381 research outputs found

    Development of Feeding System Based on Azolla (\u3cem\u3eAzolla pinnata\u3c/em\u3e) and Sheanut Cake (\u3cem\u3eVitellaria paradoxa\u3c/em\u3e) for Nellore Sheep Reared in Different Production Systems

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    Since protein sources such as ground nut cake and soya bean are too expensive to feed as supplements to livestock in India, steps have been taken to reduce cost by utilizing alternative feedstuffs to replace the traditional sources in ration formulation (Parashuramului et al. 2013). Azolla which is a free-floating nitrogen fixing water fern has a potential to be used as a protein supplement for ruminants (Ahirwar and Leela, 2012). Sheanut cake (Vitellaria paradoxa) which is produced after extraction of fats use in cosmetics and as a cocoa butter substitute in chocolate making, is also a rich in carbohydrates and protein, but the presence of anti-nutritional factors (e.g. theobromine and tannins) may limit its use as animal feed supplement (Od-doye et al. 2012). Both Azolla and Sheanut cake have been used as protein and energy supplement for sheep in India (Reddy et al. 2011), but further research is needed to formulate suitable rations for sheep. The experiments reported here were conducted to assess: (1) The effect of diets based on Azolla (Azolla pinnata) and Sheanut Cake (Vitellaria paradoxa) on growth performance, DMI and nutrient utilization by Nel-lore weaners; (2) The influence of Azolla and Sheanut cake diets on blood biochemical profiles, liver function tests, haemotocrit values and carcass traits of the Nellore wean-ers; and (3) The influence of diets on nutrient utilization of adult sheep. Both intensive and semi-intensive systems were compared in all the experiments


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    Objective: Evaluation of anti-diabetic potential ofIxorapavetta in streptozotocin induced diabetic ratsMethods: Diabetes was induced by thesingle dose of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg body weight i. p.) to female Wistarrats. Diabetic rats were stabilized for six day and from seventh day butenolic fraction of Ixorapavetta(BIP) was administered at a dose of 250 mg/kg, p. o. and 500 mg/kg for 3 weeks. Glibenclamide 10 mg/kg P. O. was used as a standard. The effects of BIP and standard drug on following parameters were recorded - body weight, blood glucose and various biochemical parameters like serum lipid profile eg. total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG), HDL-C, LDL-C and VLDL. At the end of the study oxidative stress markers like CAT, GSH, and lipid peroxidation were analyzed in the pancreases. Histopathological changes were studied in pancreases of representative animals of the each group.Results: Administration of butenolic fractionof Ixorapavetta(BIP) at a dose of 250 mg/kg, p. o. and 500 mg/kg, p. o did not show any significant change in blood glucose level of normoglycemic rats, whereas, oral glucose tolerance test depicted significant (P<0.001) reduction in blood glucose level at 30 to 60 min. In streptozotocininduced diabetic rats, BIP was found significantly beneficial in controlling elevated blood glucose level and serum lipid parameters. The findings were strengthening by improved antioxidant status in diabetic rats as well as protection towards pathological damage of pancreases. The results showed by 500 mg/kg of butenol fractionof Ixorapavettawere comparable with standard treatment of Glibenclamide 10 mg/kg.Conclusion: Butenolfractionof Ixorapavettapossessanti-diabetic action in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.Â

    Stability indicating RP-HPLC method development and validation for the simultaneous estimation of ceftriaxone and tazobactum in sterile powder for injection

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    A simple, rapid, precise and accurate method is developed for the quantitative simultaneous determination of ceftriaxone and tazobactum in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations. Separation of ceftriaxone and tazobactum was successfully achieved by using Inertsil C18 ODS column 250X4.6mm, 5µm in an isocratic mode using water and acetonitrile (80:20) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and was monitored at 254 nm with a retention time of 3.049 minutes and 4.317 minutes for ceftriaxone and tazobactum respectively. The method was validated and the response was found to be linear in the drug concentration range of 20µg/ml to 80 µg/ml for ceftriaxone and 5 µg/ml to 35 µg/ml for tazobactum. The values of the correlation coefficient were found to be 0.999 for ceftriaxone and 0.999 for tazobactum respectively. The LOD and LOQ for ceftriaxone were found to be 0.021 and 0.064 respectively. The LOD and LOQ for tazobactum were found to be 0.030 and 0.091 respectively. The percentage recovery for ceftriaxone and tazobactum were found to be 98-102% respectively which indicates that the proposed method is highly accurate. The specificity of the method shows good correlation between retention times of standard with the sample. The method was extensively validated according to ICH guidelines for Linearity, Accuracy, Precision, Specificity and Robustness.  Stability of the drugs was determined by using acid/base, thermal, oxidative stress testing

