35 research outputs found

    The mechanisms and processes of connection: developing a causal chain model capturing impacts of receiving recorded mental health recovery narratives.

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health recovery narratives are a core component of recovery-oriented interventions such as peer support and anti-stigma campaigns. A substantial number of recorded recovery narratives are now publicly available online in different modalities and in published books. Whilst the benefits of telling one's story have been investigated, much less is known about how recorded narratives of differing modalities impact on recipients. A previous qualitative study identified connection to the narrator and/or to events in the narrative to be a core mechanism of change. The factors that influence how individuals connect with a recorded narrative are unknown. The aim of the current study was to characterise the immediate effects of receiving recovery narratives presented in a range of modalities (text, video and audio), by establishing the mechanisms of connection and the processes by which connection leads to outcomes. METHOD: A study involving 40 mental health service users in England was conducted. Participants were presented with up to 10 randomly-selected recovery narratives and were interviewed on the immediate impact of each narrative. Thematic analysis was used to identify the mechanisms of connection and how connection leads to outcome. RESULTS: Receiving a recovery narrative led participants to reflect upon their own experiences or those of others, which then led to connection through three mechanisms: comparing oneself with the narrative and narrator; learning about other's experiences; and experiencing empathy. These mechanisms led to outcomes through three processes: the identification of change (through attending to narrative structure); the interpretation of change (through attending to narrative content); and the internalisation of interpretations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to identify mechanisms and processes of connection with recorded recovery narratives. The empirically-based causal chain model developed in this study describes the immediate effects on recipients. This model can inform selection of narratives for use in interventions, and be used to support peer support workers in recounting their own recovery narratives in ways which are maximally beneficial to others

    Early Target Cells of Measles Virus after Aerosol Infection of Non-Human Primates

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    Measles virus (MV) is highly infectious, and has long been thought to enter the host by infecting epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. However, epithelial cells do not express signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (CD150), which is the high-affinity cellular receptor for wild-type MV strains. We have generated a new recombinant MV strain expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), based on a wild-type genotype B3 virus isolate from Khartoum, Sudan (KS). Cynomolgus macaques were infected with a high dose of rMVKSEGFP by aerosol inhalation to ensure that the virus could reach the full range of potential target cells throughout the entire respiratory tract. Animals were euthanized 2, 3, 4 or 5 days post-infection (d.p.i., n = 3 per time point) and infected (EGFP+) cells were identified at all four time points, albeit at low levels 2 and 3 d.p.i. At these earliest time points, MV-infected cells were exclusively detected in the lungs by fluorescence microscopy, histopathology and/or virus isolation from broncho-alveolar lavage cells. On 2 d.p.i., EGFP+ cells were phenotypically typed as large mononuclear cells present in the alveolar lumen or lining the alveolar epithelium. One to two days later, larger clusters of MV-infected cells were detected in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) and in the tracheo-bronchial lymph nodes. From 4 d.p.i. onward, MV-infected cells were detected in peripheral blood and various lymphoid tissues. In spite of the possibility for the aerosolized virus to infect cells and lymphoid tissues of the upper respiratory tract, MV-infected cells were not detected in either the tonsils or the adenoids until after onset of viremia. These data strongly suggest that in our model MV entered the host at the alveolar level by infecting macrophages or dendritic cells, which traffic the virus to BALT or regional lymph nodes, resulting in local amplification and subsequent systemic dissemination by viremia

    Heparan Sulfate-Degrading Enzymes Induce Modulation of Smooth-Muscle Phenotype

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    Macrophages cocultured with rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells at a ratio of 1:3 degraded all the S-labeled heparan sulfate proteoglycan from the smooth muscle surface into free sulfate (K of 0.84 on Sepharose 6B). Concomitantly, the same macrophages induced a decrease in the volume fraction of myofilaments (Vmyo) of the smooth muscle cells and a decrease in α-actin mRNA as a percentage of total actin mRNA. Both macrophage lysosomal lysate at neutral pH and heparinase degraded cell-free S-labeled matrix deposited by smooth muscle cells into fragments which eluted at a K of 0.63 and which were identified as heparan sulfate chains by their complete degradation in the presence of low pH nitrous acid. At acid pH the macrophage lysosomal lysate completely degraded the heparan sulfate to free sulfate (K 0.84). Both macrophage lysosomal lysate and commercial heparinase at neutral pH induced smooth muscle phenotypic change while other enzymes such as trypsin and chondroitin ABC lyase had no effect. It was therefore suggested that the active factor present in the macrophages is a lysosomal heparan sulfate-degrading endoglycosidase (heparinase). Only a small amount of heparan sulfate-degrading activity was released into the incubation medium by living macrophages, and there was no heparinase activity on their isolated plasma membranes, although proteolytic enzymes were evident in both instances. In pulse-chase studies, high Vmyo smooth muscle cells were seen to constantly internalize and degrade S-labeled heparan sulfate proteoglycan from their own pericellular compartment, suggesting that this may be the mechanism by which smooth muscle phenotype is maintained under normal circumstances and that removal of heparan sulfate from the surface of smooth muscle cells and its degradation by macrophages temporarily interrupts this process, inducing smooth muscle phenotypic change