3,015 research outputs found

    Predicción bayesiana del comportamiento poblacional de Eucalyptus Cladocalyx para características binarias de componentes de florecimiento y supervivencia en zonas áridas de Chile

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    Mora, F (Mora, Freddyand Perret, S.Los componentes del florecimiento y la supervivencia son importantes caracteristicas para la especie Eucalyptus cladocalyx, en las zonas aridas de Chile. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la variabilidad poblacional en componentes del florecimiento y supervivencia en arboles de ocho anos de edad, cultivados en dos sitios del sur del desierto de Atacama, Chile. Se utilizo un modelo lineal generalizado bayesiano en el analisis de datos, implementado por medio del algoritmo de cadenas de independencia. El criterio de informacion de desvianza (�¢DIC), implementado por medio del algoritmo de Gibbs, evidencio diferencias significativas para el efecto poblacional (�¢DIC>5) en cada variable binaria analizada. El efecto de interaccion poblacion-sitio fue significativo (�¢DIC>5) para las variables presencia/ausencia de maxima intensidad de florecimiento (MI) y presencia/ausencia de flores o yemas florales (FOY) en el inicio de la temporada 2009/2010. Para las variables presencia/ausencia de cualquier evento floral (EF) y supervivencia, la interaccion no fue significativa (�¢DIC5) for population effect, for each binary trait analyzed. The population-site interaction effect was significant (Delta DIC>5) for the variables: presence/absence of maximum flowering intensity (MI) and presence/absence of flowers or flower buds (FOY) in the beginning of growing season 2009/2010. This interaction was not statistically significant (Delta DIC<5) for presence/absence of capsules and/or flower (or buds) (EF) and survival. The results of this study emphasize the importance of the seed source selection. For example, 45% of the trees from Cowell, Australia, evidenced maximum flowering intensity in a determined site, while the trees from Flinders Chase, Australia, evidenced only about 3%. Information generated on inter-population variability could be used to improve traits of interest, although the genotype-environment interaction should be regarded for some flowering components

    Bulletin No. 345 - Effectiveness of Gravity Drains and Experimental Pumping for Drainage Delta Area, Utah

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    Cooperatie investigations on drainage and reclamation of salted soils in the Delta Area, Utah, were undertaken by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, the U. S. Regional Salinity Laboratory, and Millard County Drainage Districts under a memorandum of understanding effective January 1, 1946. This investigation comprises project 250 of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, R. H. Walker, director; and project 50-46-1 of the U. S. Regional Salinity Laboratory, H. E. Hayward, director. The objectives of the investigations covered by the memorandum of understanding were: 1. To study the effectiveness of present methods of drainage; tile and open drains. 2. To determine the possibilities of pumping from wells as a method of drainage in the Delta Area and the possibility of using the pumped water for irrigation. 3. To determine practical and economical methods of reclaiming unproductive saline and alkali soils of the area by leaching. The leaching phase of these investigations has been completed and the results are reported in Experiment Station Bulletin 335 entitled Reclamation of saline-alkali soils by leaching. The first and second \u27phases concerned with the effectiveness of present drainage methods and the possibilities of pumping for drainage are included in this report. Drainage and leaching are inseparable and must be considered as integral parts of an overall reclamation program for areas in which salinity is a problem

    Knitting Statistics Notes: Creating Teaching Materials with Data Analysis Code and Results Embedded

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    R is a widely used, free, open source software package for data analysis and graphics. Along with core functionality, there are many additional packages to enable specialist usage. One of these packages knitr' allows the integration of R and LaTeX code. This means that code, output and narrative are all included in one source document. Output is generated automatically from the code. If any changes are made to the data, all output is updated automatically. From a teaching perspective, this is particularly useful if you want to create notes with various graphs, statistics etc and you also want to provide the code that shows the student how to do this analysis in R. It is possible to hide either the code or the output. For example, if you are making introduction to statistics worksheets for non-statistics students, you might not want to include R code. If you are including exercises for students, you might not want to include the output and instead have them answer some questions. You can also set these options globally then by changing one option, create two versions of the document - one with solutions, one without, just from one source document

