963 research outputs found


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    The Hungarian meat-market can be characterised by intensive transitions both in market actors and product-structure. There is a decrease in the consumption of pork and at the same time in this category an increase in the share of processed meat products. There are also increasing differences in the quality and price-level of processed meat products. This transition highlights the importance of relations between the meat production industry and the meat retail trade. In the framework of a field-study we have analysed the opinions of more than two hundred meat trade specialist on supplier-retailer relationships. The responses have been analysed by one- and multivariate statistics. The results of the research confirm that the overwhelming majority of retailers consider a wide choice of products and flexibility to be a necessary precondition of success. The cheap product-line is no longer in itself enough for the achievement of sustainable market development. Retail enterprises attach great importance to marketing activities undertaken in partnership with the meat industry. The competition between meat suppliers is an especially intensive one in larger towns and in the capital. The maintenance of their partnership with the meat industry is regarded as an important success factor among managers of dynamic, growth-oriented firms. As confirmed by our structural mathematical model, the conflict level between meat-processor and retailer is diminishing with increasing levels of competition. The level of co-operation is increasing with the flexibility of meat producers and the sharing of market intelligence. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A magyar hÃÂșsipari termĂ©kek mind a piaci szereplÅ‘k, mind a forgalmazott termĂ©kek megoszlÃ¥sa szempontjÃ¥ból mĂ©lyreható vÃ¥ltozÃ¥sok tanÃÂși lehetĂƒÂŒnk. A sertĂ©shÃÂșs –fogyasztÃ¥s erÅ‘teljesen csökken, Ă©s ezen belĂƒÂŒl nÅ‘ a hÃÂșskĂ©szítmĂ©nyek arÃ¥nya. A felodogozott hÃÂșsipari termĂ©kek között minÅ‘sĂ©gben Ă©s Ã¥rban egyre nö-vekvÅ‘ kĂƒÂŒlönbsĂ©gek tapasztalhatók. Az Ã¥talakuló helyzet fokozottan Ã¥llítja elÅ‘-tĂ©rbe a hÃÂșsipari-vÃ¥llalat –élelmiszerkereskedelem közötti kapcsolatrendszer fon-tossÃ¥gÃ¥t. VizsgÃ¥lataink sorÃ¥n több mint kĂ©tszÃ¥z boltvezetÅ‘ vĂ©lemĂ©nyĂ©t kĂ©rdeztĂƒÂŒk meg a hÃÂșskĂ©szítmĂ©nyek gyÃ¥rtóival fenntartott kapcsolataikról. A vÃ¥laszokat egy –és többvÃ¥ltozós matematikai-statisztiaki módszerekkel elemeztĂƒÂŒk. KutatÃ¥saink azt igazoljÃ¥k, hogy a kereskedelmi vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sok meghatÃ¥rozó többsĂ©ge a siker alapvetÅ‘ feltĂ©telĂ©nek tekinti a szĂ©les termĂ©kvÃ¥lasztĂ©kot Ă©s a rugalmas piaci rea-gÃ¥lÃ¥st. ÖnmagÃ¥ban az olcsósÃ¥gra törekvĂ©s mÃ¥r nem elegendÅ‘ a fenntartható pia-ci növekedĂ©s elĂ©rĂ©sĂ©hez. A vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sok nagy jelentÅ‘sĂ©get tulajdonítanak a hÃÂșs-iparral közösen vĂ©gzett piacbefolyÃ¥soló tevĂ©kenysĂ©gnek. A megkĂ©rdezett keres-kedÅ‘k kedvezÅ‘tlenĂƒÂŒl Ă©rtĂ©keltĂ©k azt a minÅ‘sĂ©gcsökkenĂ©st, mely az alacsonyabb hozzÃ¥adott-Ă©rtĂ©k tartalmÃÂș hÃÂșsipari termĂ©keket jellemezte. A hÃÂșsipari vÃ¥llalatok közötti verseny kĂƒÂŒlönösen erÅ‘teljes a vÃ¥rosokban Ă©s a fÅ‘vÃ¥rosban. A dinamikus, növekedĂ©s-orientÃ¥lt kereskedelmi vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sok veze-tÅ‘i fokozott jelentÅ‘sĂ©get tulajdonítanak a hÃÂșsiparral fenntartott, intenzív partneri kapcsolatoknak. StrukturÃ¥lis egyenletekkel igazoltuk, hogy a hÃÂșsipar-kereskedÅ‘ közötti konf-liktusok szintjĂ©t nagymĂ©rtĂ©kben csökkenti a hÃÂșsipari vÃ¥llalatok közötti erÅ‘teljes verseny. Az egyĂƒÂŒttműködĂ©st hatĂ©konyan javíthatja a hÃÂșsipari szÃ¥llítók rugal-massÃ¥ga Ă©s a piaci informÃ¥ciók megosztÃ¥sa.quality price-value, questionnary, analysis- minÅ‘sĂ©g Ã¥r-Ă©rtĂ©k, felmĂ©rĂ©s, egyĂƒÂŒttműködĂ©s szerepe, Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Boyolali tahun 1990 – 2009

