797 research outputs found

    Modular Porous Plate Sublimator /MPPS/ requires only water supply for coolant

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    Modular porous plate sublimators, provided for each location where heat must be dissipated, conserve the battery power of a space vehicle by eliminating the coolant pump. The sublimator requires only a water supply for coolant

    Loki, Io: New groundbased observations and a model describing the change from periodic overturn

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    Loki Patera is the most powerful volcano in the solar system. We have obtained measurements of Loki's 3.5 micron brightness from NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) and have witnessed a change from the periodic behavior previously noted. While Loki brightened by a factor of several every 540 days prior to 2001, from 2001 through 2004 Loki remained at a constant, medium brightness. We have constructed a quantitative model of Loki as a basaltic lava lake whose solidified crust overturns when it becomes buoyantly unstable. By altering the speed at which the overturn propagates across the patera, we can match our groundbased brightness data. In addition, we can match other data taken at other times and wavelengths. By slowing the propagation speed dramatically, we can match the observations from 2001-2004. This slowing may be due to a small change in volatile content in the magma

    The Lived Experience of Work and Career Among Individuals with Bipolar Disorder: A Phenomenological Study of Discussion Forum Narratives

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    Individuals with invisible chronic illnesses are often at a disadvantage in the workplace in terms of job security, promotion, and occupational success. Because little is known about the use of public online support forums to help patients with mental health disorders cope with the impact their illness has on their work and career, this research identifies and examines online forum posts related to employment by contributors with bipolar disorder. Seven percent of the total eligible posts from four discussion forums (n = 7,712) contained mentions of work and career (n = 572). A thematic analysis of the 572 posts is reported, organized by characteristics of contributors related to work and career histories, symptoms of bipolar disorder at work, needs for coping at work, the importance of work as part of a healthy life, disclosure of the illness, and recommendations by other contributors. The symptoms associated with the illness can have a negative impact in the work environment. Fear of stigma and other negative consequences inhibit workers from disclosing their condition and negotiating ways to get the fundamental accommodations they need. The posts reveal a climate of fear and uncertainty surrounding mental illness in the workplace, as well as individuals’ desire to conquer their health challenges to achieve meaning and fulfillment in their work life

    End of Program Assessments and their Association with Early Career Success in LIS

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    Analyses of North American LIS program alumni survey data indicate that the completion of any end of program assessment (EPA) or capstone is associated with certain early-career success measures. Using data collected in the Workforce Issues in Library and Information Science 2 project (WILIS 2), we examined the type of EPAs (internships, portfolios, theses, etc.) completed by students and assessed whether there are relationships between their completion and the following outcomes: length of time to secure employment after graduation, acquisition of managerial or leadership roles, job/ career satisfaction, and participation in professional and leadership activities. We also assessed the graduates’ attitudes about whether these experiences were a beneficial part of their career preparation. These results should be of interest to faculty curriculum developers and program administrators in LIS programs worldwide, since they provide insight into the relative merits of EPAs and are based on aggregate data from 39 programs and over 3,000 graduates

    Leaving librarianship: a study of the determinants and consequences of occupational turnover

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    The purpose of this study was to better understand occupational turnover among librarians and archivists by examining the careers of individuals who have left or intend to leave the profession, in order to identify the factors associated with turnover, and to discover the career outcomes of those who leave. The dissertation analyzes a subset of the data collected in 2007 by the Workforce Issues in Library and Information Science 1 (WILIS 1) project, a study of the career patterns of the graduates of five LIS master's programs in North Carolina from 1964-2007. The framework of the life course perspective was used in the analysis of quantitative and textual survey responses to facilitate a more nuanced interpretation of careers and the process of turnover in the context of personal relationships and timing over the life course. Themes related to career patterns, work values, work mismatches, turnover, and outcomes of career transitions were identified. Occupational turnover rates for this sample are low. Only 13% have left the profession, and only 2% indicate that they will leave the field within three years for reasons other than retirement. Good work relationships and opportunities for career development and advancement are important to job satisfaction, and most respondents are satisfied with their LIS work and career. Those who intend to leave or have already left cite low salaries, overwork, bureaucratic or poor management, a lack of opportunities for advancement, and the unavailability of flexible scheduling or part time work as influences on their turnover decisions. Geographical mismatches or conflicting work and family responsibilities also play a role in turnover decisions. Of those who have left library and archival work, their career outcomes are typically positive, and 91% are satisfied with their current employment. Binary logistic regression analyses with nested models confirm that the hypothesized predictors that emerged from the survey data and career narratives - job satisfaction, availability of career development opportunities, relationships with co-workers, and salary influence organizational turnover intention. Job and career satisfaction as well as the intent to leave the organization predict occupational turnover

    Discovery of seven volcanic outbursts on Io from an IRTF observation campaign 2016 to 2022

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    This study analyzes near-infrared measurements of Io, Jupiter's moon, observed over 170 nights from 2016 to early 2022 using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). During this period, seven new volcanic outbursts, the most energetic volcanic events on Io, were discovered and characterized, increasing the total number of observed outburst events from 18 to 25. We also present simplified criteria for the thermal detection of an outburst, requiring it to be both confined to a specific location of Io and above a threshold intensity in the Lp-band (3.8 micron). Our measurements use 2 to 5 micron photometry in eclipse, Jupiter occultation, and reflected sunlight. In addition to extending the observational dataset of Io's dynamic activity, these data provide insights into the temporal and spatial distribution of outbursts on Io. Notably, all seven outbursts were detected in Io's trailing hemisphere. These include Pillan Patera and a newly discovered repeating outburst location at Acala Fluctus. We add these events to the rare category of recurring outbursts, before which Tvashtar was the only known example. We observed that another outburst at UP 254W decreased in Lp-band intensity by a factor of two in 4.5 hours. In August 2021, Io exhibited high volcanic activity when two powerful outbursts rapidly appeared, propagating East. Our findings underscore IRTF's ongoing contributions to the study of Io
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