129 research outputs found

    Résidus de récolte en système de travail du sol réduit: La température de l'air déterminante dans la cinétique de décomposition

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    Résidus de récolte en système de travail du sol réduit. La température de l'air déterminante dans la cinétique de décompositio

    Decomposition in soil and chemical changes of maize roots with genetic variations affecting cell wall quality

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    Summary Roots of brown-midrib (F2bm1 and F292bm3) maize mutants and their normal isogenic counterparts (F2 and F292) were used to evaluate the changes in chemical cell wall features with regard to polysaccharides, lignin composition and interconnecting phenolic acids during root degradation in soil. To this end, the chemical variability of roots of brown-midrib mutants and their normal counterparts was compared and its subsequent impact on carbon (C) mineralization determined under controlled conditions. The bm1 mutation mainly caused an increase in lignin content and a decrease in polysaccharide content of maize roots whereas the bm3 mutation caused only a decrease in polysaccharide content. The lignin composition of bm roots differed from that of normal lines and the proportion of cell wall ester-linked hydroxycinnamic acids was also different. C mineralization kinetics differed markedly between the genotypes. Certain relevant factors concerning root decomposition in soil were studied from the relationships between the chemical characteristics of maize roots at different stages of decomposition and C mineralization rates. The Klason lignin-to-glucose ratio (KL/Glu), the Klason lignin-to-arabinoxylans ratio (KL/AX) and the arabinose-to-xylose ratio (A/X) were proposed as promising predictive indicators of C mineralization kinetics. Future estimations of soil residue decomposition could be improved by taking these initial chemical criteria into account on a wider range of residues. Décomposition dans le sol et évolution de la qualité chimique des racines de maïs présentant des modifications génétiques de la qualité des parois cellulaires' Résumé Les racines des maı¨s mutants brown-midrib (F2bm1 et F292bm3) et celles de leurs ligne´es isoge´niques normales (F2 et F292) ont e´te´utilise´es pour e´valuer les modifications des caracte´ristiques chimiques des parois cellulaires, a`travers la composition des polysaccharides, de la lignine et la nature des acides phe´noliques, au cours de la de´gradation des racines dans le sol. Pour cela, nous avons examine´, en conditions controˆle´es, l'impact d'une variabilite´de la qualite´chimique des racines, en comparant les mutants bm et leurs ligne´es isoge´niques normales, sur la mine´ralisation du C. La mutation bm1 engendre principalement une augmentation de la teneur en lignine et une diminution de la teneur en polysaccharides dans les racines de maı¨s alors que la mutation bm3 cause uniquement une diminution de la teneur en polysaccharides. Dans les racines des mutants bm, la composition de la lignine ainsi que les proportions en acides hydroxycinnamiques este´rifie´s des parois cellulaires diffe`rent de celles des ligne´es non mutantes. Les cine´tiques de mine´ralisation du C varient fortement entre les ge´notypes. Les relations entre les caracte´r-istiques chimiques des racines de maı¨s a`diffe´rents stades de de´composition et les taux de mine´ralisation du C ont permis d'e´tudier certains facteurs pertinents concernant la de´composition des racines dans le sol. Les rapports lignine Klason sur glucose (KL/Glu), lignine Klason sur arabinoxylanes (KL/AX) et arabinose sur xylose (A/X) ont e´te´identifie´s comme e´tant de bons indicateurs de pre´diction des cine´tiques de mine´ralisation du C. La prise en compte de ces crite`res de qualite´chimique initiale sur une plus large gamme de re´sidus pourrait ame´liorer l'estimation de la de´composition des re´sidus dans le sol

    A review and meta-analysis of mitigation measures for nitrous oxide emissions from crop residues

