1,698 research outputs found

    Bemisia tabaci biotype B acquires, but does not transmit a passifora isolate of sida mottle virus.

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    the purpose of the present work was to further investigate the transmission of SiMoV-P by B. tabaci biotype B and to analyze the presence of the virus in the insect.Resumo 044

    Unified radio and network control across heterogeneous hardware platforms

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    Experimentation is an important step in the investigation of techniques for handling spectrum scarcity or the development of new waveforms in future wireless networks. However, it is impractical and not cost effective to construct custom platforms for each future network scenario to be investigated. This problem is addressed by defining Unified Programming Interfaces that allow common access to several platforms for experimentation-based prototyping, research, and development purposes. The design of these interfaces is driven by a diverse set of scenarios that capture the functionality relevant to future network implementations while trying to keep them as generic as possible. Herein, the definition of this set of scenarios is presented as well as the architecture for supporting experimentation-based wireless research over multiple hardware platforms. The proposed architecture for experimentation incorporates both local and global unified interfaces to control any aspect of a wireless system while being completely agnostic to the actual technology incorporated. Control is feasible from the low-level features of individual radios to the entire network stack, including hierarchical control combinations. A testbed to enable the use of the above architecture is utilized that uses a backbone network in order to be able to extract measurements and observe the overall behaviour of the system under test without imposing further communication overhead to the actual experiment. Based on the aforementioned architecture, a system is proposed that is able to support the advancement of intelligent techniques for future networks through experimentation while decoupling promising algorithms and techniques from the capabilities of a specific hardware platform

    Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas em sorgo sacarino semeado em diferentes espaçamentos e densidades.

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    Edição dos Resumos do 1º Seminário de Agroecologia da América do Sul, 5º Seminário de Agroecologia de Mato Grosso do Sul, 4º Encontro de Produtores Agroecológicos de Mato Grosso do Sul, 1º Seminário de Sistemas Agroflorestais em Bases Agroecológicas de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dourados, nov. 2014

    Diagnóstico de gestação de fêmeas nelore de diferentes categorias criadas extensivamente no ecótono Cerrado/Pantanal, Aquidauana/MS.

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    Informações de diagnóstico de gestação considerando diferentes categorias de fêmeas Nelores tornam-se necessárias para elaboração de estratégias de manejos diferenciada a cada categoria, com objetivo de suprir as exigências necessárias para aumentar o desempenho do rebanho. Objetivou-se realizar um diagnóstico de gestação de fêmeas Nelore de diferentes categorias criadas extensivamente no ecótono Cerrado/Pantanal, Aquidauana/MS. Para análise do diagnóstico de gestação, foram utilizadas informações coletadas, entre os anos de 2003 a 2012, de 5.433 fêmeas Nelores, criadas em sistemas de manejo extensivo. Observou-se que tanto as vacas adultas como as novilhas apresentaram melhor eficiência reprodutiva com relação ao diagnostico de gestação, quando com parado as vacas primíparas, sendo em ambos os casos as diferenças significativas (P<0,01). Maiores coeficiente de variação (CV) foram verificados para a categoria de vacas primíparas (CV = 5,70%), o que indica oscilações na taxa de fêmeas prenhes durante os anos de análise. As vacas adultas e novilhas apresentam taxas de prenhes superiores ao esperado, sendo essa diferença de 8,39% e 6,46% respectivamente, ao passo que as vacas primiparas apresentaram 61,90% a menos que o esperado. Conclui-se que diagnóstico de gestação foi uma prática de manejo eficiente para identificar o manejo adequado para cada categoria. Vacas primíparas apresentaram como a categoria mais exigente e responsável pela diminuição da taxa de prenhez do rebanho

    The SpatialCIM methodology for spatial document coverage disambiguation and the entity recognition process aided by linguistic techniques.

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    Abstract. Nowadays it is becoming more usual for users to take into account the geographical localization of the documents in the retrieval information process. However, the conventional retrieval information systems based on key-word matching do not consider which words can represent geographical entities that are spatially related to other entities in the document. This paper presents the SpatialCIM methodology, which is based on three steps: pre-processing, data expansion and disambiguation. In the pre-processing step, the entity recognition process is carried out with the support of the Rembrandt tool. Additionally, a comparison between the performances regarding the discovery of the location entities in the texts of the Rembrandt tool against the use of a controlled vocabulary corresponding to the Brazilian geographic locations are presented. For the comparison a set of geographic labeled news covering the sugar cane culture in the Portuguese language is used. The results showed a F-measure value increase for the Rembrandt tool from 45% in the non-disambiguated process to 0.50 after disambiguation and from 35% to 38% using the controlled vocabulary. Additionally, the results showed the Rembrandt tool has a minimal amplitude difference between precision and recall, although the controlled vocabulary has always the biggest recall values.GeoDoc 2012, PAKDD 2012

    Discovering the spatial coverage of the documents through the SpatialCIM Methodology.

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    The main focus of this paper is to present the SpatialCIM methodology to identify the spatial coverage of the documents in the Brazilian geographic area. This methodology uses a linguistic tool to assist in the entity recognition process. The linguistic tool classifies the recognized entities as person, organization, time and localization, among others. The localization entities are checked using a geographic information system (GIS) in order to extract the Brazilian entity geographic paths. If there are multiple geographic paths for a single entity, the disambiguation process is carried out. This process attempts to locate the best geographic path for an entity considering all the geographic entities in the text. Another important objective of this paper is to show that the disambiguation process improves the geographic classification of the documents considering the obtained geographic paths. The validation process considers a set of news previously labeled by an expert and compared with the results of the disambiguated and non-disambiguated geographic paths. The results showed that the disambiguation process improves the classification compared with the classification without disambiguation. Keywords: Ambiguity problem resolution, spatial coverage identification, toponym resolution

    Espacialização de notícias de cana-de-açúcar utilizando entidades do IBGE.

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    O foco deste trabalho é gerar a classificação manual de notícias agrícolas, de acordo com essas divisões geográficas, para serem utilizadas no âmbito do projeto "Tecnologias Inovadoras em mineração de textos para a Espacialização de Notícias Agrícolas" (TIENA). O objetivo dessa classificação é comparar resultados de classificação automática obtida por classificadores desenvolvidos no âmbito do projeto com os resultados manuais, a fim de validar os resultados automaticamente obtidos e encontrar formas de aprimorá-los

    Efeito do estado sexual sobre as características quali-quantitativas das carcaças de animais superprecoces.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características quali-quantitativas das carcaças dos animais superprecoces mantidos em confinamento em função do efeito sexual. Esse experimento foi desenvolvido na Embrapa Gado de Corte, Campo Grande - MS, sendo utilizados 105 animais, machos e fêmeas de sete grupos genéticos diferentes