    Method development and method validation of guaifenesin and dextromethorphan by RP-HPLC

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    A new, simple, precise, accurate and reproducible RP-HPLC method for Simultaneous estimation of bulk and pharmaceutical formulations. Separation of Guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan was successfully achieve THERMO, C18, 250X4.6mm, 5µm or equivalent in an isocratic mode utilizing 0.1M KH2PO4: Methanol (60:40) at a flow rate of 1.0ml/min and eluate was monitored at 280nm, with a retention time of 3.259 and 4.164 minutes for Guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan respectively. The method was validated and there response was found to be linear in the drug concentration range of 50µg/ml to150 µg/ml for Guaifenesin and 50µg/ml to150 µg/ml for Dextromethorphan. The values of the correlation coefficient were found to 0.999 for Guaifenesin and 1for Dextromethorphan. respectively. The LOD and LOQ for Guaifenesin were found to be 0.597 and 1.991 respectively. The LOD and LOQ for Dextromethorphan were found to be 0.1072 and 0.3572 respectively. This method was found to be good percentage recovery for were found to be 99 and 100 respectively indicates that the proposed method is highly accurate. The specificity of the method shows good correlation between retention times of standard with the sample so, the method specifically determines the analyte in the sample without interference from excipients of tablet dosage forms. The method was extensively validated according to ICH guidelines for Linearity, Accuracy, Precision, Specificity and Robustness

    A robust stability indicating HPLC technique for evalution of Pibrentasvir and Glecaprevir in tablet dosage form

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    When liver cells gets infected and vandalized, the condition is termed as Hepatitis. HCV therapy is performed with mixture of drugs. For the combined evaluation of Pibrentasvir and Glecaprevir in tablets, a rapid, selective and robust HPLC technique stability indicating was developed herein this work. Analysis was executed by Cosmicsil, with dimensions 250 mm by 4.6 mm column and mobile phase possessing KH2PO4 with 0.1M, 65 ml and 35 ml of methanol and 230 nm of PDA analysis. Elution times were found out as were 1.663 min and 2.249 min, for Pibrentasvir and Glecaprevir respectively with linear ranges 20µg/ml, 60 µg/ml and 50 µg/ml, 150 µg/ml, respectively having detection limits as 0.190 µg/ml and 0.207  µg/ml and quantization limits as 0.634 µg/ml and 0.690 µg/ml. This method is explicit having RSD values as 0.097% Pibrentasir & 0.232% Glecaprevir showing an accuracy of between 98.82 and 100.07% for Pibrentasir 99.31, Glecaprevir 100.45% recovery values. During the investigation of degradation, peaks elution times of degradants greatly varied with the elution times of Glecaprevir and Pibrentasvir thus, proving method‘s power of stability indication and specificity. The validation and degradation stability studies were carried out according to ICH and ICH Q1B Guidelines

    Starter culture technology: fermented foods

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    Practice of starter culture is an age old practice but without any scientific basis. With the awareness of need of microbial inoculations for regulation of fermentation process for quality production of desired quality foods innovative development have taken place. Development of new strains for elite strain which can improve the quality, stability, flavor, texture and phage resistant starter cultures are raised on a variety of medium depending organism as well as product to be developed. The starter culture are classified based on their composition growth requirement and methods of propagation. These starter cultures are preserved by different methods they can be available all the time. Though commercial strains are available their isolation and subsequent improvement through different genetical methods are desirable to get a novel strains with unique properties of commercial importance. Among different microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast (Saccharomyce cerevisae, Penicillium camembertii, P. roquefortii) and Rhyzopus (R. oryzae, R. sojae) are extensively used for this purpose. Perfection in the preparation, storage and propagation need to be improved. Mixed starters with symbiotic activity have to be formulated


