27 research outputs found

    Hydrophobic cluster analysis of G protein-coupled receptors: a powerful tool to derive structural and functional information from 2D-representation of protein sequences

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    Current methods for comparative analyses of protein sequences are 1D-alignments of amino acid sequences based on the maximization of amino acid identity (homology) and the prediction of secondary structure elements. This method has a major drawback once the amino acid identity drops below 20-25%, since maximization of a homology score does not take into account any structural information. A new technique called Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA) has been developed by Lemesle-Varloot et al. (Biochimie 72, 555-574), 1990). This consists of comparing several sequences simultaneously and combining homology detection with secondary structure analysis. HCA is primarily based on the detection and comparison of structural segments constituting the hydrophobic core of globular protein domains, with or without transmembrane domains. We have applied HCA to the analysis of different families of G-protein coupled receptors, such as catecholamine receptors as well as peptide hormone receptors. Utilizing HCA the thrombin receptor, a new and as yet unique member of the family of G-protein coupled receptors, can be clearly classified as being closely related to the family of neuropeptide receptors rather than to the catecholamine receptors for which the shape of the hydrophobic clusters and the length of their third cytoplasmic loop are very different. Furthermore, the potential of HCA to predict relationships between new putative and already characterized members of this family of receptors will be presente

    Synthesis and characterization of photoactivatable peptide agonists of the human thrombin receptor

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    Chemical synthesis and biochemical analysis of modified agonist peptides of the human thrombin receptor derived from the sequence SFLLRNP containing photoactivatable azido groups and biotin for sensitive detection is described. Substitution of leucine in position three with p-azidophenylalanine and extension of the C-terminus with a KGGK spacer containing biotin covalently linked to the side chain of the C-terminal lysine residue resulted in an active receptor agonist as determined by intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in human erythroleukemia (HEL) cells. In contrast, substitution of phenylalanine in position two with p-azidophenylalanine reduced agonist activity significantl

    Effect of liposome-encapsulated clodronate pretreatment on synthetic vector-mediated gene expression in mice

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    One of the main limitations for the use of synthetic vectors in gene therapy is their relatively low in vivo efficiency when compared with viral vectors. Here, we describe a pretreatment protocol with liposome-encapsulated clodronate in mice by which gene expression levels of a luciferase reporter gene could be increased up to nine-fold in the lung, after intravenous (i.v.) injection of glycerolipoplexes. Optimal results were obtained if mice were pretreated with liposome-encapsulated clodronate 1 day before injection of lipoplexes. The enhancement effect could be observed for lipoplexes prepared with different multivalent cationic glycerolipids. Most remarkably, polyplexes behaved in the opposite way. Liposome-encapsulated clodronate pretreatment strongly reduced reporter gene expression after i.v. injection of polyethylenimine-polyplexes (ExGen500

    Solvoplex: a new type of synthetic vector for intrapulmonary gene delivery

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    A novel type of synthetic vector, termed solvoplex, is described that can greatly enhance gene expression in lung after intrapulmonary delivery. Solvoplexes consist of plasmid DNA and organic solvents. Several organic solvents were analyzed, and luciferase reporter gene expression was observed after intrapulmonary delivery of solvoplexes containing DPSO (di-n-propylsulfoxide), TMU (tetramethylurea), or BMSO (butylmethylsulfoxide). Expression levels correlated with the amount of solvent used at constant DNA amounts. Highest expression was obtained in the lung after intratracheal injection with 15% DPSO resulting in an increase up to 440-fold compared with DNA alone. DPSO-solvoplexes (15%) gave higher reporter gene expression than polyplexes (ExGen 500) or lipoplexes (DOTAP-cholesterol or DOTAP-DOPE). Solvoplex-mediated gene expression did not depend on the delivery mode, and was observed in both mice and rats. Readministration of DPSO-solvoplexes was possible. A second injection after 4 weeks resulted in expression levels similar to the first administration. Histological analyses using lacZ and GFP reporter genes demonstrated gene expression in the lung airway epithelium after intratracheal and microspray delivery. When luciferase expression levels in lung homogenates were compared with adenovirus vectors, DPSO-solvoplexes were 4- or 100-fold less efficient, depending on the promoter used in the viral vector. A quantitative histological comparison between solvoplexes and adenovirus vectors in the best expressing regions revealed that solvoplexes yielded about 2% LacZ-positive cells in the lung airway epithelium, and adenovirus vectors about 20%. Using the microsprayer system, we demonstrated that DNA remained intact in solvoplexes on spraying and that reporter gene expression was observed in mice after intrapulmonary delivery of a solvoplex spray. DNA in DPSO-solvoplexes remained stable and functional after prolonged storage at room temperatur