence describing CCTs attending OHCA is sparse and research to date has not demonstrated clear benefits from this model of care. Methods: This prospective, observational study will describe the effect of CCTs on survival from OHCA, when compared to advanced-life-support (ALS), the current standard of prehospital care in the UK. In addition, we will describe the association between individual critical care interventions and survival, and also the costs of CCTs for OHCA. To examine the effect of CCTs on survival from OHCA, we will use routine Utstein variables data already collected in a number of UK ambulance trusts. We will use propensity score matching to adjust for imbalances between the CCT and ALS groups. The primary outcome will be survival to hospital discharge, with the secondary outcome of survival to hospital admission. We will record the critical care interventions delivered during CCT attendance at OHCA. We will describe frequencies and aim to use multiple logistic regression to examine possible associations with survival. Finally, we will undertake a stakeholder-focused cost analysis of CCTs for OHCA. This will utilise a previously published Emergency Medical Services (EMS) cost analysis toolkit and will take into account the costs incurred from use of a helicopter and the proportion of these costs currently covered by charities in the UK. Discussion: Prehospital critical care for OHCA is not universally available in many EMS. In the UK, it is variable and largely funded through public donations to charities. If this study demonstrates benefit from CCTs at an acceptable cost to the public or EMS commissioners, it will provide a rationale to increase funding and service provision. If no clinical benefit is found, the public and charities providing these services can consider concentrating their efforts on other areas of prehospital care. Trial registration: ISRCTN registry ID ISRCTN18375201

    HERALD (Health Economics using Routine Anonymised Linked Data)

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    <b>Background</b> Health economic analysis traditionally relies on patient derived questionnaire data, routine datasets, and outcomes data from experimental randomised control trials and other clinical studies, which are generally used as stand-alone datasets. Herein, we outline the potential implications of linking these datasets to give one single joined up data-resource for health economic analysis.<p></p> <b>Method</b> The linkage of individual level data from questionnaires with routinely-captured health care data allows the entire patient journey to be mapped both retrospectively and prospectively. We illustrate this with examples from an Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) cohort by linking patient reported study dataset with the routinely collected general practitioner (GP) data, inpatient (IP) and outpatient (OP) datasets, and Accident and Emergency department data in Wales. The linked data system allows: (1) retrospective and prospective tracking of patient pathways through multiple healthcare facilities; (2) validation and clarification of patient-reported recall data, complementing the questionnaire/routine data information; (3) obtaining objective measure of the costs of chronic conditions for a longer time horizon, and during the pre-diagnosis period; (4) assessment of health service usage, referral histories, prescribed drugs and co-morbidities; and (5) profiling and stratification of patients relating to disease manifestation, lifestyles, co-morbidities, and associated costs.<p></p> <b>Results</b> Using the GP data system we tracked about 183 AS patients retrospectively and prospectively from the date of questionnaire completion to gather the following information: (a) number of GP events; (b) presence of a GP 'drug' read codes; and (c) the presence of a GP 'diagnostic' read codes. We tracked 236 and 296 AS patients through the OP and IP data systems respectively to count the number of OP visits; and IP admissions and duration. The results are presented under several patient stratification schemes based on disease severity, functions, age, sex, and the onset of disease symptoms.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> The linked data system offers unique opportunities for enhanced longitudinal health economic analysis not possible through the use of traditional isolated datasets. Additionally, this data linkage provides important information to improve diagnostic and referral pathways, and thus helps maximise clinical efficiency and efficiency in the use of resources

    Intramedullary nails versus distal locking plates for fracture of the distal femur: results from the Trial of Acute Femoral Fracture Fixation (TrAFFix) randomised feasibility study and process evaluation

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    Objectives: This feasibility study and process evaluation assessed the likely success of a definitive trial of intramedullary fixation with locked retrograde nails versus extramedullary fixation with fixed angle plates for fractures of the distal femur.Design & setting: A multicentre, parallel, two-arm, randomised controlled feasibility study with an embedded process evaluation was conducted at seven NHS hospitals in England. Treatment was randomly allocated in 1:1 ratio, stratified by centre and chronic cognitive impairment. Participants, but not surgeons or research staff, were blinded to the allocation.Participants: Patients 18 years and older with a fracture of the distal femur, who their surgeon believed would benefit from internal fixation, were eligible to take part.Participants were allocated to receive either a retrograde intramedullary nail or an anatomical locking plate.Outcomes: The primary outcomes for this feasibility study were the recruitment rate and completion rate of the EQ-5D-5L at 4?months post-randomisation. Baseline characteristics, disability rating index, quality of life scores, measurements of social support and self-efficacy, resource use and radiographic assessments were also collected. The views of patients and staff were collected during interviews.Results: Recruitment and data completion were lower than expected. 23 of 82 eligible patients were recruited (nail, 11; plate, 12). The recruitment rate was estimated as 0.42 (95% CI 0.27 to 0.62) participants per centre-month. Data completeness of the EQ-5D-5L at 4?months was 61 per cent (95%?CI 43% to 83%). The process evaluation demonstrated that the main barriers to recruitment were variation in treatment pathways across centres, lack of surgeon equipoise and confidence in using both interventions and newly formed research cultures that lacked cohesion.Conclusions: A modified trial design, with embedded recruitment support intervention, comparing functional outcome in cognitively intact adults who have sustained a fragility fracture of the distal femur is feasible

    Large-Scale Sequence Analysis of Hemagglutinin of Influenza A Virus Identifies Conserved Regions Suitable for Targeting an Anti-Viral Response

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza A viral surface protein, hemagglutinin, is the major target of neutralizing antibody response and hence a main constituent of all vaccine formulations. But due to its marked evolutionary variability, vaccines have to be reformulated so as to include the hemagglutinin protein from the emerging new viral strain. With the constant fear of a pandemic, there is critical need for the development of anti-viral strategies that can provide wider protection against any Influenza A pathogen. An anti-viral approach that is directed against the conserved regions of the hemaggutinin protein has a potential to protect against any current and new Influenza A virus and provide a solution to this ever-present threat to public health. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Influenza A human hemagglutinin protein sequences available in the NCBI database, corresponding to H1, H2, H3 and H5 subtypes, were used to identify highly invariable regions of the protein. Nine such regions were identified and analyzed for structural properties like surface exposure, hydrophilicity and residue type to evaluate their suitability for targeting an anti-peptide antibody/anti-viral response. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study has identified nine conserved regions in the hemagglutinin protein, five of which have the structural characteristics suitable for an anti-viral/anti-peptide response. This is a critical step in the design of efficient anti-peptide antibodies as novel anti-viral agents against any Influenza A pathogen. In addition, these anti-peptide antibodies will provide broadly cross-reactive immunological reagents and aid the rapid development of vaccines against new and emerging Influenza A strains