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    Objective: In the current investigation,nanosponges were set up by emulsion solvent diffusion technique utilizing ethyl cellulose and β-cyclodextrin as polymers. Methods: Diltiazem hydrochloride is taken as model medication for considering different nanosponge formulations. The similarity of different formulation segments was set up by Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy. Molecular size, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency and drug content of nanosponges were analyzed. Shape and surface morphology of the nanosponges were inspected utilizing scanning electron microscopy. Results: Molecule size of formulated nanosponges was seen in the scope of 186 to 476 nm. Scanning electron microscopy uncovered the permeable, round nature of the nanosponges. The drug content of nanosponges for ethyl cellulose containing formulations was seen as in the scope of 62.25 to 85.11% and for the β-cyclodextrin containing details were seen as in the scope of 65.18-89.67%. The percentage entrapment effectiveness of nanosponges for ethyl cellulose containing formulations were seen as in the scope of 54.18 to 79.49% and for the β-cyclodextrin containing details were seen as in the scope of 58.21-83.45%. In vitro drugreleasefindings demonstrated that at 12 h ethyl cellulose containing formulations discharged the drug in the scope of 57.27-89.09% and for the β-cyclodextrin containing formulations discharged in the scope of 73.94-93.26%. Conclusion: Sustained drugreleasefrom formulations is supported if there is an occurrence of ethyl cellulose in the formulations rather with plans containing β-cyclodextrin

    Diffused metal-insulator transition in NdNiO3 film grown on BaTiO3: Likely evidence of electronic Griffiths phase

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    This paper reports diffused metal-insulator transitions (MITs) in an oxide with disorder that undergoes a Mott transition. The investigation was carried out in the multilayer film NdNiO3/BaTiO3/SrTiO3 (NNO/BTO/STO), where a large mismatch of lattice constants of NNO with those of BTO leads to strain relaxation and creation of quenched disorder in the NNO film. NNO film in the NNO/BTO/STO multilayer structure shows a broad Mott-type MIT at a temperature T-MI = 160 K from a high-temperature bad metallic phase (1/rho DC d rho DC/dT < 0) with dT a high value of resistivity rho DC approximate to 70 m Omega cm at 300 K to a low temperature insulating phase. Using noise spectroscopy and impedance spectroscopy which can probe the dynamics of the coexisting phases near the MIT, it was observed that in addition to the MIT at T-MI = 160 K, there exists a characteristic temperature T-G %:Z, 230 K well above the T-MI, where large low-frequency correlated fluctuations appear, signifying the appearance of a phase with slow dynamics. T-G signals the onset of a temperature region T-MI < T < T-G with coexisting phases that have been corroborated by the impedance spectroscopy and AC conductivity measurements. It is suggested that the temperature T-G may signify the onset of an electronic Griffiths phase that has been theoretically proposed for Mott transitions with disorder

    In vitro cytotoxicity, in vivo pharmacokinetic studies and tissue distribution studies of multifunctional citric acid dendrimers using the drug Cytarabine

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    Dendrimers are considered the emerging polymeric architectures, known for their well defined molecular-weight, polydispersity, uniformity and high-surface functionality. These nano-architectures are capable of encapsulating low-high molecular-weight drug moieties in their interior or exterior through covalent bonding and host-guest interactions. Further, large surface volume made researchers to implicate dendrimers in biomedical and therapeutic applications. Regardless of the massive applications, sometimes its use is limited because of the cytotoxicity produced.  Considering this, the present research is focused on the synthesis and PEGylation of citric acid dendrimers. PEGylation is an act of conjugating polyethylene glycol to dendrimers that completely eliminates the toxicity issues associated with dendrimers and render them biocompatible. Cytarabine was loaded in the dendritic architecture to target specifically the tumor cells. Dendrimers are made tumor specific by incorporating certain agents that get cleaved in tumor environment. Synthesized dendrimers were studied for its effect on acute cytotoxicity, tissue-distributions and pharmacokinetic parameters
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