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Boyolali tahun 1990-2009”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh Produk Domestik Regional Bruto, Jumlah penduduk, Inflasi, dan Jumlah pengunjung wisata terhadap peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis regresi linier (OLS). Berdasarkan hasil Uji Asumsi Klasik menyatakan bahwa dalam variabel tidak terdapat masalah Multikolinearitas yang serius. Untuk Uji Heteroskedastisitas tidak ditemukan masalah dalam model, Uji Normalitas residual menunjukkan bahwa distribusi Ut normal. Sedangkan Uji Spesifikasi Model dengan uji Ramsey Reset menunjukkan model yang digunakan tidak linier. Hasil uji kelayakan model nilai koefisien determinasi R2 adalah 0,960. Artinya 96% variasi variabel dependen dapat dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel independen. Nilai signifikansi statistik Fhitung sebesar 90,265 lebih besar dari Ftabel (0,05; 5; 15) = 3,06 yang berarti variabel Produk Domestik Regional Bruto, Jumlah penduduk, Inflasi, dan Jumlah pengunjung wisata secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah di Kabupaten Boyolali, sehingga model yang digunakan eksis. Hasil Uji t diketahui bahwa variabel Produk Domestik Regional Bruto memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali pada derajat kepercayaan 95%, serta variabel jumlah penduduk memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali pada derajat kepercayaan 95%

    Risk factors, work-related stressors and social support for ambulance personnel in New Zealand : an exploration of organisational and operational stressors and the importance of perceived social support : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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    Ambulance personnel have one of the most stressful jobs across a wide range of occupations, and frequently experience operational and organisational stressors and are exposed to an increased level of traumatic events. As a result of these work-related stressors, ambulance personnel can experience psychological distress, specifically, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and depression. A frequently researched coping strategy used to protect against psychological distress is social support. Thus, this research provides an exploration of work-related stressors, psychological distress and the impact social support can have on psychological distress for New Zealand ambulance personnel. A total of 183 ambulance personnel participated in the current research by completing an online survey. The final sample consisted of 125 ambulance personnel. Results showed that direct traumatic exposure, organisational stressors, male gender, and perceived support significantly associated with psychological distress. Operational stress did not relate to psychological distress, and organisational stress was more strongly related to depression. Perceived social support predicted both depression and PTSS, whereas received support did not predict either type of psychological distress. Perceived support was mildly associated with received support, depression and all three sources of support (spouse/family, colleagues and supervisors). Received support was not associated with either type of psychological distress, although did show a relationship with spouse/family support and supervisor support. Spouse/family support was perceived as the strongest source of support, followed by colleague support and lastly supervisor support. Social support did not impact the relationship between direct traumatic exposure and PTSS. Implications of these results are discussed. This research contributes to the literature focused on work-related stressors, and perceived support, highlighting the important impact both organisational stressors and perceived support can have on ambulance personnel. It is hoped that conclusions drawn from this research will have beneficial implications for ambulance personnel, their families and the organisations in which they work in

    Il Trattamento Della Recidiva di Epatite C dopo Trapianto di Fegato con Sofosbuvir e Ribavirina

