12 research outputs found

    Liming and fertilization on espinheira-santa [Maytenus ilicifolia (Schrad.) Planch.] growth in greenhouse

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    Devido a pouca informação existente sobre adubação para espinheira-santa, e a crescente procura desta espécie, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da calagem, adubação orgânica, mineral e omissão de nutrientes sobre o crescimento de Maytenus ilicifolia. As mudas foram produzidas por sementes e, em agosto de 2006, foram transferidas para vasos com 8 dm³ contendo Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação no delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo bifatorial, totalizando 12 tratamentos com 4 repetições, cujos tratamentos foram: sem adubação com calagem (T1), sem adubação e sem calagem (T7), adubação orgânica (T2 e T8), adubação mineral NPK (T3 e T9), mineral -N (T4 e T10), mineral -P (T5 e T11) e mineral -K (T6 e T12). Os tratamentos T1 ao T6 receberam calcário na dose equivalente a 7,06 t ha-1 de carbonato de cálcio e os tratamentos T7 ao T12 foram testados na ausência de calagem. Após 314 dias da instalação do experimento, foram analisadas as variáveis: massa seca foliar (MSF), massa seca do caule (MSC) e da raiz (MSR), massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA), área foliar (AF), volume radicular (VR), altura (H), diâmetro (D), relação raiz parte aérea (R/PA) e relação altura diâmetro (H/D). A partir dos resultados conclui-se que a calagem, quando utilizada como prática isolada, não resulta em benefícios significativos ao crescimento das plantas. Na presença de calagem, tanto a adubação mineral quanto a orgânica podem ser utilizadas. Na ausência de calagem, a adubação orgânica mostrou-se mais favorável em estimular o crescimento das plantas. Em condições de adubação mineral, independente da presença ou não da calagem, o fósforo mostrou-se importante à nutrição de espinheira-santa.Since there is scarce information about fertilization for espinheira-santa and an increasing search for this species, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of liming, organic and mineral fertilization, and nutrient omission on Maytenus ilicifolia growth. Seedlings were produced from seeds, and in August 2006 they were transferred to 8 dm³ pots containing Dystrophic Red Latosol. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and the design was completely randomized, in bi-factorial arrangement, totaling 12 treatments and four replicates; treatments were: without fertilization and with liming (T1), without fertilization and without liming (T7), organic fertilization (T2 and T8), mineral fertilization NPK (T3 and T9), mineral -N (T4 and T10), mineral -P (T5 and T11) and mineral -K (T6 and T12). T1 to T6 received lime at the dose equivalent to 7.06 t ha-1 calcium carbonate, and T7 to T12 were tested in the absence of liming. After 314 days of the experiment installation, the following variables were analyzed: leaf dry mass (LDM), stem (STDM) and root dry mass (RDM), shoot dry mass (SDM), leaf area (LA), root volume (RV), height (H), diameter (D), root and shoot ratio (R/S), and height and diameter ratio (H/D). Liming alone does not result in significant benefits to plant growth. In the presence of liming, both mineral and organic fertilization can be employed. In the absence of liming, organic fertilization showed to be more favorable in stimulating plant growth. Under mineral fertilization conditions, irrespective of the presence or absence of liming, phosphorus showed to be important for the nutrition of espinheira-santa

    Effect of potassium fertilization on yield and nutrition of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

