1,121 research outputs found

    Polymorphic Microsatellite markers with Egg Production Traits in local Chickens: Review

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     Egg production traits are quantitative trait in nature that control by regions of the genome are termed microsatellites that considered to be association with this trait. This review was aimed to provide information related to polymorphism egg production trait of local chickens and association with microsatellites markers

    Solving Fractional Damped Burgers' Equation Approximately by Using The Sumudu Transform (ST) Method

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    في هذا البحث , يتم حل معادلة بيركر دامبت الكسرية من الصيغة          In this work, the fractional damped Burger's equation (FDBE) formula    = 0

    GARDNet: Robust Multi-View Network for Glaucoma Classification in Color Fundus Images

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    Glaucoma is one of the most severe eye diseases, characterized by rapid progression and leading to irreversible blindness. It is often the case that diagnostics is carried out when one's sight has already significantly degraded due to the lack of noticeable symptoms at early stage of the disease. Regular glaucoma screenings of the population shall improve early-stage detection, however the desirable frequency of etymological checkups is often not feasible due to the excessive load imposed by manual diagnostics on limited number of specialists. Considering the basic methodology to detect glaucoma is to analyze fundus images for the optic-disc-to-optic-cup ratio, Machine Learning algorithms can offer sophisticated methods for image processing and classification. In our work, we propose an advanced image pre-processing technique combined with a multi-view network of deep classification models to categorize glaucoma. Our Glaucoma Automated Retinal Detection Network (GARDNet) has been successfully tested on Rotterdam EyePACS AIROGS dataset with an AUC of 0.92, and then additionally fine-tuned and tested on RIM-ONE DL dataset with an AUC of 0.9308 outperforming the state-of-the-art of 0.9272. Our code is available on https://github.com/ahmed1996said/gardnetComment: Keywords: Glaucoma Classification, Color Fundus Images. Computer Aided Diagnosis. Deep Learnin

    Perception of Jaw Osteonecrosis among Medical Specialists Perception of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws among Iraqi Medical Specialists

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    Objective Osteonecrosis of the jaws is the adverse effect of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic agents, which is termed as medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ). This complication, which is prominent and growing, is seen in the oral and maxillofacial region. This cross-sectional survey aimed to evaluate MRONJ awareness among Iraqi medical specialists. Materials and Methods A questionnaire-based survey was performed on medical specialists practicing general surgery, urology, orthopedics, rheumatology, and oncology. The questionnaire consisted of four questions regarding drug prescription, patients’ preparation before drug administration, in addition to awareness and knowledge about MRONJ. Results Among 132 specialists, 57% did not prescribe such drugs. A significant difference existed among groups regarding dental referral, and MRONJ awareness and knowledge. The highest rates were seen in the oncologist group. Conclusions Improvement of MRONJ perception and knowledge among medical specialists, besides implementation of dental referral, are essential in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of MRONJ

    Across-sectional survey on medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws' knowledge and awareness in a sample of dental society

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    Background Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) is a prominent complication and growing problem related to the oral and maxillofacial region due to antiresorptive and antiangiogenic agents. Awareness about MRONJ is crucial for all dental practitioners identify ‘at risk’ patients for appropriate advice and management. This cross-sectional survey aimed to appraise MRONJ awareness and knowledge among dentists. Materials and methods A questionnaire-based survey was carried out through one hundred and seventy eight dentist who recruited in three groups; the first group comprised 113 general dental practitioners (GDP), 33 dental radiologist (DR) included in the second, and 32 oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) in the third group. MRONJ awareness was evaluated by asking all respondents a question of “Did you heard about MRONJ? In addition, the detailed knowledge on the subject in question were addressed through fourteen, nine, and three questions for OMSs, DRs, and GDPs respectively. Results A significant difference were existed among groups with a rate of MRONJ's awareness of 33.6%, 48.5%, and 84.4% for GDPs, DRs, and OMSs respectively. Concerning MRONJ knowledge, significantly highest rates seen in OMSs set with 48.55%. In contrast, the average scores of DRs were 30.64%, and the GDPs group recorded the least value with 16.67%. Conclusions Strengthen the MRONJ awareness and knowledge among general dentists and dental specialists are essential to identify ‘at risk’ patients for appropriate advice and management

    Functional role of polysaccharide intercellular adhesin during Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm interaction with the innate immune system.

