6 research outputs found

    Sazonalidade e horário de atividade de abelhas Euglossinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae), em florestas de terra firme na Amazônia Central Seasonality and daily activity of Euglossinae bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in terra firme forest in Central Amazonia

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    <abstract language="eng">Euglossinae bee fauna of two areas of terra firme forest near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil was compared. Over a twelve-month period collections were done fortnightly, between 7:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m, using traps with eight kinds of scent baits. The traps were placed in the understory and in tree crowns. The majority of species and specimens was most active between August-December, near the beginning of the rainy season in this region. The bees were most active from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., while air temperatures were between 24.5-27ºC, but there was a decline in this activity when air temperature varied above or below of this range. There were differences in the seasonality and in the daily activity patterns for the two areas studied but these differences were not significative

    Preferência por estratos florestais e por substâncias odoríferas em abelhas Euglossinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) Stratification and scents baits preferences in Euglossinae bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

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    <abstract language="eng">Euglossinae bees of two areas of Terra Firme forest, near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil were studied. During one year the collections were done fortnightly, using traps with eight kinds of scent baits. The traps were placed in the understory and in tree crowns. Some species showed a very clear vertical stratification in the forest. The comparison between the strata studied showed that the fauna of one understory is more similar to other than fauna of crowns and the similarity between fauna of understory and fauna of crown of the the two areaswas low. Some species were specialists while most were generalists in their choice of scent baits. Some species varied its preferences during the year

    Biologia de nidificação de Centris (Hemisiella) trigonoides Lepeletier (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Centridini) Nesting biology of Centris (Hemisiella) trigonoides Lepeletier (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Centridini)

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    O comportamento de nidificação de Centris (Hemisiella) trigonoides Lepeletier, 1841, e o comportamento de seus cleptoparasitas foram estudados em Monte Santo, Bahia, Brasil. As abelhas construíram seus ninhos com uma mistura de solo e óleo, dentro de cavidades preexistentes na madeira de uma construção abandonada, assim como em gomos de bambu de 8 e 9 mm de diâmetro. Os ninhos completados tinham de uma a cinco células alongadas, arranjadas em uma série linear e orientadas horizontalmente. O tempo gasto para construir uma célula foi altamente variável, sendo em geral de 4,5 a 5,5 h. Após finalizar a construção da célula, as fêmeas fizeram uma ou duas viagens para coletar um líquido incolor, provavelmente óleo floral, usado para revestir as paredes internas da célula. Para aprovisionar uma célula foram realizadas de cinco a oito viagens de coleta para obtenção de pólen e néctar, e de quatro a seis viagens para coleta de óleo. Imediatamente após a oviposição, as fêmeas fecharam as células usando o solo que elas tinham coletado previamente. Três espécies cleptoparasitas pertencentes ao gênero Coelioxys Latreille, 1809 atacaram os ninhos. Entradas de cleptoparasitas dentro dos ninhos occorreram, na maioria dos casos, enquanto a fêmea hospedeira estava ausente do ninho. As fêmeas de C. (H.) trigonoides apresentaram comportamentos defensivos para evitar parasitismo, tais como expulsar os parasitas e guardar os ninhos. Machos de C. (H.) trigonoides usaram o local de nidificação como abrigo durante as horas mais quentes do dia, assim como para dormir. Eles deixavam as cavidades no dia seguinte entre 09:00 e 10:30 h. Isto sugere que machos e fêmeas têm padrões temporais de atividade distintos.<br>The nesting behavior of Centris (Hemisiella) trigonoides Lepeletier, 1841, and the behavior of their cleptoparasites were studied at Monte Santo, Bahia, Brazil. The females constructed their nests within preexisting holes in wood from an abandoned building as well as in bamboo canes of 8 and 9 mm in diameter, using a mixture of soil and oil. Completed nests had one to five elongated cells arranged in a linear series and oriented horizontally. The time spent to construct a cell was highly variable, but it was generally between 4.5 to 5.5 h. After finishing the construction of a cell, females made one or two trips to collect a colorless liquid, probably floral oil, used to line the inner cell walls. Five to eight pollen-nectar collecting trips and from four to six oil-collecting trips were made to provision one cell. Immediately after oviposition, the females closed the cells using soil that they had previously gathered. Three cleptoparasites species belonging to the genera Coelioxys Latreille, 1809 attacked the nests. Visits of cleptoparasites into the nests occurred mainly while the host female was absent from the nest. Centris (H.) trigonoides females showed defensive behaviors to avoid parasitism, such as chasing the parasites and guarding the nests. Centris (H.) trigonoides males used the nesting sites for shelter during the hottest hours of the day, as well as for sleeping. They would leave the cavities the following day between 09:00 and 10:30 a.m. That suggests that males and females have distinct temporal activity patterns