    The Power of Light Zine 1 - Why do things change? - an epistemically insightful way to explore the nature of science and research at Diamond Light Source, UK

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    In the STFC funded Epistemic Insight Initiative project, The Power of Light, a series of resources have been designed informed by co-creation activities, pilot lessons, and workshops that involved children in schools and with their families in community spaces. Through this project with Diamond, we brought into classrooms and community spaces how light can be used to help investigate the world around us, address real-world problems and inform our thinking about Big Questions. The resources we develop support teachers' and their students' sense of agency when exploring 'how knowledge works' and how knowledge is built through different disciplines (including the natural sciences, the arts, and the humanities). This 'zine', with its focus on how scientists have been working with historians and archaeologists to preserve the Mary Rose (Henry the Eighth's favourite ship that was sunk in the Solent in England's southern coast), has been developed through co-creative activities involving research scientists at Diamond Light Source (UK), academics, primary school teachers, STEM ambassadors, and Diamond's public engagement team. Zines use an appealing combination of text and images to create a concise comic-like narrative format to generate enthusiasm about a particular area of interest - the series of zines designed for this project focuses on research taking place at the Diamond facility. The Diamond Light Source facility houses a synchrotron which is used to conduct research in a variety of applied fields of science and technology. This zine is designed to be accessible to ages 8+, and works well with a short animation (available in both Zenodo and on the Epistemic Insight You Tube channel) that has been created with additional funding from STFC. Teaching notes are available for this zine, with guidance and activity sheets to support working with the Power of Light resources. This zine explores these discussion questions: 1) What are examples of changes we can observe? 2) What helps us to know more about the things around us? 3) What might we use to help us observe changes

    The complete mitochondrial genome of the vulnerable Australian crest-tailed mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda)

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    In this announcement, we report the complete mitogenome of the vulnerable Crest-tailed Mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda) (Krefft, 1867). The mitogenome was 17,085 bp in length and contained 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, 22 tRNAs and a 1583 bp variable control region (D-loop). The features of the D. cristicauda mitogenome are consistent with other vertebrate mitogenomes but, in contrast to other marsupials, appears to contain a functional tRNA-Lysine with a UUU anticodon. Phylogenetic analysis of available entire mitogenomes reveals it forms a cluster with other marsupials in the Dasyuromorphia order within the Australidelphian clade, being most closely related to the Northern Quoll and the Tasmanian Devil

    Short-term isothermic heat acclimation elicits beneficial adaptations but medium-term elicits a more complete adaptation

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    Purpose To investigate the effects of 60 min daily, short-term (STHA) and medium-term (MTHA) isothermic heat acclimation (HA) on the physiological and perceptual responses to exercise heat stress. Methods Sixteen, ultra-endurance runners (female = 3) visited the laboratory on 13 occasions. A 45 min sub-maximal (40% Wmax) cycling heat stress test (HST) was completed in the heat (40 °C, 50% relative humidity) on the first (HSTPRE), seventh (HSTSTHA) and thirteenth (HSTMTHA) visit. Participants completed 5 consecutive days of a 60 min isothermic HA protocol (target Tre 38.5 °C) between HSTPRE and HSTSTHA and 5 more between HSTSTHA and HSTMTHA. Heart rate (HR), rectal (Tre), skin (Tsk) and mean body temperature (Tbody), perceived exertion (RPE), thermal comfort (TC) and sensation (TS) were recorded every 5 min. During HSTs, cortisol was measured pre and post and expired air was collected at 15, 30 and 45 min. Results At rest, Tre and Tbody were lower in HSTSTHA and HSTMTHA compared to HSTPRE, but resting HR was not different between trials. Mean exercising Tre, Tsk, Tbody, and HR were lower in both HSTSTHA and HSTMTHA compared to HSTPRE. There were no differences between HSTSTHA and HSTMTHA. Perceptual measurements were lowered by HA and further reduced during HSTMTHA. Conclusion A 60 min a day isothermic STHA was successful at reducing physiological and perceptual strain experienced when exercising in the heat; however, MTHA offered a more complete adaptation
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