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    Synthesis of polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA), accumulation associated protein (Aap) and extracellular matrix binding protein (Embp) are major mechanisms used by Staphylococcus epidermidisto evade immunity through biofilm formation. These evasion strategies are particularly suited for colonisation of medical devices such as heart valves, joint prostheses and central venous catheters resulting in significant patient morbidity. Two biological activities of PIA, Aap and Embp contribute to their role as an evasion molecules. Firstly their ‘barrier’ function limiting penetration of immune cells and antibiotics. Secondly, their ‘immunomodulatory’ properties which influence cytokine responses. At present little is known about these functional activities in physiological media and biological fluids.This thesis uses a cell biology approach to study the environment necessary for PLA production. Specifically in vitromodelling of biofilm formation, PIA production and S. epidermidisleukocyte co-culture experiments have been used to assess conditions that are conducive for PIA production.This thesis has identified that:• Specific cell culture media cause unique profiles of biofilm accumulation with differential production of PIA, Aap and Embp.• Fetal bovine serum and pooled human serum support S. epidermidisgrowth but differentially affect biofilm formation by PIA, Aap and Embp.• Large scale production of PIA (~20mg) can be achieved by culturing in Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Media which has allowed streamlining of current isolation procedures.• PIA induction of cytokines, including IL-8 and TNF is dependent on being tethered to the bacterial membrane.• Macrophages can penetrate into a S. epidermidisproduced PIA ‘barrier’.• Immunosuppression of whole blood with dexamethasone unmasks the pathogenic advantage of PIA in S. epidermidisexpressing PIA compared to negative controls.• Whole blood killing of S. epidermidisis dependent on CD1 lb/CD 18.• PIA induces whole blood killing dysfunction which is likely related to C5a production.• PIA can be produced in a whole blood environment.• Inocula of -1 0 colony forming unit of S. epidermidisare required to form biofilms in whole blood.This study suggests the importance of studying clinically important biofilm production mechanisms under conditions that closely resemble those in human disease

    Genetic Detection of IMP-1 Gene and its Relationship with Biofilm Formation in Klebsiella pneumonia

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    المقدمة: Klebsiella pneumoniae,تعتبر بكتريا طبيعية موجودة على الجلد وفي الامعاء .لكن تسبب تلف الرئة و خطر هذه  البكتريا هو التعرض لها اثتاء التواجد في المستشفى. المواد وطرق العمل: تم تشخيص البكتريا بواسطة الطرق المظهرية و البايو كيميائية وتم التاكيد على التشخيص بنظام الفايتك .مقاومة البكتريا للمضادات الحياتية تم باستخدام طريقة كيربي-باير.وبالطريقة الجينية تم الكشف عن وجود جينات الميتالوبيتالاكتاميز باستخدام تفاعل البلمرة و بعدها تحديد تكوين البايوفيلم بالعزلات بطريقة الاطباق الدقيقة . النتائج والمناقشة: تضمنت الدراسة الحالية جمع 50 عينة من عينات سريرية مختلفة (40٪ من الدم ، 30٪ من البول ، 20٪ من البلغم، 10٪ من الجروح). 10 Klebsiella pneumoniae واظهرت جميع العزلات قيد الدراسة مقاومة عالية تجاه السيفيتريكسون ، الأمبيسلين ، الأموكسيسيلين ، التيكارسيلين ، التيكارسيلين + حامض كلافولانيك ،و السيفتازيديم باختبار الانتشار بالاقراص. تميزت جميع العزلات باحتوائها على أعلى مقاومة بنسبة 100٪ ضد المضادات الحيوية قيد الدراسة. حددت هذه الدراسة قيمة التركيزالمثبط الأدنى لثمانية شرائط باستخدام اختبارE للعزلات. وكذلك كانت العزلات ذات إنتاج بيوفيلم قوي لثلاثة عزلات ، بينما كانت ثلاثة عزلات متوسطة تكوين الأغشية الحيوية والعزلات الأخرى كانت ضعيفة الانتاج, عندما كانت قيمة (P≤0.05) تعتبروجود فروق معنوية. والكشف عن النمط الجيني لجينات Metalo-beta ᵦlactamase ، ( (IMP-1,(  بواسطة تقني PCR تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل في Klebsiella pneumoniae ، تم الكشف عن ثلاث عزلات فقط ؛ 30٪ من العزلات (اثنتان من البول وواحدة من الدم) تحتوي على الجين. (IMP-1) كما وجدت الدراسة علاقة بين جين. وتكوين الأغشية الحيوية في العزلات التي كانت تحتوي  الجين عندما كانت .(P≤ 0.05) الاستنتاجات: تم عزل البكتريا من مصادر مختلفة. كانت جميع العزلات مقاومة للمضادات الحياتية قيد الدراسة . العزلات كانت حاملة لجينات المقاومة IMP-1, ,كما وجدت الدراسة لن هناك علاقة بين وجود جين1 .IMP-  وتكوين البايوفيلم في  هذه البكتريا .Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae were considered as normal flora of skin, and intestine. It can cause damage to human lungs; the danger of this bacterium is related to exposure to the hospital surroundings. materials and methods: the detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae on morphological and biochemical tests and then assured with VITEK 2 system. Resistance to antibiotics was determined by Kirby-Baeur method. And genotyping of IMP-1 in isolates was done by PCR technique, then biofilm formation was identified by Micro titer plate method. Results: The present study included a collecting of 50 specimens from different clinical specimens, (blood 40%, urine 30%, sputum 20%, wound infection 10%); 10 isolates were identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae . All isolates, under study, developed high resistance toward Cefitrixon, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Ticarcillin, Ticarcillin+Clavulanic acid, and Ceftazidim estimated by disc diffusion method. All isolates characterized by harboring the highest resistant in a percentage reached 100% against antibiotics, under study. This study determined the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration were detected by eight E-test strips for isolates. As well as the isolates were strong biofilm production for three isolates, while three were moderate of biofilm formation and other isolates were weak former; at the value of (P≤0.05) was considered as a significant. Genotype detection of Metalo-beta lactamase (IMP-1) by PCR technique in Klebsiella pneumoniae . Upon using PCR technique exposed only three isolates;30% of isolates (two from urine, one from blood) samples harbored IMP-1 gene. The study was also found relationship between IMP-1 and biofilm formation in isolates which were harboring these genes, when (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: K. pneumoniae were isolated from different sources. All isolates were resistant to most antibiotics used in this study. The isolates have Metallo-beta lactamse. PCR was showed K. pneumoniae have IMP-1 gene,.This study also found there was relationship between biofilm formation and IMP-1 gene in K. pneumoniae (P≤0.05). &nbsp