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    Crop residues are of crucial importance to maintain or even increase soil carbon stocks and fertility, and thereby to address the global challenge of climate change mitigation. However, crop residues can also potentially stimulate emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O) from soils. A better understanding of how to mitigate N2_{2}O emissions due to crop residue management while promoting positive effects on soil carbon is needed to reconcile the opposing effects of crop residues on the greenhouse gas balance of agroecosystems. Here, we combine a literature review and a meta-analysis to identify and assess measures for mitigating N2_{2}O emissions due to crop residue application to agricultural fields. Our study shows that crop residue removal, shallow incorporation, incorporation of residues with C:N ratio > 30 and avoiding incorporation of residues from crops terminated at an immature physiological stage, are measures leading to significantly lower N2_{2}O emissions. Other practices such as incorporation timing and interactions with fertilisers are less conclusive. Several of the evaluated N2_{2}O mitigation measures implied negative side-effects on yield, soil organic carbon storage, nitrate leaching and/or ammonia volatilization. We identified additional strategies with potential to reduce crop residue N2_{2}O emissions without strong negative side-effects, which require further research. These are: a) treatment of crop residues before field application, e.g., conversion of residues into biochar or anaerobic digestate, b) co-application with nitrification inhibitors or N-immobilizing materials such as compost with a high C:N ratio, paper waste or sawdust, and c) use of residues obtained from crop mixtures. Our study provides a scientific basis to be developed over the coming years on how to increase the sustainability of agroecosystems though adequate crop residue management

    Predicting field N2_{2}O emissions from crop residues based on their biochemical composition: A meta-analytical approach

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    Crop residue incorporation is a common practice to increase or restore organic matter stocks in agricultural soils. However, this practice often increases emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O). Previous meta-analyses have linked various biochemical properties of crop residues to N2_{2}O emissions, but the relationships between these properties have been overlooked, hampering our ability to predict N2_{2}O emissions from specific residues. Here we combine comprehensive databases for N2_{2}O emissions from crop residues and crop residue biochemical characteristics with a random-meta-forest approach, to develop a predictive framework of crop residue effects on N2_{2}O emissions. On average, crop residue incorporation increased soil N2_{2}O emissions by 43% compared to residue removal, however crop residues led to both increases and reductions in N2_{2}O emissions. Crop residue effects on N2_{2}O emissions were best predicted by easily degradable fractions (i.e. water soluble carbon, soluble Van Soest fraction (NDS)), structural fractions and N returned with crop residues. The relationship between these biochemical properties and N2_{2}O emissions differed widely in terms of form and direction. However, due to the strong correlations among these properties, we were able to develop a simplified classification for crop residues based on the stage of physiological maturity of the plant at which the residue was generated. This maturity criteria provided the most robust and yet simple approach to categorize crop residues according to their potential to regulate N2_{2}O emissions. Immature residues (high water soluble carbon, soluble NDS and total N concentration, low relative cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin fractions, and low C:N ratio) strongly stimulated N2_{2}O emissions, whereas mature residues with opposite characteristics had marginal effects on N2_{2}O. The most important crop types belonging to the immature residue group – cover crops, grasslands and vegetables – are important for the delivery of multiple ecosystem services. Thus, these residues should be managed properly to avoid their potentially high N2_{2}O emissions

    Evaluating the Potential of Legumes to Mitigate N2_{2}O Emissions From Permanent Grassland Using Process-Based Models

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    A potential strategy for mitigating nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O) emissions from permanent grasslands is the partial substitution of fertilizer nitrogen (Nfert_{fert}) with symbiotically fixed nitrogen (Nsymb_{symb}) from legumes. The input of Nsymb_{symb} reduces the energy costs of producing fertilizer and provides a supply of nitrogen (N) for plants that is more synchronous to plant demand than occasional fertilizer applications. Legumes have been promoted as a potential N2_{2}O mitigation strategy for grasslands, but evidence to support their efficacy is limited, partly due to the difficulty in conducting experiments across the large range of potential combinations of legume proportions and fertilizer N inputs. These experimental constraints can be overcome by biogeochemical models that can vary legume‐fertilizer combinations and subsequently aid the design of targeted experiments. Using two variants each of two biogeochemical models (APSIM and DayCent), we tested the N2_{2}O mitigation potential and productivity of full factorial combinations of legume proportions and fertilizer rates for five temperate grassland sites across the globe. Both models showed that replacing fertilizer with legumes reduced N2_{2}O emissions without reducing productivity across a broad range of legume‐fertilizer combinations. Although the models were consistent with the relative changes of N2_{2}O emissions compared to the baseline scenario (200 kg N ha1^{-1} yr1^{-1}; no legumes), they predicted different levels of absolute N2_{2}O emissions and thus also of absolute N2_{2}O emission reductions; both were greater in DayCent than in APSIM. We recommend confirming these results with experimental studies assessing the effect of clover proportions in the range 30–50% and ≤150 kg N ha1^{-1} yr1^{-1} input as these were identified as best‐bet climate smart agricultural practices

    Challenges of accounting nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural crop residues