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    Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is a tree species native to the subtropical regions of South America, and is found in Brazil predominantly in the southern region. Despite the historical importance in this region, so far, studies on crop nutrition to improve yields are scarce. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of potassium rates on K soil availability, and the yield and nutritional status of yerba mate. The experiment was conducted in São Mateus do Sul, State of Paraná, on a Humox soil, where K2O rates of 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 kg ha-1 were tested on 7-year-old plantations. The experiment was harvested 24 months after installation by removing approximately 95 % of the canopy that had sprouted from the previous harvest. The soil was evaluated for K availability in the layers 0-10, 0-20, 10-20, and 20-40 cm. The plant parts leaf fresh matter (LM), twigs (TW), thick branches (BR) and commercial yerba mate (COYM), i.e., LM+TW, were analyzed. In addition, the relationship between fresh matter/dry matter (FM/DM) and K concentration in LM, AG and BR were evaluated. The fertilization increased K availability in all evaluated soil layers, indicating good mobility of the nutrient even at low rates. Yerba mate responded positively to increasing K2O rates with higher yields of all harvested components. The crop proved K-demanding, with a maximum COYM yield of 28.5 t ha-1, when 72 mg dm-3 K was available in the 0-20 cm layer. Yerba mate in the plant production stage requires soil K availability at medium to high level; in clayey soil with low K availability, a rate of 300 kg ha-1 K2O should be applied at 24 month intervals to obtain high yields. A leaf K concentration of 16.0 g ha-1 is suitable for yerba mate in the growth stage

    Nutrientes foliares de espécies arbóreas de três estádios sucessionais de floresta ombrófila densa no sul do Brasil Leaf nutrient content of tree species from three successional stages of tropical rain forest in south Brazil

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    As concentrações de macro e micronutrientes foliares de espécies arbóreas foram avaliadas em três estádios sucessionais (inicial, intermediário e avançado) de uma floresta ombrófila densa das terras baixas, no litoral do Estado do Paraná, crescendo sobre solo arenoso e oligotrófico. Dentre as espécies arbóreas mais importantes de cada estádio sucessional (quatro iniciais; oito intermediárias; 11 avançadas), coletou-se folhas maduras de cinco diferentes indivíduos de cada estádio sucessional para a análise química dos seguintes elementos: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, C, Zn, Fe, Cu e Mn. As espécies do estádio inicial possuem as menores concentrações médias foliares de N, P, K, Zn, Fe e a maior concentração de Mg e estas concentrações são estatisticamente diferentes (p <0,05), quando comparadas com os valores médios dos demais estádios. Nos estádios intermediário e avançado, as concentrações médias de N, Ca e Mg, assim como os micronutrientes estão dentro dos valores esperados para florestas tropicais. As concentrações médias de K, nos estádios inicial e intermediário, e as concentrações médias de P, em todos os estádios, encontram-se abaixo dos valores reportados para as florestas tropicais. A relação C/N é alta (>25:1), apesar da tendência de diminuir à medida que avança a sucessão. O aumento da concentração da maioria dos nutrientes foliares analisados ao longo do gradiente sucessional está associado, possivelmente, com o incremento do acúmulo da serapilheira sobre o solo, o que proporciona ciclagem de nutrientes mais intensa e maiores concentrações de nutrientes no solo.<br>We investigated the leaf nutrient content of trees species from three distinct successional stages (early, intermediate, late) of a lowland rain forest located near the coast of Paraná State, Brazil. This forest grows on sandy soil with low nutrient content. We collected mature leaves from five different individuals of each sucessional stages of the most important tree species of each successional stage (four of the early; eight of the intermediate and 11 of the late stages) for chemical analysis of following elements: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, C, Zn, Fe, Cu e Mn. The species from early sucessional stage have lower contents of N, P, K, Zn, Fe, and higher contents of Mg. These concentrations are statistically different (p <0,05) when compared to mean values of the other stages. For the intermediate and late successional stages, the average nutrient concentrations of N, Ca, Mg and micronutrients are within the range of values expected for tropical forests. Foliar K concentration, from early and intermediate successional stages, and foliar P concentration, for all successional stages, are below the reported range of values for tropical forests. The C/N ratio is high (>25:1), despite of the tendency to decrease as succession advances. The increment of concentration of the most studied foliar nutrients along the successional gradient is probably related to the accumulation of litter above the soil that provides a more adequate environment for efficient nutrient cycling and higher nutrient concentration in the soil