35 research outputs found

    Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines

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    The article reviews the development of radial-piston pump with phase control and alternating-flow mode for seismic-testing platforms and other test machines. The prospects for use of the developed device are proved. It is noted that the method of frequency modulation with the detection of the natural frequencies is easily realized by using the radial-piston pump. The prospects of further research are given proof


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    The results of study of electrochemical and hydrothermal deposition of doped and undoped zinc oxide nanostructure arrays in liquid phase are presented in the article. The values of parameters of electrochemical deposition process at which formation of erbium doped zinc oxide nanostructures arrays occurs are determined. The influence of parameters of hydrothermal deposition process on structural properties of undoped zinc oxide is investigated. Obtained arrays of doped and undoped zinc oxide nanostructures deposited by hydrothermal and electrochemical methods can be used in photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications.Проведены исследования процессов формирования массивов легированных и нелегированных наноструктур из оксида цинка методами электрохимического и химического осаждения из жидкой фазы. Определены параметры процесса электрохимического осаждения, при которых происходит формирование массивов наноструктур оксида цинка, легированного эрбием. Изучено влияние параметров процесса химического гидротермального осаждения на структурные свойства массивов нанокристаллов нелегированного оксида цинка. Получены массивы наноструктур легированного и нелегированного оксида цинка, сформированных гидротермальным и электрохимическим методами, которые могут быть использованы в качестве функциональных слоев в фотовольтаических и оптоэлектронных приборах


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    The results of porous silicon formation by anodization of single crystalline silicon wafers in the pulsed galvanostatic mode are presented. Correlations between pore structure and anodization process parameters were determined. It was shown, that porous silicon layers formed in pulsed mode have more uniform structure than porous silicon layers obtained in linear galvanostatic mode. Porous silicon templates with aspect ratio up to 1:500 were formed with the developed approach.Приведены результаты формирования слоев пористого кремния в пластинах монокристаллического кремния методом электрохимического анодирования с использованием импульсного гальваностатического режима. Установлены закономерности изменения структурных свойств пористого кремния в зависимости от параметров режимов формирования. Показано, что полученные данным методом слои пористого кремния характеризуются более однородной структурой, чем полученные в стационарном гальваностатическом режиме анодирования. В разработанных импульсных режимах сформированы матрицы пористого кремния с аспектным соотношением пор до 1:500


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    The results of electrochemical deposition of zinc oxide into ordered porous silicon matrix, formed in a pulsed galvanostatic mode, are presented. Correlations between zinc oxide nanocrystals growth and electrochemical deposition parameters, such as cathode current density, electrolyte composition, process duration were determined. Structural and optical properties of porous silicon/zinc oxide nanocomposites were studied.Приведены результаты исследований процесса электрохимического осаждения оксида цинка в упорядоченные матрицы пористого кремния, сформированные в импульсном гальваностатическом режиме. Установлены закономерности роста нанокристаллов оксида цинка в зависимости от параметров электрохимического осаждения: плотности катодного тока, состава электролита, продолжительности процесса. Исследованы структурные и оптические свойства полученных нанокомпозитов пористый кремний/оксид цинка

    All silicon passive addressed micro LED displays with nano-porous Si/ITO-free nanomesh layers as light emitting pixels

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    In this paper we will concentrate on the usage of novel technologies and nanostructured materials to fabricate low cost high efficient micro LED displays with unique features. Possible areas of application will be discussed as well

    Non-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: A Modern Benchmark for Assessing Lipid Metabolism Disorders

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    Aim. To perform a population analysis of Non-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol level (non-HDL-c) in Russian population and to evaluate its association with cardiovascular events.Material and Methods. The material consisted of results obtained from 11 regions of the ESSE-RF1 Study and from 4 regions of the ESSE-RF2 Study. Study protocols were identical. The studies were performed in 2012-2014 and 2017, respectively. Endpoints were assessed in 19041 people aged 35-64 years. The median follow-up was 6.5 years in ESSE RF (1) and 3.8 years in ESSE RF(2). Analysis was performed for three lipid variables: total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and non-HDLC in two samples: the general population sample and the same sample without individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction (MI) and/or stroke history and not taking statins (the population sample of "without a history of cardiovascular diseases [CVD]". The analysis of nonlinear associations was performed using the generalized additive Cox model. The combined cardiovascular endpoint was represented by cardiovascular death and nonfatal MI and stroke. Traditional and laboratory FRs, socio-demographic parameters were analyzed. The significance level for all tested hypotheses was set to be 0.05.Results. The prevalence of elevated non-HDL-C level (>3.7 mmol/l) was found to be 74.6%. No gender differences were found: there was 74.6% for men and 74.5% for women. Both mean values and prevalence of elevated non-HDL-C were increased with age in women, and its level was slightly decreased in men after 55 years old. Almost all analyzed RFs were significantly associated with elevated non-HDL-C in these two population samples. In both samples elevated total CH and elevated LDL-C were associated with all-cause mortality after correction for all RFs. On the contrary, the non-HDL-C was associated with CVD combined end pints. It has been shown that the risk of these end points increases uniformly with increase in levels of non HDL cholesterol, no nonlinear associations were found.Conclusion. The results of a population-based analysis of non-HDL-C performed in the Russian population for the first time confirmed that elevated non-HDL-C levels contribute significantly to determining the risk of cardiovascular events in the medium term. It can be assumed that the new risk scales (SCORE2 and SCORE OP) proposed by the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Preventive Cardiology, which include non-HDL C instead of TC, will allow adequate assessment of 10-year cardiovascular risk for Russians. However, continued monitoring of endpoints in order to obtain stable associations is required

    Design, planning and implementation lessons learnt from a surgical multi-centre randomised controlled trial

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    Background Increasingly, pragmatic randomised controlled trials are being used to evaluate surgical interventions, although they present particular difficulties in regards to recruitment and retention. Methods Procedures and processes related to implementation of a multi-centre pragmatic surgical randomised controlled trial are discussed. In this surgical trial, forecasting of consent rates based on similar trials and micro-costing of study activities with research partners were undertaken and a video was produced targeting recruiting staff with the aim of aiding recruitment. The baseline assessments were reviewed to ensure the timing did not impact on the outcome. Attrition due to procedure waiting time was monitored and data were triangulated for the primary outcome to ensure adequate follow-up data. Results Forecasting and costing ensured that the recruitment window was of adequate length and adequate resource was available for study procedures at multiple clinics in each hospital. Recruiting staff found the recruitment video useful. The comparison of patient-reported data collected prior to randomisation and prior to treatment provided confidence in the baseline data. Knowledge of participant dropout due to delays in treatment meant we were able to increase the recruitment target in a timely fashion, and along with the triangulation of data sources, this ensured adequate follow-up of randomised participants. Conclusions This paper provides a range of evidence-based and experience-based approaches which, collectively, resulted in meeting our study objectives and from which lessons may be transferable