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    Crop residues are important inputs of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to soils and thus directly and indirectly affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. As the current inventory methodology considers N inputs by crop residues as the sole determining factor for N2O emissions, it fails to consider other underlying factors and processes. There is compelling evidence that emissions vary greatly between residues with different biochemical and physical characteristics, with the concentrations of mineralizable N and decomposable C in the residue biomass both enhancing the soil N2O production potential. High concentrations of these components are associated with immature residues (e.g., cover crops, grass, legumes, and vegetables) as opposed to mature residues (e.g., straw). A more accurate estimation of the short-term (months) effects of the crop residues on N2O could involve distinguishing mature and immature crop residues with distinctly different emission factors. The medium-term (years) and long-term (decades) effects relate to the effects of residue management on soil N fertility and soil physical and chemical properties, considering that these are affected by local climatic and soil conditions as well as land use and management. More targeted mitigation efforts for N2O emissions, after addition of crop residues to the soil, are urgently needed and require an improved methodology for emission accounting. This work needs to be underpinned by research to (1) develop and validate N2O emission factors for mature and immature crop residues, (2) assess emissions from belowground residues of terminated crops, (3) improve activity data on management of different residue types, in particular immature residues, and (4) evaluate long-term effects of residue addition on N2O emissions

    Challenges of accounting nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural crop residues

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    Crop residues are important inputs of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to soils and thus directly and indirectly affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. As the current inventory methodology considers N inputs by crop residues as the sole determining factor for N2O emissions, it fails to consider other underlying factors and processes. There is compelling evidence that emissions vary greatly between residues with different biochemical and physical characteristics, with the concentrations of mineralizable N and decomposable C in the residue biomass both enhancing the soil N2O production potential. High concentrations of these components are associated with immature residues (e.g., cover crops, grass, legumes, and vegetables) as opposed to mature residues (e.g., straw). A more accurate estimation of the short-term (months) effects of the crop residues on N2O could involve distinguishing mature and immature crop residues with distinctly different emission factors. The medium-term (years) and long-term (decades) effects relate to the effects of residue management on soil N fertility and soil physical and chemical properties, considering that these are affected by local climatic and soil conditions as well as land use and management. More targeted mitigation efforts for N2O emissions, after addition of crop residues to the soil, are urgently needed and require an improved methodology for emission accounting. This work needs to be underpinned by research to (1) develop and validate N2O emission factors for mature and immature crop residues, (2) assess emissions from belowground residues of terminated crops, (3) improve activity data on management of different residue types, in particular immature residues, and (4) evaluate long-term effects of residue addition on N2O emissions

    Challenges of accounting nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural crop residues

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    Crop residues are important inputs of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to soils and thus directly and indirectly affect nitrous oxide (N2_2O) emissions. As the current inventory methodology considers N inputs by crop residues as the sole determining factor for N2_2O emissions, it fails to consider other underlying factors and processes. There is compelling evidence that emissions vary greatly between residues with different biochemical and physical characteristics, with the concentrations of mineralizable N and decomposable C in the residue biomass both enhancing the soil N2_2O production potential. High concentrations of these components are associated with immature residues (e.g., cover crops, grass, legumes, and vegetables) as opposed to mature residues (e.g., straw). A more accurate estimation of the short-term (months) effects of the crop residues on N2_2O could involve distinguishing mature and immature crop residues with distinctly different emission factors. The medium-term (years) and long-term (decades) effects relate to the effects of residue management on soil N fertility and soil physical and chemical properties, considering that these are affected by local climatic and soil conditions as well as land use and management. More targeted mitigation efforts for N2_2O emissions, after addition of crop residues to the soil, are urgently needed and require an improved methodology for emission accounting. This work needs to be underpinned by research to (1) develop and validate N2_2O emission factors for mature and immature crop residues, (2) assess emissions from belowground residues of terminated crops, (3) improve activity data on management of different residue types, in particular immature residues, and (4) evaluate long-term effects of residue addition on N2_2O emissions

    Mineralisation of crop residues on the soil surface or incorporated in the soil under controlled conditions

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    In the present work, we compare the effect of mature crop residues mixed into a ferralitic soil or placed as a single layer on soil surface on the mineralisation of C and N over 55 days. As residues, we used dry stems of rice, soybean, sorghum, brachiaria and wheat. There were no significant effects of residue placement on C mineralisation kinetics. Decomposition of the residues on the soil surface slightly increased net N mineralisation for residues having the smallest C/N ratio