7 research outputs found

    when history teaching turns into parrhesia the case of italian colonial crimes

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    The aim of this chapter was to highlight the importance and the consequentiality of a specific kind of history education that happens when teachers decide to openly narrate to their students the crimes committed by previous generations of their own group—crimes so far kept silenced and literally denied in the general social discourse. According to Foucault's categorization of different kinds of truth's speaking, we propose to call parrhesia this history teaching. After reviewing theoretical stances on consequences expected for young people receiving this kind of history education, empirical evidence is discussed referring to recent researches conducted on chosen case studies. Data suggest that knowledge conveyed by parrhesiastic historical teaching on previously silenced ingroup crimes allow young students to morally distance themselves from wrongdoings of older generations

    The Armenian Massacres and the Price of Memory: impossible to forget, forbidden to remember

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    This contribution is aimed at assessing the right to truth and the right to memory of the Armenian people and of Armenians as individuals, drawing from a legal framework first developed in regional and local contexts and further elaborated at the level of the United Nations. It provides an in-depth picture of the widespread practice concerning the recognition of the massacre of the Armenians in the International Community, which includes various statements and actions by national and international institutions. It also examines the position of Turkey on the matter. As a conclusion, it puts forward some proposals de jure condendo with a view to contribute towards identifying the appropriate instruments to bring Turks and Armenians from conflict to dialogue. This would lead to the achievement of a shared memory based on a reconstruction of the events accepted by both sides, while being respectful of the historical truth

    Historical culture and peace. How older generations address the need of younger generations to learn about theier in-group past

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    This chapter has three aims. First, it aims to disentangle social denial of in-group responsibilities for intergroup violence from other types of silence about intergroup violence. Secondly, it argues that intergenerational narratives which omit information about in-group responsibilities for violence that occurred before the birth of younger generations are highly risky to the descendants of perpetrators. Finally, it emphasises the importance of exploring in greater depth the understudied moment when a literal social denial about past in-group war crimes is exposed. To support these aims, the chapter presents results from a recent mixed methods, quasi-experimental study, which used between- and within-subject comparisons. The study asked young Italian university students to read an explicit text (“detailed text”) vs. a more nuanced one (“mild text”) about Italian war crimes occurring during the colonial invasion of Ethiopia. Data were collected before reading the text, during the reading and after it. Texts were constructed by manipulating the wording of a single historical narrative, taken from a textbook currently used in Italian high schools. The inclusion of this information in Italian history textbooks is quite recent, taking place approximately 70 years after the end of the war. Prior to this a widespread social denial silenced these crimes and as a result they were largely ignored in general social discourse. Results showed that participants reacted not only to the new information received but also to the way in which it was conveyed. The detailed narrative, by frankly taking a moral stance on past violence (a strategy that we named, after classic works of Foucault, 1983, parrhesia), provoked a better understanding of information, together with an increase of negative group-based moral emotions. Interestingly, while collective guilt did not differ between participants exposed to a detailed or a mild text, moral emotions distancing young participants from the responsibilities of older generations increased when these crimes were clearly exposed