    Epidemiological and ecological aspects related to malaria in the area of influence of the lake at Porto Primavera dam, in western São Paulo State, Brazil Aspectos epidemiológicos e ecológicos relacionados à malária na área de influência do lago da Represa de Porto Primavera, região oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    A study was carried out in the area of influence of the Porto Primavera Hydroelectric Power Station, in western São Paulo State, to investigate ecological and epidemiological aspects of malaria in the area and monitor the profile of the anopheline populations following the environmental changes brought about by the construction of the lake. Mosquitoes captured were analyzed by standardized indicator species analysis (ISA) before and during different flooding phases (253 m and 257 m elevations). The local human population was studied by means of parasitological (thin/thick blood smears), molecular (PCR) and serological tests. Serological tests consisted of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with synthetic peptides of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from classic Plasmodium vivax, P. vivax variants (VK247 and "vivax-like"), P. malariae and P. falciparum and Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) with asexual forms of P. vivax, P. malariae and P. falciparum. The results of the entomological survey indicated that, although the Anopheles darlingi population increased after the flooding, the population density remained very low. No malaria, parasite infection or DNA was detected in the inhabitants of the study area. However, there was a low frequency of antibodies against asexual forms and a significant prevalence of antibodies against P. vivax, P. vivax variants, P. falciparum and P. malariae; the presence of these antibodies may result from recent or less recent contact with human or simian Plasmodium (a parallel study in the same area revealed the existence of a sylvatic cycle). Nevertheless, these results suggest that, as in other places where malaria is present and potential vectors circulate, the local epidemiological conditions observed could potentially support the transmission of malaria in Porto Primavera Lake if infected individuals are introduced in sufficient numbers. Further studies are required to elucidate the phenomena described in this paper.<br>Foi realizada pesquisa na área de influência do lago da Usina Hidrelétrica de Porto Primavera, região oeste do Estado de São Paulo, para estudar aspectos ecológicos e epidemiológicos da malária na localidade e acompanhar o perfil das populações de anofelinos frente às mudanças decorrentes do impacto ambiental pela formação do lago. Mosquitos capturados foram analisados pelo Índice de Abundância de Espécies Padronizado (IAEP), antes e durante o enchimento do reservatório (cotas 253 e 257 m). A população humana local foi estudada por meio de teste parasitológico (gota espessa e esfregaço sangüíneo), testes moleculares (PCR) e testes sorológicos. A sorologia consistiu na reação de ELISA com peptídeos sintéticos correspondentes à porção repetitiva da proteína circumsporozoíta (CSP) de Plasmodium vivax clássico, e suas variantes VK247 e "vivax-like", P. malariae e P. falciparum; e reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) com formas assexuadas de P. vivax, P. malariae e P. falciparum. Os resultados do estudo entomológico indicaram que, embora a população de Anopheles darlingi tenha aumentando após o enchimento, permaneceu em baixa densidade. Não foi detectada malária nem a presença de parasitos ou de DNA parasitário nos habitantes estudados. No entanto, foi observada baixa freqüência de anticorpos contra formas assexuadas e significativa prevalência de anticorpos contra esporozoítos de P. vivax e suas variantes, P. falciparum e P. malariae, que poderiam decorrer de contatos prévios, recentes ou não, com plasmódios humanos ou símios (o ciclo silvestre foi evidenciado em estudo paralelo realizado na mesma área). Por outro lado, estes resultados sugerem que, como em outros lugares onde existem vetores potenciais da malária, as condições epidemiológicas poderiam potencialmente permitir a transmissão da malária na área de influência do lago de Porto Primavera, se indivíduos infectados fossem introduzidos em número suficiente. Estudos adicionais deverão ser realizados para elucidar os fenômenos relatados neste artigo