    High heterogeneity of malaria transmission and a large sub-patent and diverse reservoir of infection in Wusab As Safil district, Republic of Yemen.

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    BACKGROUND: Yemen remains the country with the highest malaria transmission within the Arabian Peninsula and a source of imported cases to neighbouring countries. METHODS: This study collected samples from individuals resident in a valley in Western Yemen as a baseline to examine infection prevalence for a future trial. As well as rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and microscopy, a filter paper blood spot was collected for molecular and serological analyses. RESULTS: Samples were collected from 2261 individuals from 12 clusters across a study area of approximately 100 km(2). Plasmodium falciparum infection prevalence was 12.4, 11.1 and 19.6% by RDT, microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. RDT and microscopy did not detect 45% of infections present, suggesting many infections were low-density. Infection prevalence and seroprevalence were highly heterogeneous between clusters, with evidence of higher exposure in clusters close to the wadi. The mean multiplicity of infection (MOI) was 2.3 and high heterozygosity and allelic richness were detected. CONCLUSIONS: This highly diverse parasite population suggests a high degree of transmissibility and coupled with the substantial proportion of low-density infections, may pose challenges for malaria control and elimination efforts

    The Complex Management of Mechanical Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis

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    Mechanical prosthetic valve thrombosis (PVT) is a serious condition that is associated with various life-threatening complications. The utilization of multimodality imaging techniques is critical in identifying this etiology. Its management is complex and often requires repeat surgical valve replacements. Our report describes the case of a 48-year-old female who presented with mechanical mitral valve thrombosis in the setting of subtherapeutic anticoagulation. Due to her complex surgical history, nonsurgical therapeutic options were initially pursued for management. Through shared decision-making and after exhaustion of other alternatives, she was maintained on optimized medical therapy and was scheduled for repeat elective surgery. After compliance with medical therapy and close monitoring, she improved significantly, and her underlying pathology completely resolved, eliminating the need for surgery. This report indicates that the management of mechanical prosthetic valve thrombosis should be individualized and emphasizes the importance of involving a multidisciplinary team of medical and surgical professionals to achieve the best clinical outcomes