7 research outputs found

    Light-Cone Quantization and Hadron Structure

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    In this talk, I review the use of the light-cone Fock expansion as a tractable and consistent description of relativistic many-body systems and bound states in quantum field theory and as a frame-independent representation of the physics of the QCD parton model. Nonperturbative methods for computing the spectrum and LC wavefunctions are briefly discussed. The light-cone Fock state representation of hadrons also describes quantum fluctuations containing intrinsic gluons, strangeness, and charm, and, in the case of nuclei, "hidden color". Fock state components of hadrons with small transverse size, such as those which dominate hard exclusive reactions, have small color dipole moments and thus diminished hadronic interactions; i.e., "color transparency". The use of light-cone Fock methods to compute loop amplitudes is illustrated by the example of the electron anomalous moment in QED. In other applications, such as the computation of the axial, magnetic, and quadrupole moments of light nuclei, the QCD relativistic Fock state description provides new insights which go well beyond the usual assumptions of traditional hadronic and nuclear physics.Comment: LaTex 36 pages, 3 figures. To obtain a copy, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Vulnerable Children, Young People, and Families: Policy, Practice, and Social Justice in England and Scotland

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    This chapter begins by highlighting the rise of vulnerability as a term in social policy, and the three-level approach that is used to examine it. The first level is definitional, examining the possibility of defining vulnerability and vulnerabilities through a consideration of relevant literature and a number of recent policy documents. The second looks at how policy developments in Scotland and England have diverged, particularly since 2010, and how vulnerability has become more central to education policy in England. The third level focuses on practice, presenting research undertaken by the authors into a programme developed to support vulnerable children, young people, and families in Northern England as a case study exemplifying some of the factors affecting the effectiveness of programmes in which schools played an important but not central part. This practice perspective is still too often overlooked in discussions of policy and definition, and it is suggested that its inclusion will contribute to the ongoing debate about both how best to support vulnerable families and the implications for education and social justice

    'Duck to water' or 'fish out of water'? Diversity in the experience of negotiating the transition to university

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    Winstone and Hulme present a critical discussion of the notion of transition to university. They argue that the common emphasis on the challenging nature of the transition fails to acknowledge the diversity in students’ experiences; for some students, the liminality and discomfort experienced during this critical period in their educational journey can be a transformational and empowering rite of passage. Rather than homogenising students’ experiences, Winstone and Hulme argue that it is beneficial to explore the transition experience through the lens of students’ expectations and subsequent experiences and to view the transition to university as part of a trajectory of transition experience within a student’s educational journey. The chapter also presents practical suggestions for engaging multiple student voices in understanding and facilitating positive transition experiences

    How do High School Youths’ Educational Experiences Relate to Well-Being? Towards a Trans-Disciplinary Conceptualization

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