28 research outputs found

    Morphology, taxonomy, and natural distribution of Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb

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    We reviewed 97 species of the genus Brachiaria, spanning the whole taxon. The species were arranged in groups according to perceived natural affinities. The morphology of the inflorescence, especially the spikelet, was examined in detail and found to be highly variable; accordingly, the number of options for possible alliances among the species is particularly large. Although we eventually established a framework based on nine groups, their boundaries are as yet tentative, with 14 species still to be adequately grouped. The relationship of Brachiaria with other close genera is also discussed

    Sinopse das espécies nativas e subespontâneas de Andropogoneae Dumort. (Poaceae) na Ilha de Santa Catarina, Brasil A synopsis of the Andropogoneae Dumort. (Poaceae) native and subspontaneous to the Island of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

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    O presente trabalho consiste no levantamento dos táxons da tribo Andropogoneae (Panicoideae - Poaceae) ocorrentes na Ilha de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil. A partir da revisão de materiais de herbários e coletas a campo foi confirmada a ocorrência de 10 gêneros e 20 espécies, 17 nativas e duas subespontâneas: Andropogon L. (7 spp.), Bothriochloa Kuntze (2), Eriochrysis P. Beauv. (1), Hyparrhenia Andersson ex E. Fourn. (1), Imperata Cirillo (1), Ischaemum L. (1), Rhytachne Desv. (1), Saccharum L. (3), Schizachyrium Nees (2) e Sorghum Moench (1). Os gêneros Bothriochloa e Rhytachne são registrados pela primeira vez para a Ilha de Santa Catarina. São apresentadas chaves de identificação para gêneros e espécies, ilustrações, informações sobre distribuição geográfica, habitat, período de floração e comentários para cada táxon.<br>The present work is a survey of the taxa in the tribe Andropogoneae (Panicoideae - Poaceae) that occur on the Island of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. Based on a review of herbarium specimens and fieldwork, 20 species were recorded in the following 10 genera: Andropogon L. (7 spp.), Bothriochloa Kuntze (2), Eriochrysis P. Beauv. (1), Hyparrhenia Andersson ex E. Fourn. (1), Imperata Cirillo (1), Ischaemum L. (1), Rhytachne Desv. (1), Saccharum L. (3), Schizachyrium Nees (2) and Sorghum Moench (1). Seventeen of the species are native, and two species are subspontaneous. Bothriochloa and Rhytachne are recorded here, for the first time, for the Island of Santa Catarina. This work provides key to the genera and species, as well as illustrations, information about geographic distribution, habitat, phenology, and comments about each taxon presented in the study