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    Introduzione: Sono ancora poco conosciute le variabili cliniche in grado di predire l’insuccesso della terapia antivirale di combinazione con sofosbuvir (SOF) e ribavirina (RIBA) nei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di fegato (LT) e affetti da recidiva di epatite C (HCV). Materiali e metodi: Presentiamo i risultati di un’analisi retrospettiva condotta su pazienti adulti, in mantenimento dopo LT e arruolati nel programma di uso compassionevole di SOF presso la nostra istituzione. I pazienti sono stati inclusi nell’analisi se: adulti (≄18 anni); presentavano un grado di fibrosi F3-F4 al momento dell’arruolamento; e se avevano ricevuto almeno una dose di SOF+RIBA. L’obiettivo primario dello studio Ăš valutare l’efficacia del trattamento, in termini di risposta end of treatment (EOT) e sustained viral response a 4 (SVR4) e 12 settimane (SVR12). L’obiettivo secondario era l’identificazione di variabili predittive di SVR12 tra tutte quelle derivate dall’analisi della documentazione clinica dei pazienti. Risultati: Tra 176 pazienti sottoposti a LT e arruolati nel programma compassionevole, 163 (maschi 83,5%; etĂ  mediana [estremi] 58 [30-75]) sono stati trattati con una schedula di 24 settimane di SOF+RIBA e inclusi nella presente analisi. Il trattamento Ăš stato iniziato a un intervallo mediano di 38 mesi [30-75] dopo il trapianto. Al momento basale, lo stadio medio (DS) di fibrosi era 15,7 (7,8) KPa; la viremia HCV media (DS) era 1.145.288,7 (2.073.664,1) IU/mL, e il genotipo (GT) 1-4 era presente in 123 (75,5%) casi. Lo stato Child-Pugh (C-P) era B/C in 30 (18,4%) pazienti e A in 133 (81,6%), e lo score MELD medio (DS) era 16.2 (3,6). Sei (3,0%) pazienti erano affetti da recidiva fibrosante colestatica del graft epatico. Centosessantadue (99,4%) pazienti hanno completato il trattamento di 24 settimane, e l’EOT, SVR4 e SVR12 sono state rispettivamente del 100% (163/163), 85,2% (138/162) e 83,3% (135/162). La sola variabile clinica associata con la SVR12 si Ăš rivelata essere il livello sierico di albumina (r = 0,41; p=0,0001), mentre la bilirubina totale (r=-0,04; p=0,78), l’INR (r =-0,13; p=0,25), la creatinina sierica (r=0,17; p=0,12), lo status C-P (chi-quadro=1,41; p =0,23), lo score MELD (r=-0,12; p=0,24) e la severitĂ  di fibrosi epatica (r=-0,19; p=0,11) non erano significativamente associate. Conclusioni: I risultati della nostra esperienza suggeriscono che l’insuccesso alla terapia antivirale diretta con SOF e RIBA Ăš associato a inferiori livelli di albumina sierica in pazienti sottoposti a LT e affetti da recidiva di epatopatia cronica HCV-correlata


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inokulasi Rhizobium japonicum dan jenis bahan organik terhadap nodulasi dan hasil tanaman kedelai varietas Anjasmoro. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2017 sampai dengan September 2017. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan factorial yang terdiri atas dua faktor dan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Faktor pertama adalah inokulasi Rhizobium japonicum, terdiri atas dua aras yaitu tanpa inokulasi Rhizobium dan dengan inokulasi Rhizobium. Faktor kedua adalah jenis bahan organic yaitu tanpa bahan organik, pupuk kandang kotoran kambing, pupuk kandang kotoran sapi dan pupuk kascing.Variabel yang diamati yaitu jumlah bintil akar, bobot kering bintil akar, panjang akar, tinggi tanaman, luas daun, bobot segar tanaman, bobot kering tanaman, LAB, jumlah polong per tanaman, bobot biji kering per tanaman dan indeks panen. Data dianalisis menggunakan Sidik Ragam pada taraf 5%. Untuk mengetahui beda nyata antar perlakuan dilakukan uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa inokulasi Rhizobium japonicum dan jenis bahan organik berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nodulasi dan hasil tanaman kedelai
