728 research outputs found

    Geophysical interpretation of Venus gravity data

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    The investigation of the subsurface mass distribution of Venus through the analysis of the data from Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) is presented. The Doppler tracking data was used to map the gravitational potential, which was compared to the topographic data from the PVO radar (ORAD). In order to obtain an unbiased comparison, the topography obtained from the PVO-ORAD was filtered to introduce distortions which are the same as those of our gravity models. The last major software package that was required in order to determine the spectral admittance Z (lambda) was used. This package solves the forward problem: given the topography and its density, and assuming no compensation, find the resulting spacecraft acceleration along a given nominal trajectory. The filtered topography is obtained by processing these accelerations in the same way (i.e., with the same geophysical inverter) as the Doppler-rate data that we use to estimate the gravity maps

    Optical interferometers for tests of relativistic gravity in space

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    A space-based astrometric interferometer with a large optical bandwidth is considered. POINTS (Precision Optical INTerferometry in Space) would measure the angular separation of two stars separated by about 90 deg on the sky with a nominal measurement error of 5 microarcseconds (mas). For a pair of mag 10 stars, the observation would require about 10 minutes. It is estimated that the instrument would measure daily the separation of two stars for each of about 60 pairs of stars; a random sequence of such measurements, if suitably redundant, contains the closure information necessary to detect and correct time dependent measurement biases to well below the nominal measurement accuracy. The 90 deg target separation permits absolute parallax measurements in all directions. A redundant observing schedule for 300 stars and 5 quasars would provide extra redundancy to compensate for the quasars' higher magnitude. If a nominal 30-day observation sequence were repeated 4 times per year for 10 years, stellar parameter uncertainties would be obtained of: 0.6 mas, position; 0.4 mas/y, proper motion; and 0.4 mas, parallax. This set of well-observed stars and quasars would form a rigid frame and the stars would serve as reference objects for measurements of all additional targets, as well as being targets of direct scientific interest. The instrument global data analysis since objectives are considered including a relativity test and technology

    Prospects for Large Relativity Violations in Matter-Gravity Couplings

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    Deviations from relativity are tightly constrained by numerous experiments. A class of unmeasured and potentially large violations is presented that can be tested in the laboratory only via weak gravity couplings. Specialized highly sensitive experiments could achieve measurements of the corresponding effects. A single constraint of 1 x 10^{-11} GeV is extracted on one combination of the 12 possible effects in ordinary matter. Estimates are provided for attainable sensitivities in existing and future experiments.Comment: 10 page

    Venus gravity

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    The anomalous gravity field of Venus shows high correlation with surface features revealed by radar. We extract gravity models from the Doppler tracking data from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) by means of a two-step process. In the first step, we solve the nonlinear spacecraft state estimation problem using a Kalman filter-smoother. The Kalman filter was evaluated through simulations. This evaluation and some unusual features of the filter are discussed. In the second step, we perform a geophysical inversion using a linear Bayesian estimator. To allow an unbiased comparison between gravity and topography, we use a simulation technique to smooth and distort the radar topographic data so as to yield maps having the same characteristics as our gravity maps. The maps presented cover 2/3 of the surface of Venus and display the strong topography-gravity correlation previously reported. The topography-gravity scatter plots show two distinct trends

    Development of POINTS as a planetology instrument

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    During the reporting period, we carried out investigations required to enhance our design of POINTS as a tool for the search for and characterization of extra-solar planetary systems. The results of that work were included in a paper on POINTS as well as one on Newcomb, which will soon appear in the proceedings of SPIE Conference 2200. (Newcomb is a spinoff of POINTS. It is a small astrometric interferometer now being developed jointly by SAO and the U.S. Navy. It could help establish some of the technology needed for POINTS.) These papers are appended

    Planetary system detection by POINTS

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    The final report and semiannual reports 1, 2, and 3 in response to the study of 'Planetary System Detection by POINTS' is presented. The grant covered the period from 15 Jun. 1988 through 31 Dec. 1989. The work during that period comprised the further development and refinement of the POINTS concept. The status of the POINTS development at the end of the Grant period was described by Reasenberg in a paper given at the JPL Workshop on Space Interferometry, 12-13 Mar. 1990, and distributed as CfA Preprint 3138. That paper, 'POINTS: a Small Astrometric Interferometer,' follows as Appendix-A. Our proposal P2276-7-09, dated July 1990, included a more detailed description of the state of the development of POINTS at the end of the tenure of Grant NAGW-1355. That proposal, which resulted in Grant NAGW-2497, is included by reference

    Neutrino Oscillations from Strings and Other Funny Things

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    I will discuss three related unconventional ways to generate neutrino oscillations (1)Equivalence principle violation by the string dilaton field (i2)Violation of Lorentz Invariance and (3) Equivalence principle violation through a non-universal tensor neutrino-gravity coupling. These unorthodox neutrino oscillation mechanisms are shown to be viable at the level of our present experimental knowledge and demonstrate that neutrino oscillations can probe very profound questions
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